
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 50-51

Chapter 50: Choices

Releasing two human women in a single day was an unusual step for Bruce. Even though he hadn't planned to devour their hearts right away, their reactions were still unexpectedly complex. Normally, without even exerting mental influence, they should find it hard to resist someone like him, who was far superior to an average human in every aspect.

Humans are indeed more intricate than they appear on the surface. Could it be because of their emotions?

It was 2 AM when he returned to the luxurious apartment at 15 Central Park West, rented for Alexondra and another.

Upon entering, he found Alexondra already in bed, half-asleep, while Nasstya was in the shower. Gently, he lifted Alexondra into his arms,

Bruce fondle her ripe tits through the smooth fabric of her blouse.

He slowly removed her silky top, threw it onto a nearby chair, and proceeded to unhook her lacy satin bra that was barely adequate to hold her full breasts.

Bruce started to lick the pink areola, because Alexander's nipple bulged like a pencil erasers and became hard and flexible. She continued to moan deeper with each stroke of his tongue.

At the same time, Bruce slides two thick fingers into Alexondra's tight warm pussy, causing the girl to arch up and moan, her pussy dripping another pearly strand of wetness onto the bed sheets beneath her.

Soon her hot cunt that was starting to release its juice like a faucet.

"I need you!" Alexondra panted.

"Tell me what you need, my whore."

"I need you, Bruce!"

"No, tell me what you need!"

"I need your big cock! Bruce! Fuck me harder!"

When Nasstya opened the bathroom door in her bathrobe, wiping her hair, Bruce's strong and powerful figure was fully revealed to her.

Alexondra hung on to him with her legs locked around his waist and arms around his neck.

Bruce plunged in and out furiously, his balls slapping on each thrust, pounding into her wet cunt while Alexondra screeched and groaned.

"AH, your cock is the best AHH!" Alexondra cried.

Their bodies rocked together in unison as he lavishly made love to her.

"OH MY GOD! " Nasstya was surprised.

Nasstya stared at Bruce's charismatic body and felt his legs go weak.

A sudden wave of heat swept over her, washing her flushed face and chest in a rosy glow, her heart pounding in her chest.

Bruce didn't look back, almost as if he had a sixth sense, laughing heartily as he scooped up Alexondra and headed towards the bathroom. Her cheeks flushed, Alexondra clung tightly to Bruce, her weight seeming to have no effect on his movements. In a few strides, Bruce reached Nasstya, pinched her chin, and kissed her forcefully...

The fervent encounter moved from the expansive luxury bathtub to the bedroom, the living room, and finally back to the bed. After a day's toll, Alexondra and Nasstya finally fell into a deep, exhausted sleep. However, Bruce remained awake. After cleaning up, he found some fitting clothes in the wardrobe and discovered a cigar by the bed.

He had only mentioned cigars in passing during occasional phone calls, yet everything was perfectly prepared. Was it the straightforward Alexondra or the gentle and reserved Nasstya who was so thoughtful? Bruce pondered with amusement.

The clock in the living room pointed to five. It was the darkest moment before dawn, and even the bustling New York had quieted down. At this time, Bruce's senses sharpened, and he could hear every subtle noise and sound piercing through the darkness.

The murmurs of drunkards, the petty thieves of the night, the shrill sirens, all these chaotic sounds of human life entered his ears, indeed much livelier than the silent and harsh abyss of oblivion.

Though some of these sensations were intentionally sought, the unfamiliar yet fresh feelings that came with mimicking human behavior did leave an impact. Whether this was good or bad, however, remained uncertain. Of course, these delicate and peculiar sensations were merely amusing to him. The inner Mephisto remained indifferent, aloof, ready to take or discard anything in the world.

Standing at the balcony, Bruce quietly gazed at the still brightly lit New York City in the night, the light of the cigar at his fingertips flickering uncertainly.

By 9 AM, Alexondra and Nasstya were still not fully rested but were roused from their sleep by Bruce. Rubbing their sleepy eyes, they hurriedly changed clothes and freshened up.

During Fashion Week, it's the busiest time for models. Models like Alexondra and Nasstya, with their outstanding conditions and some fame, usually received invitations to walk in ten or even dozens of shows. This hectic schedule clearly overwhelmed them, relying entirely on the model agency and the casting directors to negotiate.

Despite their exhaustion, they had no choice but to gather their spirits and prepare for today's shows. By the time they were ready, Bruce had already prepared a lavish breakfast for them.

This thoughtful gesture clearly delighted and touched them. In their hearts, Bruce was never the type to attend to others so considerately.

"Ladies, try my cooking," he said.

Alexondra and Nasstya's eyes crinkled into crescents, each offering a warm kiss, even the usually shy Nasstya, clearly moved.

"Knowing you'll be very busy today, better hurry up. I've got some work to do as well, so I won't join you for breakfast." Bruce responded with a smile. "We'll probably meet again later at the show. Knock 'em dead."

As he reached the door, he seemed to remember something and added, "Oh, and I left the gifts in the guest room. Hope you like them."

