
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 8: Fame and Profit

Who would have thought that a pill made from a highly diluted concoction of violent aggression and potions could be even more effective than Viagra!

"My dear friend, Sammy. I have decided to make you the first inventor of the new drug as a token of my gratitude," Bruce said, taking a deep breath and looking very serious.

"Oh! No, I can't accept it. My contribution is nothing compared to yours..." Samson's face showed disbelief, but he still resisted the temptation and reluctantly declined. As he exhaled, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Heaven knows how much he longed for this honor! As an authority on pharmacology at New York University, the lack of any particularly convincing achievements had always been a thorn in Samson's side.

"No, you must accept it. I only provided an ancient formula. Sammy, it was you who brought new life to this formula and brought good news to the patients. I can't erase your merit!" Bruce argued excitedly, shaking Samson's body with an undeniable look.

After some heated argument, the two finally reached an agreement. Samson would be the first inventor of the new drug and would have the right to name it. He named the drug "Vilda" based on the synthesis principle of its main active ingredient, and its generic name was nucleotide sildenafil (pde7 enhancer). The patent for the new drug belonged to Bruce, and Samson was entitled to 10% of the profits from the new drug.

Everyone was delighted. Bruce smiled with satisfaction.

Samson got fame, and he got profit. Everything was under the control of Lord Mephisto.

Although his power was still weak and he couldn't use mind control, repeated mental projections and suggestions easily achieved his goals. As for the reputation brought about by inventing a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, he didn't need it. After all, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Moreover, Bruce had earned Samson's gratitude.

As a professional in the fields of pharmacology and biology, Samson knew that once the new anti-impotence drug was launched, it would inevitably bring him everything he wanted - honor, fame, and worldwide attention. As the first inventor of the drug, he naturally felt grateful to Bruce and unconsciously developed a strong trust in him.

"All right, Sammy, now it's time to arrange for larger-scale testing. Are there any issues with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or funding? What help do you need from me?" After all, the work was only half done, and Bruce's long life had taught him countless lessons, one of which was that only benefits in hand are real benefits. There was still a lot of work to be done before the dust settled.

When it came to these matters, Samson regained his professionalism and proudly shook his head. "Don't worry, leave it all to me. There's no problem."

As an authority in biomedicine, he never had to worry about research funding, especially since the development of Vilda had not consumed any funding at all, only some of his research department's effort. As for the application for large-scale clinical trials, he was very familiar with this area, having many old friends and connections at the Food and Drug Administration.

Developing a new drug from research, testing, and marketing involves a long and arduous exploration and complex application process. Although they had skipped the research phase and had Samson as an expert in charge, there was still some way to go to reap the rewards. Now Bruce's main focus should be on applying for the patent.

Thinking of this, Lisa's beautiful face appeared in Bruce's mind. It seemed like he should ask her out for a meal.

"Sammy, get all the information ready. The world will soon be grateful to you as the father of 'Vilda'," Bruce said with a smile.

Samson, full of energy and optimism about the bright future, quickly instructed several assistants to prepare the relevant materials for Bruce.

"Dr. Bell, Mr. Gales insists on meeting you and Mr. Lee in person to thank you. Also, the dean's office just called to say that the dean will be here shortly," an excited lab assistant informed them. Although the assistant's role was primarily supportive, they understood that the success of this new drug would significantly enhance the credentials of everyone involved. It was a team honor that they could proudly claim to be part of the "Vilda" team, no matter where they went in the future.

Shelley Gales was a high-ranking executive at a real estate company with a substantial reputation and status and ample financial resources. However, the seemingly successful man had a secret that he struggled to talk about. He suffered from severe erectile dysfunction. No matter how alluring his still-youthful wife or stunning secretary were, he was plagued by the pain of being unable to act on his desires, making him increasingly irritable.

Especially over the past two years, this issue had become progressively worse. Initially, he could use popular drugs like Viagra to temporarily boost his performance, but over time, the problem had worsened. Whether it was due to a growing tolerance for the drugs or a decline in his physical condition, he just couldn't get it up anymore.

Out of desperation, Shelley had privately tried various treatment methods, even participating as a test subject for pharmaceutical companies' experimental drugs, all to no avail. When he heard about a new drug being tested at Samson's lab three days ago through private channels, he didn't have high hopes. But after trying it, he saw immediate results!

He couldn't remember the last time he had felt that way. The long-lost firmness brought Shelley immense joy.

