
The Devil's Dominion

EXTRACT FROM STORY "Please let me go i want to go home please" Light pleaded. "And why should i free you when you came running to me for help?" Lord Duke asked with a sly smile. "You heard yourself? I only came to you for help not to trap me here... please i want to go back home my uncle would already be looking for me" Light tried to come down from the bed when Lord Duke pushed her back before laying untop of her. "Thought your uncle is a shameless man w.hore?"He asked and Light immediately swallowed her words back. ** Smith Light, was a young youthful girl who was living with her uncle after the death of her parents and life over there was tough and hard for her. She was being maltreated and tortured by both her uncle, aunty and cousins but she wasn't the type to keep her mouth shut which always landed her in troubles. But that wasn't all, her uncle was a wicked and shameless man whore who wanted to had his way with her. He wanted to have everything about her and Light kept on resisting while pleading for help. She decided to make up her mind on a certain day and ran away from home just to seek for help but ended up in a rough and bad situation which she immediately regretted. She met herself in the bed of another man who turns out to be ruthless, heartless and more dangerous than her uncle. But who's he?? Lord Duke also known as Lord Of Darkeness, a man full of authority and power that the world revolves round his finger. A man who's been feared by everyone and at the mention of his name everyone immediately becomes scared to death. What happened when Light came running to him for help unknowingly to her, who he was. But instead of him helping her he turned her to his own personal sex toy and pet that Light had to find all means to escape from him but would she succeed?? Her main aim was to seek for a saviour but who's going to save her from the ultimate Lord Duke himself?? Let's find out...

DaoistW56ahH · Urban
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4 Chs

Seduce My Fiancee

"Are you crazy?" Moon slapped her again and Mabel quickly rushed to her.

"Stop it" Mabel stood in front of Light who was standing motionlessly.

"She's trying to seduce my fiancee, how dare you kiss her?" Moon asked angrily.

"Are you blind?, Didn't you see Mikel kissing her?" Mabel asked and Moon immediately faced Mikel.

"That's a lie, Light kissed me and not me who kissed her" Mikel immediately denied it before taking his mask off and Light who was silent faced him with a shocked look.

Leonardo crossed his arms while starring at the whole scene. He was still very surprised that Light wasn't saying anything when she's being accused making her wonder if she's actually a Smith.

He has been with so many Smith's and they're known for being mischievous and not to forget that they're short tempered but why is this particular one silent.

He frowned wondering why is brother was shifting the blame on Light.

"I kissed you first?" Light asked before walking out of Mabel's back.

"Yes you forced me into kissing you" Mikel said.

"This who she's, she's my sister yet she wants to snatch away my fiancee from me" Moon raised her hand to slap her again when her hands fell on a hard chest.

"Leonardo?" Moon called before moving back.

"Is this the girl my brother is getting married to?" Leonardo asked with a disapproved look.

"Isn't she your elder sister?" He asked.

"She's my cous...."

"Cousin sister who's older than you right?" Leonardo asked and she nod her head.

"Wow, this is so surprising. Like this particular set of the Smith are you unbelievable, like what audacity would she raised her hands to slap her own elder sister, I mean it's like Mikel trying to slap me which is so impossible" Leonardo said and Mr Smith, Light's uncle who hasn't been around walked in and met the commotion.

"Leonardo?" Mrs Cecilia walked towards him.

"Don't get involve with their problems" She said while pressing his hands softly.

"This is our in law and we have a right to get involve" Leonardo said.

"My sister in law is so spoilt may I know why in law?" Leonardo faced Aunty Sarah who immediately forced a smile.

"Moon why would you act that way with your elder sister?" Aunty Sarah walked up to her before slapping her and both Light and Mabel was shocked by her actions.

They both gave each other a strange look before facing them back.

"Now apologize to your sister" She commanded.

"Mother?" Moon called with her hands on her face.

"I said you should apologize to her" She shouted and Moon faced Light with angry face.


"I don't need any apologies from you Moon" Light said cutting her off.

"I alone knows the repercussions of your actions so keep your apologies to yourself" She said before facing Leonardo.

"Mr Leonardo thanks" She turned back and walked away already tired of the event.

"Mikel come with me" Leonardo grabbed Mikel by his collar and started pulling him out.

"Moon?" Aunty Sarah called trying to touch her but Moon dodged her and quickly ran upstairs in tears.

"Moon?" Aunty Sarah immediately went after her.

"Mr Smith?" Mrs Cecilia called after sighting him.

"Daddy?" Starr immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Starr my dear" He hugged her back before pulling her away from him.

"Mrs Johnson?" Uncle Bob shook hands with her.

"I was starting to think the bride's father won't show his face today" Mrs Cecelia said and Uncle Bob laughed.

"Oh my, I won't love missing my daughter's day" He said and they both laughed.

"Anyways what happened?, I mean why was your son looking angry?" He asked.

"Your daughter Moon was misbehaving that's why he got pissed. I mean why would Moon slapped her elder sister twice?" Mrs Cecilia asked and Uncle Bob's face immediately changed.

"What? She slapped Light?" Uncle Bob asked with his eyes blazing fire.

"Dad?" Starr called softly.

"Where's your sister?" He asked and Starr gulped hard.

"She's in her room" Starr replied.

"Am sorry for what happened Mrs Johnson, I promised to put her in her position" Uncle Bob apologized to her before walking upstairs.

"Is your Dad going to kill her?" Mrs Cecilia who sensed Mr Smith to be in a fit of rage asked.

"Whatttt... no, he's just going to talk to her. Why are bothering yourself aunty let's go enjoy ourselves" Starr held her hands before leading her towards the wine bar.

She was also scared of what her father is going to do to Moon cause they all know he doesn't like Light being touched by them and now Moon slapped her, then she's so gone.


"What was that all about?" Leonardo asked before letting go of his collar.

"Am sorry brother" He apologizes.

"You're sorry? Are you apologizing to me? Why would you kiss your fiancee sister and then push the blame on her?" Leonardo asked.

"I didn't intend to kiss her but my body acted on his own accord. When I was dancing with her I felt a different kind of feeling that I haven't felt with anyone before not even with Moon. Her skin was so soft and flawless, her eyes that were starring at me was enchanting, and then her pink pluffy lips that were calling my name, I couldn't resist it brother that's why I kissed her. She tasted so sweet tho I wanted more if it but i regret my actions, because I cheated on my fiancee" Mikel said and Leonardo eyes on him became fierce.

"You shouldn't be getting married" He said and Mikel immediately shot his eyes at him.

"Why did you say so?" Mikel asked.

"Because you're not ready for it, obviously you're not"Leonardo backed him.

"If you ever felt that way with any girl then it's best you quickly let go of the girl and hold until you fiancee, but you don't know this thing so cancel your wedding before it's too late for you" Leonardo said before walking away and Mikel stood at his position while watching him.

"His he really ready to get married?" He questioned himself.