After Bruce left, Alexondra and Nasstya still felt somewhat unaccustomed as they enjoyed the sumptuous breakfast.

"I always feel like this life is unreal," Nasstya said abruptly, her voice soft.

"I never think too much. Isn't it better to enjoy the present instead of worrying about tomorrow?" Alexondra clearly understood her friend's thoughts. She sipped her milk slowly but paused for a moment before adding, "Everyone has their choices. I just hope you're happy, Nassy. If you feel Bruce isn't right for you, then leave. I believe he would understand."

Even in New York, they often saw news about Bruce and were aware of some of his movements, like that Hollywood actress. But to Alexondra, that was nothing unusual. Which powerful figure wasn't fickle in love? As long as he was decent to her, that was enough.

Moreover, Bruce was still young, handsome, and charismatic. Such a man couldn't possibly be tied down by one or two women.

"But I hope you think it through. What do you really want? Even without other women, a man like Bruce will always be busy and can't spend much time with us," Alexondra said, gently stroking Nasstya's hand, her sincerity evident. In this glitzy world of fame, only this friend was truly kind to her.

Confusion clouded Nasstya's face, naturally evoking pity. However, Alexondra knew that ultimately, one must find clarity on their own; no one else could make decisions for them.

Look at their life now—luxury cars for transportation, residing in New York's top mansions, enjoying top-notch property and facilities, greeted by the warm and attentive service of doormen, receiving envious glances from others. Isn't this the real life?

Both she and Nasstya were top models, earning at least several million dollars a year, far surpassing the average middle class. But what of it?

Glamour in public, struggles in private.

Not to mention the transient nature of modeling, where income declines with age. Even now, they couldn't afford a luxurious apartment like the one on 15 Central Park West on their own. A place on the 15th floor in such a location started at tens of millions of dollars, with monthly rents reaching fifty or sixty thousand dollars.

Bruce's gifts, which she saw upon returning yesterday, were all limited edition outfits and accessories, very much to her taste. Even their somewhat snobbish agent had become more polite and enthusiastic recently, dedicating more effort to arranging their work.

Alexondra was not as oblivious as Nasstya. She knew it was Bruce's influence at play, perhaps even offering some favors to the agent.

For Alexondra, who grew up in an ordinary family, this life was paradise, all thanks to Bruce. What more could she ask for?

Nasstya pondered for a long time, unable to shake off the image of a pair of dark eyes from her mind. That must be Bruce, she realized, knowing she was ultimately smitten.

"Bruce has been really good to us…" Nasstya seemed to be reassuring herself.

Alexondra, understanding her decision, hugged the beauty and pecked her cheek, "That's right, Nassy. As good sisters, we'll hold onto Bruce's heart firmly. No matter what other women come along, they won't steal our place."

"What nonsense!" Nasstya, helpless against her friend's antics, blushed even redder.


Chapter 51: Integration Complete

Sitting in the limousine, Bruce casually flipped through the day's newspaper. Reports about the New York Fashion Week were plentiful, and the news about Solar Corona Company sponsoring the event also made it to some media outlets, though not prominently featured. Instead, another piece of news related to him was reprinted in several major newspapers.

Staring at a large photo of himself and Taylor Swift sitting side by side, locking eyes, he couldn't help but admire the photographer's skill. The snapshot, taken at the exact moment Bruce turned to smile, made it look as if they were attending the Fashion Week together, sharing an intimate gaze.

Bruce was somewhat taken aback. It seemed like he was constantly surrounded by gossip and sensational news, overshadowing the real matters. The headline below the photo was quite explosive:

"Taylor, Please Let Bruce Lee Go!"

Typically, the media would claim he was romantically involved with the other party in such situations. However, this time was different, mainly because of Taylor Swift.

The globally renowned singer somehow earned a reputation for changing boyfriends faster than clothes. It seemed wherever she went, rumors followed her.

This situation might be related to Swift's style— the singer-songwriter often penned sensitive lyrics about breakups, feelings, and ex-partners, fueling endless speculation among fans about who the songs were about.

Other women might leave angry messages on their ex's voicemail or throw their clothes out on the street in a breakup. But Taylor had a knack for letting the whole world know when someone had wronged her.

Despite her protests in interviews - claiming it was absurd that people thought she dated a whole lineup of men just because she hugged someone on the red carpet, shared a meal, or collaborated on a song - it was futile. People loved such news, and the media wasn't about to let her off the hook.

In an era where gossip exploded like mushroom clouds, gossip itself had become a marketing strategy. Taylor was a unique product of these times, and it was unclear whether that was fortunate or not.

However, such gossip didn't bother Bruce. He glanced at the paper and then tossed it aside. He first headed to New York University's Ochsner Laboratory to meet with Samson Bell and push for progress in research and development. Then, he hurriedly moved to Solar Corona Company's headquarters in New York.

