
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
128 Chs

Chapter 58-59

Chapter 58: The Orator and History

In the lavish home theater, Bruce lounged comfortably on the sofa, his feet propped up, puffing on a cigar. Surrounding him were the company's top executives, including Fowler, Tim Lapira, Kit, and Isaiah. Their eyes were all fixed on the massive curved screen in front of them, a state-of-the-art perforated acoustic screen made by Screen Research, ensuring top-quality visuals and maximizing sound effects.

At that moment, thunderous, unified chants emanated from the screen. It was a live broadcast of the Democratic National Convention on C-Span, with Sheila Clinton energetically standing at the podium. Around her, the 50,000-seat arena was packed. Sheila repeated "Thank You" six times, yet the roaring chants showed no sign of ceasing.

"What a grand political carnival!" Fowler exclaimed.

The conventions in the U.S. weren't always this breezy. In the past, every session was marked by intense public debates and tough behind-the-scenes negotiations, with unpredictable outcomes.

However, with the advent of the internet era, the average "party member's" ability to engage in political activities using technology often surpassed that of the party leaders.

Party members, supporters, donors, and "fans" were integrated through the internet, ensuring no individual gained undue advantage from joining the party and preventing dependencies based on internal resource distribution.

U.S. party elections and presidential elections are essentially similar: one person, one vote, but not a direct election. Instead, it's an indirect election, selecting electors and delegates. The presidential nominees for each party are usually decided by the party electorate, a process completed before the convention. As a result, modern conventions have inevitably evolved into grand celebrations to swear in party unity.

The state delegates also had it easy, turning the convention into a "family outing," boosting morale for their party's presidential nominee.

When famous singers belted out rock hits and sports legends took the stage to show support, with socialites in attendance, the venue was a spectacle of colors and beauty. Merchandise, badges, and toys sold like hotcakes.

On the other hand, the distrust towards political parties in American society led to a significant number of independent voters, making up about half of the total electorate. These individuals often vote based on the personal qualities and slogans of the candidates, rather than their party affiliations. Therefore, the personal charisma and eloquence of the candidates are crucial, swaying trust and winning votes through countless debates and speeches.

The camera then zoomed in on the area below the podium, where Bill Clinton and his family were present to support Sheila. The former president, though now gray-haired, appeared vigorous and genial, engaging in intimate conversations with his children. Interestingly, neither of these children was born to Sheila. The son was from a previous girlfriend, and the mother of the daughter remains a mystery, once a pretext for political adversaries to attack Sheila and Bill.

"I speak of hope, not as blind optimism or wishful thinking but as a steadfast belief in the future, driving me, every citizen, and this nation forward, no matter how long the road or how daunting the challenges. And eight years later, today, that hope has stood the test. I stand before you again!"

Sheila's eyes blazed with passion and determination as she spoke emphatically.

The audience was swept up in fervor, not due to any pre-arrangement but moved by the atmosphere, swayed by Sheila Clinton's impassioned, sincere, and emotive speech, responding involuntarily.

Little did they know that politicians like Sheila were meticulously coached by etiquette experts, their every move refined through rigorous practice. Not to mention her numerous speaking engagements, culminating in her ability to deliver beautiful, rhythmical sentences and pitch-perfect tones without a script.

The Clintons, after all, could earn millions through writing and speaking engagements. Media reports suggested that Sheila's speaking fees ran into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even through the TV screen, one could believe these speeches were heartfelt and motivating. And in person, wasn't everyone moved to the core?

"To dwell on the past is to hinder our progress. Life is short, time precious, and the cost of idle dreams too high. Faced with reality, we must unite. As humans, none of us are flawless. That's why we need each other. When we fall, we support each other. When disheartened, we encourage each other. Some of us will lead, others will follow, but no one can do it all alone. Therefore!"

Sheila paused dramatically, scanning the crowd. The screams and applause reached a crescendo, showing no signs of waning. If not for the powerful speakers, it would be hard to hear her.

"Therefore! If you believe in a nation where everyone has a fair chance, where everyone does their part, where everyone plays by the same rules, then I need you to stand up, vote this November!"

"America, I've never said this journey was

easy, nor will I promise it to be."

"Yes, our path is harder, but it leads to a better place."

