
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 81 82

Chapter 81 Pursuit

Witnessing this moment were not only the researchers from Lockheed Corporation.

At the other end of the laboratory, there was a person sitting in a wheelchair, observing the entire testing process through real-time monitoring.

"What are your thoughts on this test, Steve?"

After injecting a dose of enthusiasm into the seemingly aloof and calm researchers, Bruce briefed Gilbert on some follow-up matters and returned to the room on the top floor of the laboratory.

Steve Hawking gently adjusted the control lever with his hand, turning the wheelchair to face Bruce.

His spirit had been revitalized. His cheek muscles, unlike the withered appearance when they first met, now appeared plump and rosy, and his head, tilted for decades, could now be straightened, no longer exhibiting the peculiar posture of shoulders uneven and teeth bared. He looked almost indistinguishable from a healthy, normal person.

It was apparent that the artificial genome in his body was gradually taking effect, beginning to show results.

More notably, the most iconic computer on the wheelchair was nowhere to be seen. The flag bearer of physics moved his lips a few times and then, without the assistance of any machinery, uttered a low, hoarse voice:

"I don't know how to describe this great miracle, Bruce. You've brought about such an explosive transformation in the field of human studies, which is truly a breakthrough beyond the times. It offers unlimited possibilities for humanity. But while feeling amazed, I also have a faint worry. Because this is a bit too advanced; science has never been able to achieve instant success. So, tell me, Bruce, should I believe in this one in ten thousand probability?"

Although still not very fluent, it was evident that Steve had regained most of his language ability and could even smoothly utter complete sentences.

However, Bruce was more concerned with the meaning behind his words. This outstanding figure among humans, a genius among geniuses, was evidently adept at thinking and not as simple-minded as most people. He maintained his usual smile and then asked in return, "If I tell you that the laboratory has been able to achieve human modifications stronger than Wagner's, and it will only become more powerful, what do you think?"

Steve looked pensive and, after a long silence, said, "Is it you? Or someone else? Where do you come from?"

"Clap, clap, clap!"

Bruce raised his eyebrows and applauded appreciatively. Most people were adept at explaining everything with their ingrained thinking patterns, without considering the possibility that such phenomena might actually exist, which inherently violated common sense. Like many people who enjoyed movies, novels, and comics depicting superpowers, future technology, and aliens, they discussed them with relish but deep down did not believe in their existence in reality. They scoffed at any possible speculation.

Yet Steve's initial reaction was completely different. He directly doubted the breakthrough itself, boldly speculating traces of interference from forces beyond humanity.

Although perhaps due to firsthand experience and control of his illness, it was still an extremely impressive performance, worthy of being called a sage daring to hypothesize and infer.

"I have indeed provided some assistance, but it cannot be denied that your own efforts and achievements are significant. Simply put, among you, there are many existences beyond your imagination, and the vast majority of humanity is completely unaware. But does that matter? The reality is, we have emerged." Bruce showed no signs of anxiety about being exposed; instead, he eagerly engaged in discussing the matter.

Steve's speculation was confirmed, but he found it difficult to accept, feeling somewhat disheartened. After a long while, he struggled to speak with a dry voice, "Has it come to this? My treatment is related to your technology, isn't it?"

"Your speculation is very close. Frankly, Steve, isn't this a good thing? Every group is composed of countless individuals, and different intelligent individuals inevitably lead to the differentiation of ideas and thoughts. Perhaps many of my kind harbor ideas that you may not be willing to see. But does that matter? The reality is, we have emerged." Bruce was not at all anxious about being exposed, indicating a level of confidence. He calmly sat opposite Steve and continued, "My frankness should demonstrate sincerity. So, now it's time for you to make a choice, Steve. Are you willing to cooperate with me? A friendly one who does not view you as mere inferior beings?"

