
The Devil's Contract: Curse of Archangel

It all began when Crystalle Maurienne Elizabeth Cullen's family was massacred by a group known as "Black Butterfly," and she was the only one to survive when a perilous being from a parallel universe recognized as "Devian Xenon" saved her by making a contract with her, in exchange for which Crystalle had to give him her soul. She made a promise to herself that she would avenge their deaths and pursue the black butterfly organization no matter what happened, even if it meant doing so in the depths of hell, and ever since then, her life has been turned upside down, especially since she became the leader of the phantom's knight that her father left to her when he passed away. But as she draws closer to obtaining the justice she seeks, she also gradually reveals the darkest secrets her family is hiding— a mysterious secrets that might change her life. A/N: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Anonypen_ · Fantasie
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40 Chs


inside of the gymnasium..

booggsshh boooggsshh booogssh!

An alarming sound can be heard inside one after another as the people become increasingly anxious. It quickly becomes chaotic and most of them try to open the door, but they are unable to do so. This only makes them more anxious.

"Let's get out of here!"

Damn, this is how the Black Butterfly apparently treat their guests?

"darn! Let me out!"

Meanwhile, the headmistress continued to calm them down but then clicked her tongue in exasperation and whispered, "These fucking idiots."

Suddenly, smoke started to come out from the corners of the gymnasium, and it soon turned into a thick fog. Then, in the center of the room, a man suddenly fell to the ground with a pale complexion and open eyes. His mouth was full of small blood droplets, as soon as the nearby student saw this, she screamed.


The voice of the woman echoed through the whole gymnasium, making the people feel anxious. This made some of them take out their own daggers and guns, resulting in a chaotic scene full of bloodshed and dead bodies. Some people were trying to open the door, but it was blocked by the fallen walls outside. Shivering voices could be heard, as well as their despair.



meanwhile, class zero stood in the corner of the gymnasium and watched the whole place turn into a slaughterhouse.

"bunch of idiots.. the smoke wasn't poison!" keir shouted while looking around them However, it as if no one heard him that makes him click his tongue, 'this must be phantom's knight plan, rather than killing them, they make them kill each other instead.' he thought, and look at the balcony but he barely see anything but only a deep and profound darkness. 'and how can I even reach in the balcony if there are dozens of corpses from the ground?!' he added to himself.

"Aahh seriously! how can we stop them?! at this rate, if we keep letting them killed each other, the P.N academy will lose half of it's students!" Alexandra says towards them with an anxious face. "We couldn't find the others as well, where the hell did they ought to.." she added.

"seems like we have no choice, then.. let's try to make some of them sleep, or else these chaos wouldn't end." jotaro suggested, but in truth is, he only wants to collect the souls that have left and nothing else. hearing this words, keir suddenly think of something. 'then.. this is my chance!'

"that's a great decision, miller! then.. I'll try the others to hold them up!" keir smile widely as he run towards the balcony, zepphyr was about to stop him but it's already too late, so he just sigh heavily, when a student from the side made a sudden attack towards her yet zepphyr just calmly went in the side and hit her neck causes her to fall down.

"Let's go." Alexandra said seriously.


as soon as keir reaches at the balcony, he already saw two figures, one is a man and the other is woman, waiting him patiently while leaning against the walls, by the time keir recognize her, she immediately approach her.

"this is the first time we meet in person, asmodeus of phantom's knight, was it?" he asked politely, but there's a small hint of arrogance on his face.

"you are indeed related to devian, does arrogance is really part of your family's nature?" asmodeus lips just twitched when he heard him speak, but keir just puffed her cheeks like a child.

"we're not related! he's just my half-brother! so will you going to let me leave or not?!"

asmodeus and levistus sigh as soon as they realize keir was, he's a troublemaker. now they couldn't help but to question elyze's plan because of him.

"then.. here's the phone, it will help you contact your brother as well as crystalle." but in the end, they give him another phone use to contact someone from the phantom's knight, it is one of the cullen's device, but the people who have it are only those who's part of their organization.

yet, a small sneer curve on keir's lips and started to laugh out of nowhere that makes asmodeus and levistus frowned.

