
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 22: Single-minded Kano

"Kano, don't take me to any ritual, just take me home."

"Master, I can't agree to that! Kano can't promise! Master, the healing magic at the ritual might save you! Just if it's fast enough! Master, please don't talk anymore!"

"Forget it! Are you not going to listen to my orders? Take me home now! Damn it, I can save myself!" snapped Li Xie.

He had a sword stuck in his waist, and the wound wouldn't heal as long as the sword remained. But if he pulled it out, the wound would heal quickly. He couldn't afford to be seen like this, it would surely lead to reports to Mercedes VII and then to being dissected for research!

"Master! Even if you curse Kano, Kano will absolutely not listen! Please stop talking and let me take you to the ritual!"

Li Xie's head spun. This stubborn guy was impossible!

"If you don't take me home, I'll bite my tongue and die right now, just try me!" In desperation, Li Xie threatened Kano with his own life.


Suddenly, Kano stopped, dropping heavily to his knees on the street, tears streaming down his face. "Master! Kano knows, this sword pierced your spine and stomach! Even the ritual won't save you! Master! I know you want to die at home, but perhaps there's still hope! Okay, Kano will take you home! We'll die at home!"

Li Xie rolled his eyes, almost fainting from exasperation.

Damn it, I'm not dead yet! I won't die! For God's sake! What sins have I committed to have a two-meter-tall macho man willing to die for me! Why couldn't it be a beautiful woman!

Feeling both amused and exasperated, Li Xie muttered weakly, "Take me home, stop talking nonsense!"

Back at the Earl of Evil's mansion, Li Xie still had a sword stuck in him, a shocking sight that sent his servants into a frenzy, especially Lily, who cried as if her heart was breaking.

Though Li Xie had only been with them for a few days, his rewards had already won over their hearts. Each one of them regarded Li Xie as the best master in the world, so seeing their master on the brink of death was devastating.

"Stop crying, take me to the bedroom. Kano, stay. The rest of you, don't come in without my orders. Lily, tell the guards outside to each contribute something... um, let's discuss that later."

The servants obeyed, leaving only Kano and the still-carried Li Xie in the bedroom.

"Put me down and help me pull out the sword."

"Master, you really can't pull it out! Let's go to the ritual, maybe there will be a miracle! Master, you're kind-hearted and generous, you won't die!"

"Damn it, do I look like someone who's about to die?"


Kano was stunned for a moment, a hint of confusion crossing his mind. He had been too hasty earlier and hadn't noticed the Earl's expression. Now, looking at him, aside from being a little pale, he seemed surprisingly spirited. Despite having been pierced by a sword, he appeared as if nothing had happened!

A last burst of energy!

These words suddenly flashed in Kano's mind, causing tears to well up in his eyes once again. He knew, the Earl of Evil was truly on the brink of death! Having fought on the battlefield, Kano had seen countless dying men, often witnessing this phenomenon where the dying person suddenly seemed fine, but only for a moment. Then, there was no hope left!

"Master!" Kano knelt down again. "Master, Kano will follow you no matter what!"

Kano's decision to follow Li Xie wasn't his own desire, but rather an order from Duke Rein. He had to obey it, seemingly loyal to Li Xie, but in reality, if Duke Rein commanded it, Kano would not hesitate to abandon Li Xie. However, after Li Xie took the sword for him, Kano's loyalty had shifted. In Kano's heart, there was only one man now, a man who would shield his followers from harm, a man who treated his followers like brothers—Earl Li Xie!

"For heaven's sake!"

Li Xie couldn't take it anymore. He struggled to free himself from Kano's grasp, standing up straight and turning around. "Look at me, do I look like I'm dying? I'm perfectly fine!"

"Master!" Kano looked at Li Xie with compassion. "If there's anything you wish for, just tell me. Kano will help you fulfill it. After fulfilling your wish, Kano will follow you wherever you go!"

"Sleep Master above!" Li Xie slapped his forehead.

He finally realized that Duke Rein hadn't sent Kano to monitor him at all. Instead, Duke Rein had simply grown tired of Kano's single-mindedness and had taken the opportunity to get rid of him!

Damn Duke Rein!

"Hachoo!" On the way to the Northern Rose City, Duke Rein sneezed as he rode his horse, braving the cold wind.

The commander beside him quickly rode up. "My lord, we're nearing the north, and the temperature is dropping. Would you like to wear more layers?"

"No need, haha, usually it's Kano who's fussing over me. Diego, why are you copying his ways?"

"My lord jests. As a pillar of our Lion Legion, everyone cares for you. Are you missing Kano? Should we send for him?"

"No, no, forget it. I think the Earl of Evil would like Kano. He's already reluctant to let Kano leave."

Damn Duke Rein!

Li Xie cursed Duke Rein again in his heart!

After half an hour of verbal exchange, Li Xie finally convinced the single-minded Kano that he wasn't going to die.

"Damn it, pull out my sword already! You bastard, let me carry this damn thing for so long!" Li Xie's frustration was like an endless river, ceaseless and unbroken!

