
The Demon Lord Walks Among Us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dropped. Will be rewritten at some point, but with much more focus on the plot and character development, rather than the "plot" and character "development". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A world in which humans and demons live near, but separately, divided by hatred, fear, religion, and a long canyon. A war, begun by the human lands, that ended with the assassinations of several of the demon generals and the Demon Lord. A retaliation by the demons, poisoning a river without thought of the consequences. That is the most recent continuation of the cycle of hatred, war, death, and fear. A girl, orphaned by the war, fed up with the cycle of hatred, crosses from the demon lands to the human lands. Witness her journey as an ordinary adventurer to end the cycle of war and death, as she gains her own harem and accepts the fact that she's the new Demon Lord. Witness the Demon Lord as she gets into all kinds of situations that she shouldn't have gotten into unless the goddess of fate felt miserable and wanted to distract herself. ** Note: please, for the love of everything good, cute, and fluffy, THOROUGHLY read the long-as-hell author's note (and the later edits/postscripts, which I have separated FSR) that I made be its own chapter. It's just that long, sorry. I ramble in those somewhat often, okay? It does, however, have a lot of useful information scattered around in it... ** Upload schedule... None. Finally, two things. First, this is written in the style of Japanese novels, but without the honorifics... though, every now and then, I might put them in and not remember to remove them. I'll try to keep them out, just because of my personal preferences. Second, I'm sorry about the chapter naming system being screwed up and hard to follow. It ended up as stuff like "Chapter 6: Chapter 1 (3): [slight spoiler], part 2" which can be confusing. To break it down, it goes something like this: [release number] (in this case, "Chapter 6:") [chapter number the way I wrote it in a word processor] (in this case, "Chapter 1") [part number after I split the chapter to upload on this site] (in this case, "(3):") name ("[slight spoiler],") and then a potential further split due to the name, if the name applies to several parts (in this case, "part 2")

CaTastrophy · Fantasie
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72 Chs

Chapter 9 (13): Three sides, part 3

***** Tuare's PoV, shortly after the party broke into teams *****

***** Caution, slightly NSFW *****

For the love of Ryuu, why did Mae have to bring that up? Does she think having huge tits like these is all sunshine and roses? Is she not aware of how hard it is to run with them? How sensitive they are, making choosing clothes hard? How hard it is to fit into some rooms and through most doorways? How I can't sleep on my back due to their weight, nor am I able to see most of my body? It's SO hard to take a bath with these things, and now they're full of milk! Sure, it's delicious, and fun when I'm having sex, but I have to take the time to empty these massive milk bags two or three times a day, if I don't want to have them start aching. I'd much rather have Mae's tiny tits than my massive mammaries.

"Yes, I know all of that, but I still want mine to be bigger! You can fit both of mine in the palm of your hands, so I count those as 'too small'. I don't want mine to be as big as yours, though I'm still on the fence about whether or not I would like to be lactating like you. Speaking of, I can tell that you forgot to empty them today" (Mae)

"First off, I didn't realize I said that, I was trying not to, in fact. However, you're right, I did forget to do so. How could you tell?" (Tuare)

"Your milk is dripping down my body, dumbo. Did you forget that I'm carrying you on my back because of how slow you are because of the bouncing behemoths that are now pressed against and wrapping around my body, to the point of extending further in front of me than my own breasts? Your nipples are getting squeezed by my armpits, hence the milk release. They're impressively big and hard right now, actually... making me even more jealous... and... for the love of Ryuu... are you getting off on this discussion? My ass is soaked now, and not by milk, I think" (Mae)

"Oh, sorry... Would you like to stop and take care of this first, or keep going and fight while horny?" (Tuare)

"The scent you'd be leaking would ensure that we get every last orc, so let's keep going" (Mae)

"Oh come on... did you have to put it that way?" (Tuare)

***** End of slight NSFW portion *****

This all happened while my legs were wrapped around Mae's petite waist, my breasts pressed against her back, as she carried me so as to increase our speed tenfold or more. Despite being half dwarf, she could run quite fast and move even faster by pushing herself along with earth magic, specifically, Earth Ripple... or maybe she was using Earthen Undercurrents? Regardless, after about an hour, we reached our destination, the largest of the three settlements other than the city, and we were both thoroughly soaked in my milk. Two minutes after we reached the center of the settlement, we were surrounded by a massive number of orcs, all of whom were evidently VERY aroused... well, they always are. From what we could tell, only the chieftain of the settlement, a noble orc, was not near us, instead he was busy forcing himself onto a human woman, with another woman next to her who looked like she was eight or nine months pregnant with a large number of orcish children. He was the first one I killed, with a water blade to the neck. After that, all hell broke loose, and I wound up getting pushed down by the orcs, one of them reaching for my skirt before Mae managed to rescue me, chopping off that orc's hand as the first thing.

"Sorry you had to rescue me, I'm just dead weight at close range..." (Tuare)

"You're certainly weighty, but you can kill them even so, right?" (Mae)

"I guess. Still, did you have to get me covered in that high orc's blood? You could have just beheaded it without cutting off its hand, right?" (Tuare)

"Save it for after we deal with this mob! I wish Ver was here, she could gulp them all down or kill them with an explosion or something. Ryuu could too, but she never uses explosion magic for some reason" (Mae)

At that, I got an idea, so I relayed my plan to Mae. She agreed, I jumped, and then she created an earthquake, causing all of the orcs to fall over, then immediately created a deep crater centered around our position. I quickly grabbed Mae, spread my wings, and flew upwards, while I filled the crater with water magic. Then, I threw the most powerful fire magic I could at the new miniature lake, and got the hell out of the way of the ensuing steam explosion.

"Megumin would approve of that destructive power... wow. That's impressive. Now, let's get the women and send them back to... no, it'd be hard to bring them back to town, and it'd be just as hard to bring them with us as we fought in the orcish city. What do we do?" (Mae)

"Let's see... oh, I could summon Arel and have her help bring them back. The pregnant woman is going to have a hard life though... I'd say she's a day away from giving birth to the half a dozen baby orcs. You know those things grow up to adulthood in under a week, right? It's not uncommon for them to try to impregnate their own mothers in addition to every other female they see, so she's going to have to have an abortion. Not gonna be pleasant, and there's probably going to be some mental trauma for both of them" (Tuare)

"I didn't need the analysis, thank you very much. Yes, having Arel bring them back sounds like a good plan. In the meantime, let's you and me head to help Ryuu... you know, she's probably got it covered, and Ver joining in would make it a guarantee that she wouldn't have any problems. We can escort the women back with Arel, and explain the situation to the villagers" (Mae)

Of course, we continued to squabble on the way back, but it's all fine. We get along well, we just like taking potshots at one another for fun every now and then. It's just how we interact, when we aren't having sex or with Ryuu. And yes, I did just say we have sex without Ryuu sometimes. Ver's the only one of Ryuu's harem who doesn't do so, in fact, despite the fact that she's the first one to jump others during our threeways (or fourways, or... you get the idea). Also, I had to ask her this question somewhere along the way:

"Who is Megumin?" (Tuare)

"I don't know, it's just something the author made me say for the amusement of the readers" (Mae)

"Ryuu would get mad at you for breaking the fourth wall in her place, you know" (Tuare)

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" (Mae)

Sorry about going AWOL for so long, and the short chapter. My motivation to write, and my time to do so, have both plummeted recently. It doesn't help that my writing doesn't help pay the bills at all, and no, I'm not going to set up a ******* or other donation method, that'd make me feel pressured to write more, which would just stress me and make writing feel like work, instead of something I do to relax and give back to the community.

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