Steve felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart. Bruce's words carried no insult or belittlement; they placed both parties on an equal footing. Yet he felt extremely uncomfortable because the other party was too calm, seemingly not at all worried about his identity being revealed. This could only mean one thing: confidence.

Faced with a being that he couldn't identify but looked no different from an ordinary human, despite his superior thinking and intellect, he felt powerless and could only smile bitterly, "Do I still have a choice?"

Bruce looked at him, and the smile at the corner of his lips quickly widened. "You do have a choice, Steve. You absolutely have a choice. I respect you very much because your abilities deserve this respect. So, you don't need to worry about how I will deal with you. As long as you're willing, you can leave at any time. Although I hope this news doesn't leak out so quickly, I think some of you already have some guesses. But I don't care because, you know why? Because many things, even if you know them, won't change. Often, it will only make you more powerless. This world is quietly undergoing changes that humans cannot stop. With or without you, these changes will not stop."

"So, you are a smart person, Steve. Will you choose to stand aside, confront head-on, or participate in the changes, adapt to the times, take initiative, and become someone who truly controls their own destiny and seeks benefits for humanity?"

Bruce understood Steve to a certain extent. He knew that this was a person with advanced ideas, vastly different from the masses, perhaps due to decades of solitary contemplation. Throughout this physicist and cosmologist's life, there was a longing and pursuit for endless unknowns, yet he wasn't an extremist scientific eccentric.

Thus, Bruce believed that this man before him understood compromise and expedient tactics better than ordinary people.

Steve Hawking did not disappoint him. After pondering for a brief three minutes, he said, "I'm in."

Although his voice, already hoarse and low, sounded even drier, it seemed as if he had made a certain decision and felt relieved.

"I hope you will keep your promise and treat humanity kindly, Bruce."

"Actions speak louder than words. See what I do. Only by continuously promoting human progress do you have the opportunity to gain more influence, right?"

Bruce assessed him calmly, then smiled and stood up.

Steve had to admit that what the other party said made sense. He was not a pure idealist and wouldn't utter lofty words about the supremacy of humanity or resist to the end.

"Whether it's destruction or construction, they are always just means, not ends. From start to finish, what I want is very simple—to pursue higher levels of life. Steve, are you interested?"

Steve nodded. Having lived in a wheelchair for decades, he had long understood a truth: Those who pursue purity often understand self-control.

So, for the first time, he smiled, then said, "I'm ready."


Chapter 82: Press Conference

Bruce is finally making an appearance!

Almost all major media outlets and branches in Los Angeles received a notice: Solar Corona Corporation will hold a global press conference at 7 p.m. tonight at the Los Angeles Chinese Theatre!

This sudden high-profile announcement from the previously mysterious biopharmaceutical company immediately aroused the curiosity of all media outlets. Despite Solar Corona's secrecy regarding the content of the press conference and not providing specific details, it didn't dampen the enthusiasm and speculation. Everyone had the same thought flashing through their minds:

Big news is coming!

By 6 p.m., the front of the Chinese Theatre at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard was already crowded. In addition to invited media, there were more reporters from both large and small newspapers rushing over. Even if there were no seats, they still wanted to get firsthand information.

Ever since Bruce Lee emerged, news about him has almost never ceased. Vilda is still selling well, and the news that Steve Hawking has accepted an invitation to visit Solar Corona Corporation once dominated the headlines. Although due to Solar Corona's strict confidentiality, no one knows the main content, many people are silently paying attention, waiting for the moment when the mystery is revealed.

This time, Solar Corona's sudden announcement undoubtedly conveyed a message: something big is happening!

The IMAX giant screening room, chosen as the venue for the press conference, had all 1,300 seats occupied by the swarming media and reporters, with many smaller media outlets voluntarily requesting standing positions. Without a doubt, Solar Corona's mysterious yet high-profile announcement achieved the desired effect.

At the bottom of the stage, more than 70 cameras from major media outlets had been set up. The waiting journalists had already started chatting.