"Yes, our journey is longer, but we move forward together, never turning back, never leaving anyone behind."

"We lift each other up, draw strength from our victories, learn from our mistakes, our eyes fixed on the distant horizon, believing God is with us. So, as citizens of the greatest nation on Earth, we are indeed blessed!"

"Thank you!"

"God bless you!"

"God bless America!"

This impassioned yet effortless speech, increasingly poignant towards the end, struck a chord, resonating like a gong in the hearts of the audience. As Sheila's near-perfect speech concluded, the overwhelming response from the screen almost deafened Isaiah and the others, firing up their blood, igniting heat and passion.

"Wow, I must say, Sheila is impressive. Boss, looks like we should ramp up our investment in her!" Isaiah was awestruck, shaking his head, equally stirred by Sheila's speech.

"Cool it, Izzy! That's not the demeanor of a decision-maker, getting swayed so easily?" Bruce's gaze fixed on Isaiah until he realized and sheepishly bowed his head.

"Indeed, Sheila has an edge. Compared to her, Joseph Biden seems weaker. But Boss, we should start considering investing in the Republican side too. Jeb Bush is definitely worth the investment," Chief Liaison Officer Tim Lapira commented sagely, not forgetting to remind Bruce of the strategic move. The veteran, responsible for internal and external relations, public affairs, and policies, always kept his duties in mind.

Indeed, even though the convention hadn't yet started, the Republican Party had already confirmed their presidential and vice-presidential nominees. The name Jeb Bush was familiar to many, having served as the Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007.

No need to delve deep into history. A brief recall reveals that since the 90s, all U.S. presidents hailed from these two families—whether Sheila or Jeb got elected. And in between, there was Obama, seemingly an outsider, but his backers were well-known to most: the Kennedy family.

Not a dynasty, but might as well be.

The fact is, the Clinton and Bush families have already contributed three presidents to the U.S. and are on the verge of adding a fourth.

If Sheila gets elected, it will mark the first presidential couple and the first female president in U.S. history. If Jeb wins, the first family with three presidents will emerge.

"Of course, Kit and Fowler will fully support you. The Bush family is worth our significant investment," Bruce flicked the ash off his cigar, affirming his stance.


Chapter 59: The Mysterious Sister

Lee Xinyi's state of mind had been growing increasingly serene lately. Despite the unpleasant events sparked by her friction with Yu Fei, everything seemed to have found its way back on track, smoothing out eventually.

Even without flaunting it, her schoolmates somehow got wind of her having an impressive brother. Although she didn't know how the news spread, she noticed the subtle shifts in how her peers looked at her and interacted with her.

If this had happened before, Lee Xinyi would have felt uneasy, but ever since her conversation with Bruce, she seemed to mature overnight, no longer preoccupied with others' opinions.

Yuan Ji's relationship with her seemed closer on the surface, but Lee Xinyi didn't show any aversion. She just wasn't as open as before. In her heart, this was probably what her brother referred to as growth.

Her thoughts led her gaze to a figure seated not far from her. To others, this woman, slightly more mature than those around her, appeared to be just another student with a good rapport with Lee Xinyi. Only she knew that this woman was sent by her brother to look after her.

She was always curious about this woman, Abigail Percy. Although Abigail was open to discussing anything, she rarely revealed her own background. She just seemed different from ordinary people, possessing a distinct aura.

Abigail Percy sensed Lee Xinyi's gaze and turned to smile at her. A Chinese mixed-race, Abigail's presence, though slightly older, was quite inconspicuous, thanks to her deliberate adjustments to her appearance.

In the Solar Corona Legion, she was known as C3.

The morning's classes ended quickly.

"Let's go back," said Abigail Percy. Although her Chinese was quite standard, a hint of an accent was still detectable.

"Okay, sis," Lee Xinyi replied. Despite having met Abigail only a few days ago, she already felt a close bond with her. This American big sister symbolized the care and protection from her brother. With Abigail by her side, she felt incredibly comfortable, warm, and secure.

Even with slight adjustments to her appearance, Abigail Percy's graceful figure still attracted a lot of attention. Her slimness wasn't the result of strict dieting or weight loss drugs, but was full of vitality and strength. Her skin was especially radiant, exuding a strong sense of vitality.

