
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

The Unexpected Death News

To Alexondra and Nasstya's astonishment, the high-end clothes inside the wardrobe fit both of their figures perfectly. They were evidently meticulously selected, which made the two of them marvel at the surprising efficiency and quality.

"The car is waiting for you downstairs. Have a pleasant day," said the butler, Elliott, as he personally escorted the two, now changed, to the elevator. This professional butler always appeared only when needed. His comprehensive and considerate service was a bit overwhelming for Alexondra and Nasstya.

As the elevator doors opened, Kate Bealit, the lead detective of the New York Police Department's homicide division, and detective Henry Brando happened to be stepping out. Out of habit, as they passed by, both officers subtly glanced at Alexondra and Nasstya.

Two attractive women, they must be... models? Kate thought, looking at the two women who were slightly taller than herself.

What beauties! Henry mused briefly.

With a soft "ding," the elevator doors closed, separating the two sides.

"Hello, I'm Detective Kate Bealit from the New York Police Department's homicide division, and this is Detective Henry Brando. We're here to inquire about Mr. Bruce Lee," Kate said, showing her badge to Elliott.

"Oh, of course. Please, follow me." Elliott had already been informed by the front desk and led the officers inside without a hint of surprise.

Lagging slightly behind, Henry surveyed the surroundings and whistled softly, asking, "Do you think he's our guy? This Bruce Lee is no ordinary person. Have you seen this house? He's been making headlines lately, and rumor has it even the mayor attended his housewarming party."

"We have to interview every contact. There might be something to find," Kate responded without hesitation. "There are plenty of wealthy people who've turned out to be criminals."

"Please wait a moment," Elliott gestured, then spoke into the wall-mounted intercom, "Sir, two officers from the New York Police Department wish to speak with you."

"Let them come up," Bruce's voice responded from the intercom.

Following the butler up the staircase and through several rooms, they finally saw Bruce lounging on a balcony. Setting aside the documents he was reading, he stood up with a smile, extending his hand. "I didn't expect the officers from the NYPD to be such lovely ladies."

Kate and Henry shook hands with him. Kate, being all business, flashed her badge and said, "Hello, Mr. Lee. Kate Bealit, and this is Detective Henry Brando."

"How can I assist you?" Bruce remarked with a smile, casting an appraising look at Kate. A rose with thorns, indeed.

"We're looking into a matter concerning Peter Russell. Are you familiar with him, Mr. Lee?" Kate asked.

"Peter? To some extent, I guess. We were classmates. What happened?" Bruce seemed genuinely surprised.

"Peter Russell hasn't been seen for almost a week. The day before yesterday, the police found some personal belongings and traces of blood in a downtown alleyway. After thorough comparison, they were confirmed to belong to Peter Russell. We suspect he may have been murdered," Kate explained, her eyes sharp, watching Bruce closely for any signs of reaction.

"You're saying Peter is dead?" Bruce raised an eyebrow in surprise. While Peter had antagonized Mephisto multiple times and was close to danger, Bruce was taken aback by the news that he might have met an untimely end without Bruce's intervention.

"We can't confirm it yet, but it's highly likely," Kate replied, slightly disappointed internally. It seemed Bruce wasn't even aware of Peter Russell's disappearance and was entirely unconcerned.

"You must have heard about the conflicts between us?" Bruce asked with an amused look, sitting down and taking a sip of his whiskey. "Would you like something to drink, detective?"

"No, thank you, Mr. Lee. It seems you're well aware of why we're here," Kate replied, slightly curtly.

"You may go on with your duties, Elliott. It's all right," Bruce signaled for Elliott to leave, then turned to Kate and Henry with a gentle smile. "Not everyone's a criminal, officer. Did I dislike Peter Russell? Yes. Did I have disagreements with Peter Russell? Yes. But did I despise him enough to kill him? Clearly not."

"Where were you on the evening of July 12th, from 9 to 11 pm, Mr. Lee?" Kate and Henry exchanged glances before asking.

"Let me think... I believe I was at the hotel. I've reserved a suite at the Waldorf for an extended period. I was there all evening. You can verify with them," Bruce replied thoughtfully.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Lee. If you think of any additional information, please reach out to us." Seeing she wouldn't get much more out of him, Kate handed over her business card.

Bruce took the card, examining it with interest. It was very simple in design. Kate Bealit's name was printed at the top, with her title as the lead detective of the NYPD's homicide division below. At the bottom were an address, two phone numbers—one with a 212 area code and another with a 917—and an email address, along with a website. Aside from this essential information, there were no other embellishments.

"I'm always willing to cooperate with the police," Bruce nodded with a smile.

As Kate was about to leave, her gaze briefly settled on Marcus, who stood nearby with his ever-present sunglasses. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she led Henry downstairs.

Bruce held the card between his thumb, index, and middle fingers, flipping it thoughtfully. "Marcus, from now on, you have a task to complete," he said in demonic language.

"Yes, my lord!" Marcus responded in the same language, stepping forward and dropping to one knee.

"Find this man. If he is one of our own, bring him to me. Remember to keep a low profile," Bruce instructed in demonic language.

Bruce gently touched Marcus's forehead, and the image of a blond man appeared in his mind. It was unmistakably the same man who had caught Bruce's attention at the school's farewell party. With Peter Russell now missing, it was hard not to associate him with this person.


"Another lead gone," Kate Bealit said in frustration as she slammed her car door shut in the parking lot beneath the building.

"I didn't have high hopes to begin with, boss. In fact, if it wasn't for Peter Russell having an uncle who's a district attorney, I doubt this case would have landed on our desk," Henry remarked as he buckled his seatbelt, spreading his hands in a gesture of resignation.

Kate was well aware of this. Lately, the city had seen an increase in baffling cases with no clear motive. The higher-ups had been pressuring her a lot. At first, there were a few remains to be found, but now people were mysteriously disappearing altogether.

Years of investigative experience told her that cases like this, without a breakthrough, often went cold. The district attorney would likely pester her relentlessly, she thought with a headache.