The company's office in New York was located at 111 Eighth Avenue in Manhattan. The building, towering over 40 floors with a total area of 2.9 million square feet and owned by Google, had an entire floor on the 33rd level rented by Bruce for his office. Although all of Solar Corona's laboratories were not in New York, Bruce insisted on establishing the company's headquarters here, fully revealing his ambition.

In the luxurious conference room spanning over a thousand square meters, Solar Corona Company held its first full executive meeting. After months of gradual merging and restructuring, the company was starting to get on track, now boasting over three thousand employees, including researchers. While still far from Bruce's ambitions, it was a solid step forward.

Christophe, plump and earnest, stood in front of the projection screen, introducing the planning status of Solar Corona Company's first science park to the company's top executives. Its location, naturally, was in the Greater Los Angeles area.

A beautifully crafted slideshow invigorated everyone present: the first thing displayed was a panoramic concept image of the park. Instead of calling it a new park, it was more apt to describe it as a satellite city.

Situated in Ventura County and spanning over 20 square kilometers, the park was not just about its futuristic research center building. It also included employee dormitories, supermarkets, hospitals, schools, cinemas, bars, neatly planned streets, parking lots, and most mysteriously, an underground research center. This center would be the core of the entire park, a complex integrating research, production, living, entertainment, community, and communication.

The first phase of investment alone was expected to be $380 million, highlighting the massive scale of the park. Fortunately, he was flush with cash, only worrying about how to convert it into investments.

Of course, all these plans were still on paper, involving tedious and complex details like bargaining, land use, municipal environment, sewage treatment, and pipeline installation.

This was when the relationships Bruce had established came into play. How to get the green light from relevant departments would be the job of the public relations personnel.

As the company grew in personnel and scale, the need to change its organizational structure was inevitable. Bruce believed that with these professional elites on hand, they would do well. After all, the core competitive strength of Solar Corona Company was in technological research and innovation. And as long as he was there, there was no need to worry about finding breakthroughs in technology and innovation.

But this was still not enough. Although after taking over, he put almost all of the research institutions' original projects on hold, meaning the company would be without new products for quite a while, once the new research and development projects made breakthroughs, Solar Corona Company was bound to explode. At that time, a strong team would be needed to control and assist him in expanding the company's territory.

For this purpose, Bruce decided to form a core executive team of about 7 to 11 people, each with their expertise. Only then could he attend to the main affairs without worries.

The executives already in place included:

- Bruce himself, the sole owner of the company, Chairman, CEO, and CTO;

- Fowler Marcos, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Counsel;

- Samson Bell, President of Global R&D and Chief Medical Officer;

- Christophe Henderson, Executive Vice President (Strategy, Portfolio Management, and Global Business Operations);

- Isaiah Christian, Chief Operating Officer;

- Kit Leslie, Chief Financial Officer;

- Tim Lapira, Chief Liaison Officer (Internal and External Liaison, Public Affairs, and Policy).

Of course, as the company gradually operated and developed, these positions would be adjusted. In fact, in Bruce's plan, more president-level executives managing corporate structure, human resources, strategy, and corporate affairs development, marketing department, business units, etc., were needed. However, Rome wasn't built in a day, and the framework had to be constructed bit by bit.

Including multiple laboratories, the heads of research and development were only asked to join via video conference. Gilbert Gordon's CoBIS1 laboratory, directly under Bruce's jurisdiction, was the most special and almost invisible department, completely avoided even in discussions.

The biggest peculiarity of Solar Corona Company was that all its shares were concentrated in Bruce's hands, something only possible if it was entirely built on personal assets, a condition not achievable by any moderately sized company, let alone those publicly traded.

"Gentlemen," Bruce sat at the head of the conference table, gently tapping the surface. "Solar Corona Company is a new entity, but it certainly possesses vitality beyond imagination, something some of you have begun to realize, and others will gradually come to understand."

"Very soon, the company will push many new products to the market, so I hope everyone can work together to prepare for this," Bruce paused briefly before continuing.

"The organizational structure of Solar Corona Company will be different from the norm. We aim to establish a flexible structure centered on project development. Our company will continuously innovate new technologies, far beyond your imagination. Therefore, once a new research and development project is launched, the relevant departments must act

swiftly and seize the opportunity. Under the influence of this project, the company's organizational structure will undergo certain transformations. The process won't change, but the frequency and content of communication between departments will."

Every large company's organizational structure is distinct. Different company histories, different business architectures, and different management styles give their structure charts obvious differences.

Amazon resembles a pyramid, hierarchical and orderly; Google has a clear structure, but products and departments are intertwined and chaotic; Facebook's structure is dispersed, like a spread-out network; Microsoft's internal factions dominate their own territories, a warlord mentality deep in their bones;

Apple used to be dictated by one person, and with his departure, it gradually became mediocre; as for the massive Oracle, its bloated legal department is obviously more critical and larger than its engineering departments.

In Bruce's vision, the structure of Solar Corona Company would be like its logo, with two circles radiating outward from himself as the center. The circle closer to him, slightly smaller, represents the various laboratories and research and development projects. The outermost, largest circle represents the company's vast management and business departments.