

'Just go,' the countess urged, her sharp fingers jabbing into the young man's flesh, 'You know your Father... wishes for it,' her voice was silky, husky and dripping with seduction.

'Why should I listen to what he says?' the young one growled back, a surprisingly guttural sound, seductive, dangerous but yet so inexperienced, 'He's not even my father'.

A slap smacked onto his cheek, disturbing the silk canvas of quiet that had cloaked the darkness. The young man flinched in pain but the moment was already over.

'Don't insult Him in front of me,' the countess purred, moving one bared leg up the young man's lap as she touched his cheek with bipolar gentleness.

He did not speak and in the dark the air grew thicker, 'How long must I stay for?'

'For as long as He wants you to,' the countess whispered, littering kisses up his throat. Blood ribbed the edges of her love bites, real bites, but the young one seemed unharmed as he stared forward into the darkness.

He would be sent away.