
The Devil's Last Son

Nicklas_McCall · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Too Much For A First Day

"Superman is awake," Seth said.

I woke up feeling great and sad at the same time.

"Superman?" I asked

"Yh, you are now officially Acropolis's only superhero," Seth said, "show him the video, Spencer"

Spencer gave me his phone and played the video of me missing the dunk last night. I'm pretty sure the person who was videoing me was using an iPhone because everything is clear.

"Now I won't take a car to lectures because you are gonna fly me there," Prince said jokingly.

And they all started laughing.

"Great, now I'm the popular guy in school right now, way to go, Nick," I said to myself.

I took my bath and wore a white colored top with black jeans and the same black sneakers. My roommate and I left the room together because we were going for the orientation, and on the way, I could see a lot of people staring at me, especially the ladies, they would stare at me and say something to themselves and let out a laugh.

"So that's what it's like to be walking with the popular guy in school," Seth said "It's not that bad."

We sat in the shuttle, I took my phone and opened WhatsApp since it's been a while. I saw that I had been added to the Acropolis WhatsApp group, and my first instinct was to look for a lady. So I looked through the participants and took the pain to look through everybody's profile picture.

I was about to give up because I had looked through about half of the list but there is no one to talk to. Then I saw the name Asereht with a love emoji though the person has used a male model for the profile picture, something keeps telling me to chat with the person, she might be a female.

So I took the pain and sent the person a hi.

The shuttle stopped and we all got down.

"All fresh-year students should follow me," a man said as we followed him.

I have to admit Cladswell is a very nice school, with amazing facilities and a neat compound, you will have no words to describe it.

Halfway there, the man pointed his finger at a huge building and told us to enter.

"That's our auditorium," he said.

I thought I have seen it all but, damn this building is world-class. I don't know how they did it but the interior is made up of glass, you can see your reflection everywhere.

"Beautiful right," Rick said

"Yeah, it really-"

" Don't tell me you haven't seen this before" Spencer interrupted me.

"Of course, we have seen it before but this one is different, it's very beautiful," Rick said.

"Please, try to find a seat, the orientation will start very soon," a middle-aged woman said through the microphone.

So we sat down and waited for the program to start.

"Welcome to Caldwell University, "a tall man said "a school of great opportunities"

The man talked for 3 hours straight, I looked over to Spencer and he was using his phone, same as Rick and Prince as for Seth he was listening attentively.

I also took my phone and opened WhatsApp, I saw that Asereht had replied to me so I sent another message

" Name is Nicklas, saw your number in the Acropolis group and wanted to talk to you" I replied to her.

And to my disappointment she was not online so I had to wait.

I heard people clapping as the man finished his long and boring speech.

My phone vibrated as I received a text message, it reads

"Dear Nicklas, please come to the General Office at 5 pm"

I guess they want to tell me more about the supernatural whatever they were talking about.

"Please go out for lunch, when you come back we will do the school tour," a pretty fair lady said through the microphone.

"I'm feeling sleepy," Spencer said

"Same here bro" Rick also complained.

We stepped outside and there he was, the last person I wanted to see

"Superman, how are you doing" Stephen said with a smile on your face.

"Last time I checked, it wasn't part of your business" I replied.

"Come on, that's not the way to greet an old friend," he said " and you seriously can't be pissed because you lost yesterday," he said with a smile on his face.

" Well you won yesterday, true but, I won to win the title back in high school" I replied.

This time I was the one smiling.

He left without saying a word.

"Well, that was intense," Prince said shortly after Stephen left.

"We should find something to eat," Rick said.

We ate rice and went back to the auditorium.

"Welcome back, please group yourself, each group with a different tour guide," the fair lady said.

My roommates and I joined a group.

"The group should be made up of 20 people," the fair lady said shortly after we joined the group.

"Hope you guys are ready for the tour, pay close attention else you might get lost when lectures start," a tall dark guy said

"I'm Richard, your tour guide for today," Richard said with a smile.

"Now please, follow me," he said as he made his way out of the auditorium.

Richard showed us where we would have our lectures, another cool place to eat, and the most popular of them all the Saint Christopher Library.

"The Saint Christopher library is the biggest, largest, and most beautiful library in the country. In there, everybody is at your disposal "

And at that moment, everybody took his phone out and started taking pictures of the library. Painted in blue and white, Saint Christopher Library is something to draw your attention to.

"I don't see anything special about this library," Spencer said.

"You have got to be kidding me," Seth said in his usual low tone" This is best of the best"

"Leave him, he just doesn't know how to appreciate things," Prince said.

"Can we please move on?" Richard said.