"Hey, do any of you know what news is being released today?"

"I don't know, but I know the boss wants me to get the best position. I didn't even have time for dinner!"

"Hey, with such a big fuss, if there's nothing substantial, Solar Corona will lose face."

"Come on, Bruce rarely appears in front of the media. Is it worth making such a big fuss? Could it be something trivial?"

"It sounds like you know something?"

"Oh, what? No, no, I don't know anything, just guessing."

While they spoke, they all showed fake smiles, but behind their backs, they couldn't help but sneer. Their peers were naked competitors. If there were big news, it would have been leaked long ago. How could it be that there was still no news from major media outlets, and they were still here, speculating in vain? But Solar Corona's confidentiality work was indeed well done. No matter how they tried or arranged privately, they couldn't extract any information, as if all the employees had received warnings not to leak anything.

A moment later, some staff members from Solar Corona appeared, causing a stir among the journalists. However, they found out that they were there to distribute drinks and food, which was quite thoughtful. Such treatment was not common.

At exactly 7 p.m., the press conference began as scheduled. A beautiful hostess took the stage. This spokesperson for Solar Corona not only had an impressive appearance but also spoke very well. Her opening remarks made many young journalists smile.

However, the veterans remained calm. A beautiful woman was far less important than big news. They all thought at the same time, "Get to the main point!"

As if knowing what they were thinking, the hostess was very tactful. After warming up, she quickly said, "Well, let's hand over the time to today's protagonists and let them announce this exciting news in person."

Many people immediately noticed her wording, using "they" and "exciting news." Especially those standing in the aisle without seats, they craned their necks to look backstage. Soon, they saw Bruce, dressed in formal attire, pushing a wheelchair onto the stage. Seated in the wheelchair was none other than Steve Hawking, the representative figure in the field of physics.


People who confirmed certain guesses were even more excited. The flashlights kept flashing, and they recalled the news that had been circulating vigorously two months ago: Solar Corona Corporation may have made a breakthrough in ALS treatment. Although they understood that they would only announce it after achieving significant results, they absolutely did not expect it to happen so quickly.

"Look! It's Bruce and Steve!"

"Darn it, I knew it must be related to Steve!"

"Where's Steve's voice synthesizer?"

Some sharp-eyed reporters quickly noticed something different. The computer screen that had been installed on Steve Hawking's wheelchair for decades was gone! They exclaimed as if they had discovered a new continent, and this phenomenon quickly caused a huge commotion. The entire venue buzzed with discussions, with people whispering to each other.

"Please be quiet, gentlemen! I believe you will be interested in the news we are about to announce." Bruce picked up the microphone. As soon as his voice sounded, the journalists quieted down and waited eagerly for more. "But this news will not be announced by me. Instead, it will be told by this respected elder in front of me."

After saying this, the female hostess quickly handed the microphone to Steve Hawking in the wheelchair. Under the gaze of thousands of eyes and in front of the camera lenses transmitting signals to more televisions, this almost universally known elderly man trembled as he raised his right hand. Clumsily but steadily, he grasped the microphone, slowly brought it closer to his face, and uttered two words:

"Hello, everyone."


Although it should have been kept quiet

 to let Steve speak, more and more people were too excited to control their emotions. Those who were able to attend today's press conference naturally did their homework in advance, understanding the research content of Solar Corona and the possible reasons for Steve's visit.

And witnessing this paralyzed elderly man raise the microphone with his hand and speak these words through his own throat contained a significance that was already very clear!

The ALS he suffered from has been effectively treated!

Some impatient journalists began to write articles in real-time, just waiting to confirm it from Bruce or Steve themselves to publish them and seize the firsthand news. Many others couldn't contain their excitement and curiosity, making noisy discussions, and some had even started raising their hands eagerly to ask questions.

The scene became chaotic, and the female hostess had to shout several times to remind them, finally calming down the excited journalists and bringing the atmosphere under control.

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