
Their lives are at stake!

"Will father really be okay? What do you think brother?" Andraste Csilla kept on asking her brother repeatedly. With the same question.

"For the sixth time Csilla, I do not know. We are separated from father and we also departed in different ways." Audemar Cirillo sighed at the end of his sentence as he shut his eyes. And as he took a deep breath, he peeked at his younger sister while squinting his eye. Pretending that his eyes were still closed shut.


Andraste Csilla sighed too. She cannot help but to worry for their father. She looked through the window of their carriage and watch the tall trees from the scenery outside. Trees talking to each others' leaves as the wind frolics onto them.

"It is very unlikely of father to just go back to the capital when he has already decided to go somewhere. Hmph." Csilla grumpily muttered.

However, Audemar Cirillo was able to catch up with what Andraste said. He stared at Andraste for a moment, not until he noticed that Andraste Csilla is paying attention onto somewhere. Somewhere outside of their carriage. Audemar turned his head in the direction where Andraste Csilla was looking.

'So refreshing.' Audemar thought to himself.

"Did father forgot that it will be your birthday in four days? Hmph, really, father... He's so unfaaaaiiir."

The pouting Audemar Cirillo took a glance at his younger sister.

'Is she going to throw a tantrum again?' His face suddenly turned grim as his lips started quivering. 'Ugh, not again. Please not again!'

"Well, whatever." Shrugged Andraste Csilla nonchalantly. That remark of Andraste caught Audemar Cirillo off guard, staring at her with his mouth gaped open. "Father must have had an important— Ah no! Perhaps a very, very, veeery important matter?" She wondered to herself, pinching and rubbing her chin as if imitating the Duke when he is in deep thought.

"Hm, hm! That must be it. Yes, it must be." Andraste Csilla nodded as she approved her speculation. Audemar's jaw dropped.

'Huh... Unbelievable. This is unbelievable.' He blinked a few times, unable to comprehend what was the miracle that is happening right in front of his eyes.

"You must have hit your head hard," Audemar mumbled.

Andraste heard the mumbling of Audemar which is why she glared at him. "Do you want to die before your birthday?" She threatened. Her glare piercing Audemar deeper.

"I knew it. What I saw was just a lie..." Devasted, Audemar Cirillo shook his head.

Andraste frowned when she saw Audemar Cirillo shook his head, "What? What are you shaking your head for— Ahhh!!" Unable to finish her sentence, the young mistress of the house of Arvendon screamed.

The carriage stopped all so suddenly.

"Csilla!" Her older brother shouted as he tried to catch her. He embraced Andraste Csilla as tightly as he could so that he could protect her from stumbling because of the impact. "Are you okay?" He asked, holding Andraste Csilla on her shoulders, shaking them gently.

'She seemed to space out.' Audemar thought to himself. He flicked Andraste on her forehead to bring her back to reality.

She flinched, "Ouch!" She held her forehead.

As soon as Andraste was brought back to reality, she took a glance at her brother's face. An anxious expression was plastered on her face, "B-brother..." She managed to mumble, clenching on Audemar's sleeves. "What is happening outside?"

Audemar looked up at the window on the door, he sighed before saying, "I do not know anything about that. But for now, ease your thoughts Csilla." He slowly stood up, and as soon as he did, he held a hand down to Andraste to help the young lass stand up. "Get up now. A royalty like us shouldn't be sitting on the ground. Nor on the floor." Audemar Cirillo stated.

The young lass with golden amber eyes pouted before taking her brother's hand, "Why do you always talk like father? It does not suit you. Hmph!"

"Do I always speak like him?" Questioning Andraste's judgment, Audemar titled his head, waiting for an answer.

"No? I suppose not. There are just times that you speak like him. It makes me wonder if are you really an eight-year-old boy." Andraste explained as she crossed her arms between her chest.

Once again, with Andraste's remark, Audemar's jaw dropped. "Great, coming from a five years old younger sister of mine. You know, to be completely honest, I think it is weirder that you are preaching to me." He teased as he gawked his face as if mocking her.

"Arghh! You are so bad! Bad! Bad! Bad—"


The creaking of the door as it slowly opened, caught the attention of the two passengers. Both Andraste and Audemar's heads turned towards the creaking door. Their faces slowly and slowly turning pale.

"Brother..." Quavered Andraste moving closer to her brother.

"Come here, hide behind my back." Audemar pulled Andraste closer to him as he hid her behind him. "Try to be as quiet as you can, okay?" He cautioned as he puts his index finger in front of his lips, gesturing to be silent. Andraste Csilla only nodded as a response. She understood the situation.

Taking after their father, The Duke of Arvendon, Audemar as quick-witted as his father, immediately ducked in the carriage and crawled.

'Huh? What is he doing? Why is he crawling?' Andraste thought to herself.

"Brother?" She called out, "Brother, why are you crawling?" Andraste spoke in muted tones, but in a shouting manner at the same time, "Broootherrrr? Didn't you just say that royals shouldn't be sitting on the floor?" She nagged.

"Andraste Csilla! Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" The annoyed young master, clenched his jaw as he bleated.

"But you told me—"

"I said be quiet!" Exclaimed Audemar, cutting Andraste off. Audemar has never raised her voice at Andraste, leaving her surprised. Audemar went back minding his own business. As soon as he stopped crawling, he sat up and tried to reach the doorknob of the carriage attempting to close it slowly.

"Come on... A little more..." He cheered himself, despite being nervous.

Upon reaching the knob, the young lad peeked through the gap of the door. There was no sign of danger. However, it was too silent that it made him think twice. He turned the knob and dragged it slowly.


The door made a more creaking sound as Audemar tried his hardest to prevent it from creaking.


'Phew. I did it.' He sighs in relief.

He glanced at Andraste with a smile plastered on his face. Andrasted took a deep sigh too and smiled back at him.

"You did it!" Whispered Andraste, her voice filled with gladness and joy.

When suddenly, the door sprang open.

"Ahhhhh!!" The two young passengers of the carriage screamed in unison.

A man standing tall in front of the carriage stared for a brief moment at the two children. His tall and brusque frame that was carefully detailed by the blinding rays of the sun. Both Andraste Csilla and Audemar Cirillo cannot see his face. They covered their eyes to protect them from the light.

"Who are you!" With Audemar's wavering voice, he still mustered up the courage to ask the mysterious man, half-yelling.

"Come with me." The man leaned closer to them, handing over his hand. His voice was as gentle as their father's whenever he talks to them.

The fright that was eating the two children faded away and was replaced with ease. As the tension melted down, their creased forehead soften, but their frown remained. They were worried.

Still not familiar to the man, Audemar Cirillo asked once again, putting a brave mask behind his wariness, "Who are you—" His eyes widened when his vision adjusted to the blinding light emitted by the sun.

"Commander Eldwin..."