We moved on to the various halls, and I barely fought a tear when we passed by the Casely-Hayford Hall.

"So Richard, do you mind if I start socializing because I just can't get my eye off that pretty lady in the green colored top"

One guy asked.

The whole group started laughing.

"Of course you can, I can even help you" Richard replied.

With that said the guy approached the lady and they started talking.

"And that applies to all of you, socialize, after all, we are in the university," Richard said with a smile.

And all of a sudden, the guys were approaching the ladies, I looked over to my side to talk to my roommates but nope they were also socializing including Seth.

"Don't tell me you are shy of ladies" Esther said.

"Esther, you are part of my group?" I asked

"Yh," she said.

I'm not usually like this but this girl is very beautiful, the blue colored top she is wearing blends well with her fair skin, making her irresistible. And her cute lips, I can kiss them the whole day if she lets me.

"You....haven't answered my question?" She asked again

"Yeah sorry, nope I'm not shy about girls" I answered her question.

"I'm even surprised no guy is talking to you," I said.

She let a little laugh and smiled at me.

"Honestly, I'm even surprised," she said" I'm pretty sure they didn't see me"

"I have to thank God, I can have you for myself," I said

"You have to," she said laughing.

"So tell me something I don't know about you," I said.

"Don't worry, you will" she said with a smile

"First of all, you are a fine babe, second, you are full of mystery," I said "Who knows what the third one will be"

She burst out laughing.

"But as for me I know one thing about you," she said.

"Really?, that is," I asked.

"You have a good sense of humor," she said.

"And that brings us to the end of this tour," Richard said " I enjoyed the tour, I don't know about you guys"

"Of course we did," the guy who asked for permission to socialize said.

"Till we see each other again it's goodbye for now and please guys don't forget to take their phone numbers it's very important," he said and left.

I looked at the time and I was 5 minutes late, I had to go.

"Esther, I have to go somewhere so maybe we will talk more," I said

"I can see you don't listen to advice," Esther said.

"Advice?" I asked

"Yeah, what did Richard say about phone numbers" She said with a smile.

I couldn't help but laugh, I took my phone and gave it to her and she started dialing her phone number.

"I will surely give you a call," I said

I took the shuttle and straight to Acropolis Hall. I knocked at the General Office door.

"Come in," the mysterious man said.

I went in and he was standing there.

"You are late," he said. "follow me"

We went to the rooftop and saw 2 black birds sitting on the wall. Surprisingly there were people around but they couldn't see us.

"There is a spell that is protecting us," he said

It's like he knows what I'm thinking.

He went to the birds and said.

"Sometimes the only way out is through"

The two birds stared at each other and a door appeared out of nowhere.

"Follow me," he said as he walked through, I followed him, and as soon as I entered, the door disappeared.

We were in a building made up of brick walls, I followed him and we reached a place with a large door, he opened the door and we went in.

The room was huge with 3 large round tables, each with one-legged chairs around it. And there a stairs which lead to a small stage which also has a large table but it is not round and with 4 chairs.

Everyone was staring at me, the mysterious man left me and went to the second round table and sat on one of the chairs.

"Quiet," the man sitting in the middle at the large table on the stage said and stood up.

Normally any occult group will wear strange and the same clothes but this one is different, the 4 people on the stage are wearing executive wear whilst those down are wearing casual clothes.

"Nicklas step forward," the man said.

I went forward and reached the stairs.

"Kneel," he said in a completely different voice.

I did what he told me to do.

"Nicklas McCall" he mentioned my name and started approaching me," you are officially welcome to the Whisper Sentinels, the secret society which aims at teaching its students to take control of the supernatural powers. Do you accept to be part of the Whisper Sentinels?" He asked.

Is that man seriously asking if I want to be part of a supernatural group, of course, who will say no to this request?

"Yes," I said.

"Then" he drew a sign in thin air a sword appeared in his hands "Rise Nicklas" as he placed the sword on my head.

The other members started clapping. I stood up expecting to feel something strange in me but nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Let me introduce myself,  I'm Johnathan Reece grand master, and the man in the blue suit is Samuel Blue, master of the telekinesis group, and the hot lady over there is Rita Donovan, master of the magic group, and finally Stephan McKay master of the telepathy group." He looked at me and smiled.

"The three round tables represent the power that you have, be it telekinesis, telepathy, or magic, but, sadly you are not in any of them," he said "We don't know the type of powers you have but results show that you are supernatural, so we will figure everything out together, until then" he snapped his fingers and a table and a chair appeared "you will sit there whenever we have a meeting" he went back to his seat.

"But if you have any questions feel free to ask Elena," Johnathan said.