
The depths of darkness

How can a young child be accused of being guilty? Didn't they say that children... They are a symbol of innocence and purity. So why did these words not include me and pursue me? I learned from what I went through that justice was never on the side of the right person. It searches for the strong. That is why I did not get my share of it. When I faced injustice, I was the weakest person on the face of the earth. I was so weak that I could not prevent them from burying me in the depths of this darkness. I do not know how the events unfolded over my head, starting from my escape to opening my eyes and realizing that I was buried in this prison. I wondered how I came to be in this place. It is terrifying and deadly. The charges that were placed on me are enough for me to spend the rest. From my life here, it is because of him, because of that policeman or the one who interrogated me. I learned that the rule here is survival of the fittest, and I learned it in a deadly way. I do not know if I have a way out of this darkness, but what I am doing is making the people who brought me here and bury me in the depths. This darkness they look at How am I going to bury the justice I never had with me? The novel contains 18+ scenes and pictures, as well as physical and psychological violence. It is my writing and my thoughts. It is not permitted to publish the novel or take a quote or a simple exhausting event. There is a section called Notes. Please read it before starting the novel and have an enjoyable read.

leadermc5 · Teenager
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11 Chs

chapter 4

Carlos: How dare you slap your sister, you damned girl?

Alloria shouted: Because she does not know how to put a standard on her words, and damn it, I am not like that, you bastard. I did not choose for my mother to die while giving birth to me. Do you understand that this thing is not

In my hand, think logically for once and make your head work, and you will find that you are the damned fool here. I gasped in tears when he slapped me hard and made me lose myself from the force of his fatal slap. I almost fell, but he held me steady.

With his hand holding my shoulder and his eyes penetrating me, he shouted at me forcefully, cursing me, and I looked at those who were standing and not doing anything, the cursed one called my sister, standing and smiling, and she

She puts her hand on her cheek and William just stands and stares, doing nothing, while my father looks at what he is doing to me and his looks.

It devours me, and he always supports him with what my father always does. He was a source of support for them and supported them with all the things they asked for and did, but he did not come to me every day and ask me about what I did or how I am, and when I get sick or my temperature rises, there is no one to take care of me either. To be taken to the doctor or left while I treat myself and take care of myself

With the medicines in my room

Aloria shouted: Damn you, go to hell. Damn you. I let go of his hand and pushed him as I took him to the stairs and climbed it quickly, heading to my room and entered it and burst into tears while I was sniffling and coughing as a result of choking on my sobs. I went to my wardrobe and opened it while taking out a bag from it to be placed. On the back and I opened it and put the things in it

I need it for my supplies and also some of my clothes, not a lot because they are not spacious. I only took what I needed badly, and even if I was still wearing the clothes I was wearing, I would not be able to.

Tolerance is enough for this degree. I have endured a lot every day. My wreckage is increasing. I am sinking and drowning, and there is no one to save me. Rather, they are working to make me suffocate to death.

I'm exhausted enough for now. I finished and closed the bag and turned around looking at the door that had been opened and I saw William enter it and close it while staring at me and my face full of tears and looking at the bag in my hand.

William: Where are you going?

Aloria choked: This does not concern you. I will go and will not come back. It is enough. I have endured a lot. I can no longer bear your actions. I looked at him and I gasped, and then I saw him furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at me. Then he moved towards me with quick steps, and I was astonished as I felt his hands surrounding my body as he hugged me tightly. I swallowed my saliva and my tears increased, even though the eyes below had never seen William do the same thing to me or accuse me. He watched silently and did not do what they said to him. That is why I was astonished because I had never seen him do this all the time.

He was calm and did not approach me, but I admit that I needed this. I needed someone to hug me and take some of the weights that were placed on my body, so I did not think twice.

I dropped the bag and raised my hand as I hugged him and my crying increased as I inhaled violently and held on to him and let out what was inside me with my crying as if I was complaining to him about the amount of pain inside me.

William: Enough, calm down. It's over. You'll choke on your tears. Stop. I gasped continuously as I hugged him tightly, and I felt his hand moving up and down my back. He continued to calm me down until I realized and moved away. I stood in front of him, swallowing my saliva, and wiping my tears. Even though he is my brother, I feel... He is a stranger, and this brings something new to my soul. This is because none of them had approached me before or done any of these things throughout the years that have passed, even when I was young.