"..I see, Crystalle, huh? that Crystalle Cullen? the world's youngest CEO of Quantum Corporation, which specializes in manufacturing advanced technologies and devices? That Crystalle Cullen who ranks #5 youngest gifted star in the world around the world? that is her ...? and at the same time ... the current leader of Phantom's Knight, who has been placed at the top of the blacklist by intelligence agencies around the world? hey, that's pretty funny!" Keir said in amusement, as soon as Levistus heard all this he was about to draw his gun when Asmodeus suddenly stopped him and shook his head, Levistus understood what she was trying to say so he just clicked in disappointment tongue and avoid his gaze.

"You seems knowledgeable about her." she said seriously, but keir just shrugged his shoulder.

"of course! everyone knows crystalle cullen, why would I not be? what's make me surprise is that, crystalle cullen was a philanthropist who help those people in needs and known for doing good deeds, she even built an orphanage for those children who lose their family, in the eyes of people, she's an angel. without knowing that she was actually the mastermind behind those biggest crimes all over the world, she really knows how to act well." keir laugh. but asmodeus just stare at him using her poker face.

she wasn't surprise anymore, since she fully understood that they can't change how the people thinks of her. however, for asmodeus, or rather lovelle collins, crystalle, helping the other people, wasn't an act to her.

thus, she decided to ignore keir in the end, ".. you need to leave now, use that phone and it will lead you to chauncey's direction or to your brother. you need to kill him before midnight then, if you didn't.. then I'm afraid that we have to assassinate you for knowing the boss identity." asmodeus smile sweetly to him as they leave together.

after keir seeing this, he just glance at the metal steel door Infront of him, a few seconds later, he decided to open it, revealing the stairs and another door on the side where the girls fitting room is, he started to went down, until he reaches at the end where's there's another metal door, as he open it, a dark surroundings exposed to his eyes. he opened the phone that asmodeus gives to him earlier as it turns into a three dimensional screen that makes him smack his lips out of amusement.

"so that's why.." but then he couldn't help but to hold on walls as soon as he heard another loud bang coming from the place where he went out.

"tss. careful as ever."


meanwhile, as soon as Modeus pressed the remote control she was holding, she immediately put it back in his pocket and walked alongside Levistus as if nothing had happened.

By the time they leave, she didn't know that there was another man hiding behind the door, waiting to leave. He removed his masquerade mask and shook off his black tuxedo, revealing his innocent face. But his ocean blue eyes were filled with mysteries and curiosity that added to his attractiveness.

and when he saw this scene, he sneered, "so it's the phantom's knight huh? what are they planning this time? if I were to report this to father then maybe..."

but his eyes widened as soon as he felt a cold object pointing on it's head, and when he realizes what it is, he lift his hands and glance at the person behind him using his peripheral vision.

"now that's bad.. you can't do that young master chrysastomus." the mysterious man behind him smile. so 'chrysastomus' just calmly asked him.

"why can't I..? Mr. Wren Gastrell?"

the man with silver hair smirk as soon as he heard his name and replied, " Apparently, the person I care the most was one of them, so I can't let you disrupt their plan, if you keep sticking your nose to something you shouldn't have to..." he approached chrysastomus ears and whispered to him, enough to clench his fist.

"I'm afraid that.. a commotion like this might happen again."


Caitlyn Chambers was still running, but she had no idea where she would go. All she wanted to do was run away from the gymnasium and hide because of how embarrassed she was. she started to hear some voices and laughs, which made her keep falling on the ground.

At the rooftop of building A, you could see a man in a white robe with loose sleeves and a belt, standing there watching Caitlyn Chambers running in despair. He has silver hair and red eyes, and he's holding a flute. The moonlight illuminates his handsome and angular face, but there's a hint of sadness and sorrow in his eyes, like a man who has experienced a lot of misfortune in his life.

he then started to rhyme a poem while looking to the moon, his eyes was filled with adornment as he slowly lift up his hands as though he's reaching something.

"Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the olden days. So let us wish that man May live as long as he can, Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays."

suddenly, someone spoke behind, so he glance at the back, there he found chauncey looking warily to him while holding a gun and a knife, but the man just smile plainly and confronted him.

