
Pilot chapter

Bam! James was jolted awake. Opening his eyes he saw: nothing. Not even the tiniest speck of light. Just dankness. Not the soothing kind of darkness but the kind that makes you shiver because you do not know what may hide within it, the kind that makes you feel lost and caged at the same time, like you are in the smallest biggest room ever. 

Stretching out his hands however revealed that the room he was in was in fact shockingly small. Only half an arm's length from his head there was a wall, or rather a ceiling, as, having just woken up he was still laying on his back. 

Retreating his arms back to his side James's breathing began to speed up. Had there been an earthquake, an attack? Was He buried under rubble? He began pounding the stone that was above him with all his strength, and a slim strip of dim light was revealed. With renewed vigor he continued shoving, pushing and pulling, what turned out to be a heavy stone slab until he had made a hole big enough for him to squeeze through and out of his small prison. 

After he clumsily climbed out he turned back to look at the stone box he laid in and was shocked by what he saw. It didn't look like a prison at all. Quite the opposite. It was more akin to one of the sarcophages one might see on TV. He stumbled back in shock. What had happened. He had just gone to bed this evening, and now he woke up in an antique Egyptian coffin built for nobles and Kings?

Relax, he told himself. There is no reason for me to stress myself over just waking up in a fucking grave.

Slowly ripping his eyes away from the stone casket endowed with beautiful symbols embedded with gold and artistically swung obsidian lines glistening in the dim light…wait a minute light? Searching the room for its source his eyes glossed over the fainting wall paintings depicting gloryous hunts and glamorous coronations finally resting on something that might have once been an archway. Now though it was blocked off by a huge stone slab that only let light in through a small slit at the top. Within this beam of light that shone straight onto the sarcophagus dust was dancing like little insects in a somewhat hypnotic manner. Without even noticing James's Feet had begun sumbeling towards what might as well be his only way out of this room. Coming closer to the slab he noticed that it had some sort of strange texture, and finally he reached out his hands to touch it. The instant he came into contact with the seemingly solid wall of stone began moving downwards into the ground while the texture he saw early egan pulsing with a faint blue light. Mesmerizing lines lit up and the stone sank into the ground silently revealing a long corridor. Looking back into the chamber he discovered that it was in fact richly decorated with carvings and decked out with all kinds of beautiful weapons and armor which the Egyptians believed would aid their king in the afterlife. In addition to that, beautiful paintings lined the walls and even the ceiling. All of that was kind of unsettling to James. As he was in fact an egyptologist he was surprised that he had never heard of the discovery of a grave in such good condition. What was even more confusing though was the position he awakened in. With a little bit of mental gymnastics he could imagine himself discovering this undocumented grave, entering it, being hit by some piece of rubble and losing his memories. But no matter how hard he tried he could not explain how he would have gotten into that coffin and closed the lid all by himself, and where the priceless mummy that was originally inside of it had gone. All of this only left one possibility: he was put in there by another person with malicious intent. But who would do something like that, and Weiden Tee just take everything within the grave and escape? Who or what would go through the trouble of imprisoning a researcher within a sarcophagus for no reason at all? Relegating these tumultuous thoughts to the back of his mind James turned back towards the corridor that would hopefully lead him to the exit. 

Hey Guys! Thank you so very much for reading my small pilot chapter all the way to the end. I am thinking of developing this story to be themed similarly to the tomb kings from Warhammer. Singe English isn't my first language I am open to all kinds of suggestions and corrections in the comments. Thanks you very much and I hope that you will have a very nice rest of your day.