
The Demon Lord Descends on America

I awaken from darkness, bathed in blood and fire, reborn anew. The demon lord Mephisto arrives on Earth, initiating the second cycle of evolution. Modern civilization teeters on the brink of collapse under the onslaught of advanced beings. Even the torrent of steel and war machines cannot hold back the tide, as the world gradually descends into unknown chaos...

DaoistoQq9Ni · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 12: Gal's Ambition

A cool breeze was wafting through the air as dusk deepened.

Located in the business and financial center of Los Angeles, the Westin Hotel was bustling and brightly lit. Hosting the city's largest ballroom, it was a popular venue for all sorts of banquets and launch events, including a major clean water charity event happening that evening.

As Bruce, dressed sharply in a suit, walked around the limousine to assist Gal Gadow, clad in a black sequined trailing gown, out of the car, countless flashbulbs burst into life outside the hotel, nearly turning night into day.

"Look, it's Bruce Lee and Gal!"

"Damn, switch the camera over…"

"They're such a good match, so the rumors about Bruce Lee and Gal Gadow dating must be true?"

"Some of you think Gal looks much older than Bruce…"

"Who cares, everyone loves a spectacle!"

Ever since their intimate photo was leaked at a celebration, rumors and gossip about Bruce and Gal's romance never ceased. Their high-profile appearance at such a large-scale charity event further fueled the media and reporters, almost instantly drawing the nearby flash and camera lenses their way.

Even the protesters across the street, holding various signs and banners, temporarily ceased their chanting. They were originally the main attraction, but now many people were too distracted, pulling out their phones to snap photos of Bruce and Gal at the hotel entrance. Some even squeezed in front of the camera to take selfies with them as a backdrop, creating a somewhat comical yet cheerful scene.

Bruce, the gentleman, lightly supported Gal's waist, smiling towards the barrage of cameras and flashing lights while whispering, "You look absolutely stunning tonight. I must say, the red lipstick suits you so well, I'm almost too distracted to pose."

"Thank you, Bruce, I quite like your sweet talk too," Gal giggled, shifting slightly, striking a few more photogenic poses to appear even closer to him.

"No, I'm serious. Look, even the protesters are scrambling to photograph you." Bruce nodded towards the crowd across the street, blocked by a line of security. "I wonder if the organizers of tonight's event should thank you or resent you. You've stolen much of their spotlight but also diluted the event's tedious political tone."

Various parties, charity dinners, and fundraising events are always essential to the American mainstream society. Through these red-carpet walks, social drinks, and donations, the rich, philanthropists, and politicians silently merge together, forming an intricate top-tier ecosystem.

"I couldn't have drawn all this attention by myself; it's us they're photographing. I'm surprised, Bruce, I didn't expect you to invite me to an event like this," said Gal Gadow, clearly delighted, not shy about holding his hand. The charity event was drawing significant attention, attended by many celebrities, politicians, and tycoons. Indeed, despite her recent popularity from starring in Wonder Woman, she rarely had the chance to attend such events, being from a completely different circle.

"Why not? I admire you, Gal. The world sees your beauty but often overlooks your equally remarkable intelligence. You have a bright future ahead," Bruce, under the fervent demand of the crazy reporters and fans, moved slightly closer to Gal, becoming more intimate and whispered into her ear. "Besides, I didn't have a suitable date, so you were my first thought."

Gal playfully rolled her eyes at him in response to his latter comment but drew him even closer. Bruce was right; she was a smart, ambitious woman.

Despite often participating in blockbuster films like "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and the "Fast & Furious" series, Gal was never quite the absolute protagonist. The lack of a leading role was her greatest disadvantage, something she was hardly content with. She dreamed of climbing further, ambitiously vying for more in both her acting career and social status.

Such a delicate beauty naturally attracted many suitors. However, Gal always maintained her poise, seeking an ideal partner who truly met her needs and could offer some support.

Thus, the appearance of Bruce was a revelation to her. This young man possessed an extraordinary maturity and composure far beyond his years, along with a superbly wealthy background. Rarer still was his elegant demeanor and handsome looks. She seized the opportunity without hesitation. Events like tonight's charity dinner were perfect starting points. She knew that by holding onto Bruce Lee, she was grabbing the ladder to high society.

Rumor had it that to promote a good friend of his, an obscure actor, Bruce had invested a significant sum in a film. This was a positive sign, indicating he was not averse to the entertainment industry, perhaps even understanding and willing to exploit it. So as long as she remained patient, clever, and endearing, she believed Bruce Lee wouldn't mind giving her a lift at the right time.

Bruce didn't prolong the photo session, despite the media's enthusiastic and demanding presence. He quickly escorted Gal into the hotel. Today was an event with a strong political atmosphere, evidenced by the groups of protesters outside the hotel.

This is characteristic of America, where people readily organize protests over dissatisfaction, considering it their duty and right to participate in the nation's governance. This often annoys politicians, who must respond cautiously while wearing a mask of pretense.

In such situations, it's important not to be too conspicuous. While the media, reporters, and paparazzi might enjoy a spectacle, it could displease the political and financial heavyweights present. So Bruce took a few poses with measured grace before entering the venue.

From the bottom of the steps, a long red carpet stretched through the elegantly designed hotel entrance and into the interior, where many more cameras and reporters awaited. However, only media with the proper credentials could enter this far. Numerous security guards were also present, cordoning off areas with long strips of caution tape for security reasons.

As Bruce and his companion entered, the hotel's media quickly reacted, swiveling their cameras and extending microphones towards them.