
The Devil's Marionette| Blue Lock

▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ If you are the devil, I am willing to be the marionette in your hands. If you are the marionette, I am willing to cut the strings at the cost of my life. Tell me, dear, what do you prefer? ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Ever since he remembered, Aoi's every second of life was dictated by people around him from what he should eat to who he should marry. One day, he just snapped. He became the freest person but at the same time, bound by strings of fate. He thought this is how he should spend his life; alone and cold. That is how it should be. That is how it was meant to be. .....Until he saw like-minded monsters in Blue Lock. . . . Heh, too bad his heart is already dead. ................................. Note: This is BL Bl (got it? *wink*)

Justamobpassinby · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Ch 1// Ego

"Congratulations, you unpolished gems."

The unknown youth's eyelids fluttered open, and his sight slowly gazed toward where the noise was coming.

"All you under-18 strikers have been chosen solely based on my criteria and biases to be here today."

His bottomless-abyss eyes dispassionately looked at the lanky man who was giving a heartfelt speech.

The man chuckled, "All 300 of you."

The youth slowly got up.

"I am Jinpachi Ego. My job is to make Japan a team capable of winning the World Cup," Ego grinned with both madness and rationality present in his eyes, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

The youth leaned towards the wall, his curly bangs successfully covering his eyes. With the background noise being provided, he almost fell asleep again. Luckily, his slouched body was supported by the wall beside him so he managed not to fall on his face.

His normal behavior in this abnormal situation made some people took a glance at him, but they paid him no mind more than that...as it should be a matter of course. He slowly faded into the background again.




"I...I will not throw away my own team!"

"That right...! I'm also playing at Nationals!"

"And why the hell do we have to all live together!"

All kinds of noise and chaos broke out across the hall. The youth's eyes slowly open under his bangs only to reveal heterochromia eyes that lack the basic constituent of a human; Soul.

How boring.

"Thow away your common sense. When you're on the field...You are the star."

Several students with various characteristics rushed toward the gate that would either lead to their personal hell or heaven with vigor and strength only youths possesses.

Ego looked towards the back of the hall where only one youth remained. He neither spoke nor made any indication to the young man. His face was plastered with a wide grin.

The youth slowly straightened away from the wall and picked up his bag. He slowly pushed up his curly bangs and revealed his soulless eyes.


His shadow got darker.




It soon took the form of a monster.


It enveloped the youth from behind trying to drag the youth toward the abyss.


It gave up after trying to drag him to no available. And instead of getting angry, the monster...no the devil chuckled and gave him its blessing.


It soon disappeared in his shadow.

With each step, the youth shortly arrived in front of Ego. The youth paused and nodded towards Ego. All it took was three steps to walk away from Ego and arrived in front of the gate.

But in just three steps, it seems as if the youth had changed into someone unrecognizable. The gloomy aura surrounding him all the time disappeared and replacing it was a bright and sunny aura. His back was uptight, filled with compassion and benevolence, ready to forgive anything evil.

His once dull eyes, now filled with colors and hope for the future, making his already beautiful eyes ethereal.

As for whether he truly has hope for the future...who knows.

Ego looked towards the already closed gate and grinned almost insanely, " Arai Aoi...The Devil's Marionette.."

"How interesting...This will become football's most critical moment."