
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

New York's Premier Mansion

"Bruce! I don't even know what to say. One hundred million dollars! This has far exceeded my expectations. Your generosity is truly humbling!" Jessica Pearson raised her glass, her smile radiating warmth. This black woman, nearing fifty but still flaunting a tall and voluptuous figure, exuded a unique charisma. Her tailor-made dress accentuated her queenly presence.

Having firmly established herself at the pinnacle of the ruthless legal industry, drawing in a significant proportion of the world's largest and most powerful corporations under the Pearson Hardman client list, Jessica Pearson's prowess and capabilities were undeniable. Yet even with her vast experience, Bruce's extravagant gesture left her astounded.

Bruce admired Fowler's immediate superior greatly. He appreciated a partner who was both highly skilled and pragmatically intelligent – someone who always ensured mutual benefits. Hence, Bruce chose the most direct approach to woo her, using a blatant monetary maneuver to indicate: collaborating with me means profit!

"It's only right," Bruce responded, raising his glass, "Your performance warranted that figure. I've always believed in mutual success as the real victory. This means we'll have more collaborations in the future, right Jessica?" Their glasses clinked, the golden liquid shimmering in the heavy lead-free crystal.

"Always," Jessica replied, her smile cryptic. "I've heard you're scouting new companies. I'm eagerly anticipating our future collaborations. Fowler has always hoped I'd help him expand. There seem to be some vacant spots on the firm's wall. What do you think?"

"Wait and see," Bruce replied confidently. A mere name partner, but if Fowler kept pace, his potential was limitless.

"Stunning house, splendid party. I must say, your taste matches your talents, equally impressive," Jessica commented as she scanned the room, filled with an array of glitterati, the shimmering jewelry nearly blinding.

Generally, there were two types of individuals capable of purchasing a mansion like "The Top of the Sun Shine": genuine ultra-rich tycoons, those with net worth starting from tens of billions of dollars; and those purchasing for commercial investment purposes. By wealth alone, Bruce lagged behind the former. But his demeanor differed starkly from the latter, who bought solely for residence.

Jessica Pearson found the stylish young man before her somewhat enigmatic. Was he a young, reckless nouveau riche or a potential magnate with grand plans? Deep in thought, she mused. If she were to go solely by intuition, she'd bet on the latter. Jessica Pearson's judgments were rarely amiss. It seemed a prudent move to invest more.

"I enjoy gathering friends whenever I move into a new home. Your appreciation, Jessica, is my highest honor. Winning the approval of a fashion connoisseur like you is no small feat," Bruce responded, his modesty evident.

To ensure this party's success, they had begun sending out invitations a week before moving in. All the food and delicacies were catered by the Waldorf Hotel, with ten chefs specifically assigned for on-the-spot preparations. Bartenders, security, and the waiting staff were orchestrated by Archibald, deploying over 3,500 silver utensils, 20 cases of champagne, and ten cases each of red and white wine. Even the whiskey was of top-notch quality, the Macallan1939, priced at ten thousand dollars a bottle.

Music, fine wine, and gourmet food were all available, and the entire party cost Bruce over 2 million dollars, epitomizing luxury. The attendees were celebrities from various fields, handsome gentlemen, and beautiful ladies, totaling nearly three hundred. Had it not been for the vast space of his super duplex mansion, it might not have accommodated them all.

It was still afternoon. Standing in the sky garden, gazing at the sunset, the bustling scenery of New York was entirely within view. It was no wonder Jessica was in awe; a mansion built with such astronomical figures was undoubtedly an unrivaled view.

Meanwhile, at the ground entrance of 432 Park Avenue, Nasstya Kusakina had just stepped out of a taxi when she was hurriedly pulled by her friend, making her lean forward.

"Hurry, Nasstya, we're going to be late," Alexondra said, hurriedly pulling out the invitation from her purse to show the doorman while urging Nasstya.

A bit hesitant, Nasstya let herself be dragged by her friend. Once inside the luxurious hall and into the elevator, she voiced her concern, "Is this okay? Although Catherine gave us the invitation, it seems like such upscale gatherings require the actual invitee to attend."

The "Catherine" she referred to was the 24-year-old Victoria's Secret spokesperson and supermodel Catherine Kate Upton. While most of Bruce's guests were high-profile elites, a few were celebrities and people from the entertainment industry.

These guest lists were arranged by Archibald, and well-known supermodels like Catherine, who were currently in high demand, made the cut. However, she herself didn't attend. Instead, her friend Alexondra, who was also under the IMG Models agency and was envious of the invitation, took it.

Both Nasstya and Alexondra were rising young supermodels. Even though their fame had skyrocketed rapidly, they weren't on the same level as Catherine and rarely got opportunities to attend such elite gatherings.

"Don't worry, at worst, we won't get in. But if we don't try, how will we know? This is 432 Park Avenue! I've always wanted to see what 'The Top of the Sun Shine' looks like—New York's top mansion! Hmm, so it was bought by Bruce Lee," Alexondra said, disregarding her friend's concerns, her excitement palpable.

"Bruce Lee? That name sounds familiar. Is he named after the late martial arts superstar?" Nasstya tilted her head, trying to recall where she'd heard that name.

"Oh my god, Nassy, don't you follow the news? He's the young man who invented the new drug 'Vilda', genius Bruce Lee!" Alexondra exclaimed.

"Oh, that one! Wasn't it said that he co-developed it with Dr. SamsonBell?" Nasstya's face lit up, her big eyes blinking, looking adorably clueless.

"Regardless of the collaboration or whatever, rumor has it he's worth at least a billion dollars! Don't worry, they wouldn't let our beautiful Nassy end up with some old geezer. That guy's pretty young; I've seen his photo, and he's quite handsome," Alexondra teased her friend.

"Stop joking around. Such a wealthy man would undoubtedly have countless women by his side. We're from different worlds," Nasstya said, her face turning a charming shade of pink from embarrassment.