"do you know what does the author of the poem I recited earlier pertains into..? 1st prince of norway, Chauncey magnus..?" he asked, but chauncey remained poker face as he started to walk towards the man Infront of him.

"I don't know.. could you please explain it to me clearly..?" chauncey asked meaningfully, but devian simply turn his back to him.

"Through the moon, the author communicates his feelings for his loved ones and conveys his wishes for their well-being and safety. He also wishes for a quick reunion with his family.." a meaningful look can be seen at devian's eyes, it as if like, he wanted to hinted something on him, chauncey notice this, so he asked him with a provoking voice.

"it seems like you missed your family so much devian xenon, or should I say.. 'lucifer' of phantom's knight? no wonder why I lost you earlier. I wouldn't surprise anymore if you are the person behind these commotions." devian then stare directly to chauncey, but after a few minutes, he smiled sweetly, a smile that can ease someone else's heart, and rather than replying to his suspicion, devian just continue telling his story.

"... it's been a decades ever since I was banished on my own home by my father due to the mistakes I've done, now that you mention it, Me and My siblings were so happy back then.. that's probably the most happiest days in my whole life.." he give chauncey another meaningful glance that makes him become wary to devian.

"too bad I can't go back anymore, after all, to protect those people who's important to me, I need to sacrifice one thing and that is my self.. don't you have something to protect to..? for example.. " he stop talking but a few seconds later, a small smirk curve on his lips.

"your youngest sister who was taken as hostage by your father—!!"

Chauncey's eyes widened when he heard Devian mention his sister. He quickly took out his gun and shot him, just as Devian jumped out of the way. He then took out his flute and pressed something, transforming it into a double-bladed sword. He then blocked the bullet with it. His silver hair was flying around as well as his robe. He then chuckled to him silently.

"What the hell did you do to her?! answer Me!" chauncey shouted.

"Relax.. we just borrowed her from your father, we will give her back soon.. once we complete our mission, that is." devian grinned to him, so chauncey just gritted his teeth. he started to feel anxious, he didn't know what to do, when it comes to her sister, her mind is turning blank, after all, she was his weakness.

devian know this, which is why he brings up her sister in their conversation, things started to went according to his plan, at this point, he have a confidence that the mission won't fail.

"damn you, what the hell you want from me?!"

devian just hold his chin as though he was thinking something, a few minutes later, he spoke.

"Let see.. first thing first, your father send some spy to the england and steal an information involving the british empire, Second, he made an illegal trade with black butterfly organization, and third.." he look coldly at chauncey as he pointed his double bladed sword to him.

"You are one of the ten black lambs that our leader wishes to eliminate, the rank 10, Psalm." he smirk once more.

another silence enveloped them, and only the scorching wind can be heard, one minute.. two minutes until five minutes later, chauncey snickered to him while giving him a fierce look.

"eliminate me? Ha! even if you killed me here or torture me to death, you would never get a word from me, not even one." chauncey took something on his pocket in secret, while talking to him, it is a smoke grenade in a form of a metal ball, while devian, who have no idea what he was planning to do just stare at him blankly.

" weather we will get something or not, that doesn't matter. we always have a ways to track down the remaining inner members of black butterfly and we always have a ways how to eliminate them."

"quit talking, if you want to kill me then do it. only if you manage to caught me, that is." a small smirk suddenly curve on Chauncey's lips as he throw the smoke grenade Infront of devian and use that as his advantage to escape by hopping at the trees near the rooftop and run somewhere.

as soon as the smoke grenades faded, Chauncey have already get away. so devian just stare on his direction and didn't follow him, instead, he just took his another phone as a three dimensional screen appear Infront of him where there's a red dot moving. it was a device uses to track down chauncey.

after that, he called the remaining members of phantom's knight that scattered around the campus and said, "the target is going at angelical flower gardens. wait him from the shadow, don't launch an attack without my orders. and also.."

when devian saw two familiar figures walking towards the security room, which was damion and elyze, he smirk devilishly.

"someone was trying to sneak up at security room... kill them, if you can. that is."


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