This natural progress came with power, a self-improvement and adjustment of life. Unless it was for combat or survival, the natural form was always evolving towards perfection. Despite the need for effort and adjustment, the resulting beauty and aura differed but always improved. This was an irreversible truth.

Of course, this was related to the fact that demons all used human bodies as their base material. If they were based on other creatures, the definition of perfection might differ.

As they stepped out of the classroom, a tall, slim boy approached Lee Xinyi and Abigail, his face a mix of eagerness and nervousness. Given Lee Xinyi's beauty, many boys were interested in her. Abigail Percy, assuming he was another admirer of Lee Xinyi, was about to intercept him.

"Can I get to know you?" he asked, unexpectedly targeting Abigail. His eyes were filled with eagerness, his face flushed with excitement.

"First, we're not classmates. Second, there's no need for us to know each other. You can leave now," Abigail Percy replied, her expression remaining cool and indifferent.

The poor boy, likely unaccustomed to such a blunt rejection, looked embarrassed and didn't know how to react, especially with other students around smirking.

Lee Xinyi rescued him from the awkward situation by linking arms with Abigail and continuing towards the corner staircase.

"Hehe, Percy sis, you're even more popular than me. That boy wasn't so bad, you know," Lee Xinyi said with a mischievous smile, affectionately holding onto Abigail.

"I'm not considering these matters at the moment," replied Abigail, her demeanor much gentler towards the obedient Lee Xinyi.

In a world where strength is revered, how could this female demon regard such frail humans highly? No matter how promising or handsome the boy was, he stood no chance. Not that Abigail would ever share this reason with Lee Xinyi. Though unclear why the adults valued this human girl so much, she was still committed to fulfilling what seemed like a simple task.

Abigail lived in the dorm next to Lee Xinyi's. To Lee Xinyi, Percy sis seemed capable of anything. In just one day, she managed to charm everyone from the counselor and department head to the dorm supervisor. The only word to describe her was "magical."

Despite her repeated inquiries, Abigail Percy always attributed it to her brother's connections.

As Lee Xinyi sat in her dorm, pondering

over her brother's significant changes, a familiar figure entered the room – a somewhat haggard Yu Fei. Since the police incident, Yu Fei hadn't returned to school, so her presence surprised Lee Xinyi, who chose not to speak.

Yu Fei glanced around the dorm, relieved to not see Yuan Ji. Ignoring Abigail's unfamiliar presence, she forced a smile and said in a low, apologetic tone, "Xinyi, I was wrong that day... Are you still mad at me?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm mad or not. Our friendship was what it was. From now on, we'll go our separate ways," Lee Xinyi replied calmly, despite her distaste for Yu Fei.

"Yes, yes, I know it's my fault. You have every right not to forgive me. Can you just treat me as a stranger and ignore me?" Yu Fei's expression fluctuated between embarrassment and eagerness, but she still didn't leave, continuing despite Lee Xinyi's coldness.

"What do you mean?" Lee Xinyi became wary. Something was off about Yu Fei today. Her attitude had changed drastically, even showing fear and embarrassment. What was she up to?

"Nothing, nothing," Yu Fei said, panicking when she saw Lee Xinyi's expression change. "Just... could you please ask your brother to stop troubling our family?"

"Troubling your family? Who's troubling your family? Don't start making false accusations again," Lee Xinyi retorted, full of suspicion towards Yu Fei. She saw Yu Fei as a manipulative and selfish person, someone to be cautious of.

"It's true! Rumors have been circulating that the Commission for Discipline Inspection is investigating my uncle. My father and my uncle have been suspended, my brother's business has taken a hit, suppliers are reneging on contracts, and even our long-term clients are turning their backs on us. Other than your brother, we haven't offended anyone else, and no one else has the clout to target us like this!"

Yu Fei's voice rose as she spoke, unable to contain her agitation. She had more to say – someone had leaked scandalous photos of her, tormenting her with fear and uncertainty.

In the past few days, Yu Fei's home had turned into complete chaos. Initially, the elders were clueless about the sudden calamity until Yu Fei, nervously, shared her speculations along with Yang FaRong's warning. Piecing it all together, they realized the truth wasn't far off.

Her usually doting uncle immediately turned hostile, and her father, infuriated, gave her a slap, even triggering his high blood pressure.