Finally, Kano pulled the sword out from Li Xie's back. A wave of pain almost made Li Xie faint, but fortunately, Kano caught him.

Li Xie lifted his clothes, watching the wound on his abdomen slowly heal. He felt an itching sensation inside his body, indicating that even the internal injuries were healing. However, such a severe injury required a lot of energy from Li Xie's body, leaving him feeling weak all over. "Help me to the bed."

Kano helped Li Xie to the bed, witnessing the rapid healing of his wounds. With a leap, he almost hit the ceiling, then joyfully exclaimed, "God of the Earth above! A miracle! The Earl is fine! The God of the Earth has shown his mercy!"

"It's Master Meng!" Li Xie retorted impatiently.

"Yes, yes! Master Meng above! Your divine light shines eternal!"

Li Xie shook his head. He really couldn't do anything about this single-minded giant. Despite feeling weak and speaking with little strength, his face as pale as paper, Li Xie couldn't stop thinking. He was still preoccupied with those one hundred Tier 5 magical beasts!

"Damn Larry Pansen! Despicable and shameless! Damn it, Kano, take my emblem and go find His Majesty. I want His Majesty to help me settle this debt! He made me take a sword, so sooner or later, I'll make him take one too!"

"Master, leave this to Kano! Hmph! If he dares to disrupt a fair duel, not even Duke Pansen can protect him! Sacred duels are witnessed by the gods themselves and cannot tolerate interference! We must have those one hundred Tier 5 magical beasts back from him! We won't settle for just taking his life! That would be letting him off too easily!"

"Letting him off? Hmm! Wait a minute! I suddenly have a good idea! Hehe..." Li Xie's mouth curved up on the right side, revealing a small white fang. He motioned for Kano to come closer and instructed him, "Go get some blood, human blood, and sprinkle it on my clothes and the bed."

Only then did Kano realize that despite Li Xie's severe injury, there was no bloodstain on his clothes. He was curious but resisted the urge to ask, saying instead, "How much blood do you need, Master?"

"Not too much, just enough to make it look like I'm critically injured and about to die. Then, take my emblem to the palace. Report that you were dueling with Yuka In, and Larry interfered with the duel, causing me to be severely injured. Don't say anything else, just go and do it! Hey, why did you take the sword out?"

"To throw it away!"

"Damn it! That's evidence! Do you understand evidence? Leave it here! Also, don't say that I'm about to die. Say that I've already received some treatment and am temporarily fine, but I need to recuperate! Um, a long period of recovery!"

Li Xie thought that sometimes Kano's mind was a bit straightforward. He was afraid that if Kano went to Duke Rein and said he was about to die, it would end up with a crowd of people coming to help him with his injuries. Luckily, Li Xie added that last sentence; otherwise, it would definitely have happened!

Main Hall of the Tudor Palace.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Emperor Mercedes VII was still discussing state affairs with his civil and military officials.

"The Lion Legion will arrive in Rose City within half a month. Send more spies to keep track of any movements from the Great Sun Dynasty. Alright, that's all for today. If there's nothing urgent, you all may leave."

As Emperor Mercedes VII was about to rise, Kano rushed into the hall with the emblem, kneeling down on one knee. "Kano Aston pays respects to Your Majesty, may Your Majesty live for ten thousand years!"

"Rise, what's the hurry? Isn't this emblem given to Earl Xie by me?"

"Your Majesty! Earl Xie is dying!"

"What!" Emperor Mercedes VII widened his eyes.

"No, no! I misspoke. Earl Xie won't die; he needs to recuperate."

Emperor Mercedes VII frowned and said, "What's going on exactly? Tell me in detail."

Kano swallowed hard and explained Li Xie's instructions in detail: "Earl Xie was stabbed by Duke Pansen's Larry. Fortunately, he was treated in time, so there's no danger to his life, but he'll need a very long time to recover."

"Damn it!" Emperor Mercedes VII exploded in anger, slamming his hand down.


The golden dragon throne beneath him cracked into pieces under his palm! Mercedes VII was not a weak emperor!

The courtiers were shocked to see Emperor Mercedes VII so furious. They hurriedly knelt down, especially Duke Pansen, the commander of the Cheetah Legion, who was trembling all over. If His Majesty was so angry and something happened to his youngest son, it would be a disaster for the Pansen family!

"Summon Earl Xie's mansion!" Emperor Mercedes VII strode out of the hall, his gaze shifting to Duke Pansen. "As long as Earl Xie is fine, I won't let your Pansen family off the hook!"

For Emperor Mercedes VII, Li Xie, who possessed the "Divine Body," was undoubtedly the hope of the empire and the hope for Mercedes VII to establish an unparalleled reputation. Larry Pansen's sword didn't just pierce Li Xie's body; it struck at Mercedes VII's hopes as well! His anger was extraordinary!

Prime Minister Harry Inter quickly caught up with Mercedes VII and coughed lightly by his side, reminding him. Mercedes VII then continued, "Earl Xie's father, Sean, was like a brother to me. Since Sean's passing, I consider Earl Xie as my own. Duke Pansen, you'd better pray for Earl Xie's safety! Hmph!"