At that moment, the prominent figure in the real estate world had lost all his usual composure and authority. He practically ran over to shake Samson's hand, "I can't express my gratitude, Dr. Bell. This invention is unparalleled! Compared to your new drug, Viagra is just trash!"

"You flatter me too much, Mr. Gales. Please calm down. We still need to continuously monitor your health to ensure your well-being," Samson said humbly, though he couldn't hide his proud expression. He hadn't forgotten to introduce Bruce, who made it all possible. "Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Bruce, the original formulator of the P7 impotence enhancer."

"No, no, I don't deserve such credit. Sammy here is the one you should be thanking," Bruce said, not missing an opportunity to boost Samson's favor. He smiled and gestured towards Samson, letting Shelley know who he should thank.

"Of course, of course. I am very grateful to both of you, and your moral character deserves my admiration," Shelley said, finally understanding the situation. He shook Bruce's hand in gratitude but focused most of his attention on Samson, who seemed to be the epitome of a scientific researcher in his eyes. As for Bruce, he was just too young and obviously couldn't compare to a doctor.

"Dr. Bell, I wish you further success in your drug trials on behalf of the university. Your achievements are truly admirable!"

The lab door opened again, and an elderly man with white hair and a neatly tailored suit walked in with a hearty laugh. It was John, the current dean of New York University.

As he got older, John's energy seemed to increase. NYU's pharmacology department was not as renowned as other fields and consistently ranked outside the top ten in the nation. One could imagine his shock and surprise when he learned that his lab might have developed a drug with effects surpassing Viagra. The initial shock quickly turned into ecstasy – this could be a significant boost for his career.

"Dean Sexton, how come you're here? Oh no, I mean, welcome to the lab," Samson, not used to such occasions, said awkwardly, even though he rarely met the dean. "Our new drug hasn't undergone large-scale clinical testing yet, so we can't be sure of its success..."

"Just call me John," the dean interrupted, his congenial demeanor contrasting with his initial surprise. He shook Samson's hand warmly, his attitude surprisingly friendly. "No, no, I trust your expertise, Sammy. May I call you Sammy? You are an honor to NYU, a true hero who has brought us this significant pharmaceutical achievement!"

Before today, he could hardly recall who Samson Bell was, and the stagnant field of medical science had long lost his attention. But that didn't matter, there were results now! John thought smugly to himself. Clearly, the politician's bloodline in this principal ran much deeper than that of a scholar.

Samson Bell seemed a bit taken aback by his enthusiasm, scratching his head awkwardly. "I'm sorry, John. As the provider of the original formula, Mr. Lee obviously has more authority in this matter."

What! John clearly hadn't understood the situation this deeply. Cursing his assistant internally, he immediately turned to look at Bruce. "Is this Mr. Lee? Your youth surprises me, thank you for choosing to collaborate with New York University. I believe this choice won't disappoint you. Perhaps you could consider publishing these results under the name of New York University?"

As he grandly uttered these words, John's heart wasn't confident. Damn it! Was the board's reward and the important achievement about to slip away from him? Where did this Lee character come from?

"Yes, this is Bruce Lee, he..." Samson suddenly realized he didn't know much about Bruce either. Strange, why had he been so quick to sign a research collaboration agreement with him? He thought with some confusion.

At this moment, Bruce extended his hand to John, "Mr. Principal, I am a law student, Bruce Lee. You can call me Bruce. As a member of New York University, it is my honor to bring glory to this community."

This sudden turn of events left John a little stunned. He hesitated for a moment before recovering and shaking Bruce's hand with even more enthusiasm. "Of course, of course. Bruce, you truly are a remarkable representative of New York University. I am proud of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Principal. I've always felt that students and schools are like leaves and trees, a relationship of mutual dependence. The leaves rely on the tree for nutrients, and in turn, they feed the tree through photosynthesis," Bruce said, as if hinting at something.

In the United States, interpersonal relationships are everywhere. At schools like New York University, alumni resources and special status often play an unexpected role in crucial moments. Bruce naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to curry favor. After all, he couldn't waste such an origin.

John then realized that even with his own experience, he couldn't quite see through the young man in front of him. He seemed just like an ordinary student but gave off an incredibly mature impression. He also noticed the two burly men behind Bruce, who looked like bodyguards. It seemed that Mr. Bruce Lee was indeed not a simple character.

"New York University will always be your strong supporter, Bruce," he said with a meaningful tone.