It was then that Yu Fei realized the gravity of her blunder. Lee Xinyi, a girl she never took seriously, seemed to have gained significant clout, likely through her brother!

Under the stern guidance of her elders, Yu Fei, albeit reluctantly, had no choice but to beg Lee Xinyi for mercy. Swallowing her pride and speaking humbly to someone she once looked down upon was bitter, but it was a pill she had to swallow.

"You've got a whole bunch of people at your place. How can you just pin it on my brother without any proof?" Lee Xinyi retorted, her voice firm, yet her mind was swirling with doubts. Seeing Yu Fei's frantic and flustered demeanor, she wondered if her brother had indeed intervened on her behalf.

Yu Fei was convinced it was all because of Lee Xinyi, refusing to believe otherwise, let alone imagine that Bruce had no intention of involving Lee Xinyi, nor did he show any sign of concern.

"Xinyi, we've been classmates after all. Please, let my family off the hook," Yu Fei pleaded, desperately trying to keep her rising anger at bay.

"I remember saying the same to you once. How did you respond then? Just like that time, I have no idea why those things are happening to your family, and frankly, I couldn't care less," Lee Xinyi's response brought back memories of her own plea and the cold, condescending look she received, a memory that was painfully etched in her heart.

"Stop pretending, Lee Xinyi!" Yu Fei's fragile patience finally snapped, unleashing her hysterical fury. "If it's not you, then who? Stop playing innocent..."

Abigail Percy, who had been silently observing, felt a wave of disdain.


Seeing Lee Xinyi's infuriated reaction, she stepped forward, seized Yu Fei by the neck, and silenced her remaining insults.

"Ugh... ugh..."

Yu Fei felt an overwhelming force on her neck, pushing her limits, nearly suffocating her. She desperately gasped for air, flailing her arms, trying in vain to make the terrifying woman let go.

But it was futile. In a matter of seconds, her eyes began to roll back, and her limbs went limp. Abigail Percy then flung her to the ground with a flick of her arm.

"Percy sis!" Lee Xinyi was shocked by the surprising strength of the slender-looking Abigail and tried to intervene. But before she could finish, Abigail had already released Yu Fei, leaving her at a loss for words.

"It's okay, Xinyi. I'll handle this," Abigail Percy reassured her with a gentle smile, effortlessly picking Yu Fei up from the ground and carrying her outside.

"Cough... cough... cough..."

It was only then that Yu Fei began to recover, coughing violently while desperately trying to break free from Abigail Percy's grip. In that choking moment, she felt a chilling emotionlessness in Abigail's eyes, as if she was looking at an inanimate object. The terror was so real that she even wet herself... a humiliation that made her want to escape from Abigail Percy as far as possible.

Abigail carried her to a deserted stairwell, obviously detecting the smell. A look of disgust briefly crossed her face before she tossed Yu Fei against the wall, her voice low and menacing: "If I ever see you again, or if you dare to trouble Lee Xinyi, I'll strip you naked and hang you outside the school building. Got it?"

Yu Fei, terrified by the seemingly ordinary but monstrously fierce woman, shrank against the wall, not daring to look at her. For a moment, she forgot to respond.

"Hmm?" Abigail caressed her cheek softly, a gesture that seemed tender but felt terrifying to Yu Fei.

She quickly nodded, like pounding garlic, terrified that any slower response would lead to more torment. She believed this fearsome woman would do exactly as she threatened.

"Good. I hope you're not looking for trouble. Now get lost."

Abigail Percy withdrew her hand, her gaze calm and steady.

Yu Fei didn't dare look back, nearly sprinting away, stumbling several times on the stairs, a stark contrast to her former arrogance.

Back in the dorm, Lee Xinyi curiously asked, "Is she gone? What did you say to her, Percy


"What could I say? Just warned her to stop causing trouble. Maybe she realized I'm not someone to mess with," Abigail Percy replied nonchalantly, dismissing Lee Xinyi's curious gaze.

"She left just like that? You're amazing, Percy sis. Are you a professional bodyguard or something?"

Lee Xinyi was half-doubtful but recalling Abigail Percy's imposing manner, she thought maybe Yu Fei had no choice but to leave.


Nothing in the novel has anything to do with reality.

DaoistoQq9Nicreators' thoughts