
The Demon king's Queen

Suffering is better than happiness because it makes us stronger yet we worship happiness because it makes us ignored . Moments lost cannot be retrieved as time stands stronger . God himself is strange giving us something and taking it back. He wants us to be happy with it and even without it...

leftthisapp · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The love which waited years

Angelina woke up because of the disgusting smell of rotting flesh in her room. To her utter shock all her stuff was gone and on the table there was a bag with clothes and a note , she opened that note .

"We don't have enough money to waste on you anymore. Luckily your grandfather has agreed to take you in, all stuff you need is inside this bag get ready and your luggage is waiting outside. We all will be having breakfast downstairs , just walk ignoring us without uttering a word and take ur luggage . You're a disgrace we don't even wanna talk to you anymore."

Angelina felt torn but the house creeped her more than the pain of those words. She went downstairs and saw her family eating breakfast with a serious expression, none of them blinked which freaked her out. She ran outside and took her luggage. Checking the address she booked a cab. The cab came in 10 mins, she looked at her house one last time and it looked weirder. She saw her elder sister close the curtain with an expresionless face .

Tears welled up in her eyes but she stayed strong. The place was at a 3 hours distance, a green board . Angelina got off and stared at the board, there was nothing but forest around. Three Audi's moved swiftly towards her and stopped, out of one of those cars a man of about 70 came out.

"Angelina , my dear granddaughter! "

he exclaimed while pulling Angelina in a tight hug. Angelina smiled as she recognised him properly. Her grandmother used to tell her stories about how brave and good her grandfather was , and how they were seperated by her family pressure. Her grandmother loved him so much that she cherished his pictures for so many years and even showed some of them to Angelina.

Angelina sat in a car with her grandfather, who kept talking about how big she has become and that her grandmother always told him about Angelina when they wrote letters . The car stopped infront of a luxurious mansion .

" He's been waiting for you my dear"

the grandfather said with a smile but Angelina held a curious expression.


she asked in surprise while the grandfather laughed and got off.

The grandfather gave orders to his staff to take care of Angelina and went away after telling Angelina to rest.

Her room was beautifully decorated , as if an Angel was going to live there. Her favourite colour was white and the room seemed extremely beautiful. When she opened her closet , there were many beautiful dresses inside . Angelina was utterly shocked to find them right of her size.

"How are all of them my size?"

she asked the maid who came to help her with dressing.

"Madam, the designer saw your pictures to guess your size . Still if they don't fit we will buy new ones"

Angelina smiled and taking a beautiful white dress , she went inside the bathroom. Wearing that dress made her feel as if she was an Angel. The dress fit every curve as if someone measured her perfectly.

When she went to the main hall to thank her grandfather , she saw him waiting for her.

His face carried a weird joy that was confusing. Walking down those stairs she looked at her grandfather.

"Were you looking for me Grandpa?"

she asked in a dazed expression.

"Yes , I want you to meet somebody but first we need to get you all dressed up for the ritual"

he said with a smile that creeped her out.

The maids came to take her away. They dressed her in a white blouse with a lacey overcoat, a beautiful gown and a net veil that covered her face too and on top of that veil they put a flower veil . It seemed as if they were dressing her for her wedding.

She came out beautiful dressed while her grandfather pulled her in a hug.

"I finally will get to see my wife after so many years , I've completed my service. My dear granddaughter, i only ask you to marry the man i ask you to. I guarantee you that he will be there for you and will never hurt you. Only if you do so i will be able to return to your grandmother"

Angelina was at a conflict with herself but she knew the love her grandparents held for years. She saw her grandmother cry holding her grandfather's letters , that pain was more waiting for someone whom you had no idea where or what he was doing. Yet they never thought of anyone else but each other.

Angelina smiled and with a faint smile spoke,

"Just don't leave her again, she has cried and waited a lot for you. She loves you so much that she fought everyone. She is tired now , let her rest in your arms once . "

her words brought tears to her grandpa's eyes as he wiped them he started taking Angelina towards the car.

Angelina never thought that her wedding would occur like this. Nobody to celebrate with, no friends, no happiness, no excitement , all that left was a subtle wait for who was going to take vows with her. Things change so soon, a thing she was running for is something she chose . She rested her head towards the car window as she remembered the flashbacks of her childhood.

A guy in her 5 th grade who was very rich once said to her,

"When you grow up Angelina, you would end up marrying a stupid man having his kids and then one day when we meet you'd cry. I would be very rich and at that time you will ask me to marry you, i will marry you then."

Angelina felt weird and confidently told,

"Oh yeah? Firstly I wouldn't marry, secondly if never marry you and thirdly even if i marry my husband would be so much richer than you. Oh wait i will be so damn richer than you then my husband. "

She didn't even complete high school and was marrying so soon. Her mind was a mess. Seeing his granddaughter stressed up, the grandfather calmly spoke,

"Marriage is a big deal i know. I didn't wanted to let you into this to but this seems to be fate. After you marry him you can ask him all questions about why I didn't go to your grandmother after marriage. Why we stayed seperate for so many years, everything he is the answer. He would also tell you about why you are going through all that pain."

Angelina turned to see her grandfather's face , totally surprised . Now she was more curious to meet that man but rather than asking any other details her tongue slipped,

"Is he handsome?"

Her grandfather laughed at her silliness and nodded. The car stopped infront of a broken old church. Angelina remembered a memory from her past as she saw that old church. The grandfather stood at the church's door and holding the handle stood with his head down,

" It's a journey you both are going to go together. I sadly cannot join you. Agree to what he says because he knows the best"

with these words he let go of her hand and waved her a bye while sitting in one of the Audis. It seemed to be quite scary but she had to go in herself.

She took deep breaths and opened the doors. Entering all she saw was, a man sitting on a throne dressed in all black with a black veil covering his face. He wore a weird crown like structure which seemed to be made up of wood.

His throne was just under the main crucifix and seeing Angelina entered he got up. The throne disappeared and the doors shut tight. There was not a single light source inside the church but still he was visible. He gestured Angelina to move forward and so she did. As she started moving candles on both sides of the aisle started lighting up.

It was a heck of an experience. What the hell was that guy! Angelina wondered, while she moved with steady steps towards him. When she reached to face him he let his hand out , Angelina held his hand while he pulled her up to the stage. His face was still covered by that veil. He handed her a piece of paper which had the vows, she gulped and spoke,

"I promise to cherish this relationship between me and my husband . Support him in love and death, at all times. I , Angelina Anderson hereby take Lucifer as my lawfully wedded husband."

his name sent chills down her spine. She looked at him while he just stood petrified and in an awkward tone spoke,

"Where are your vows? "

even after hearing her words he didn't speak anything. After a while she spoke again,

"Oh i guess you already took them didn't you?"

and this time she saw him lightly nod.

She felt awkward as he was not saying or doing anything rather than just standing still.

"Ok then" she said as she lifted her veil . He still didn't move,

" I remember kiss is to be done for marriage completion" she wondered to herself.

She waited but even after he didn't do anything. She lifted his veil and with closed eyes she kissed him. It was her first kiss and she gave it away to him. His hands held her waist as he kissed her properly. The slight peck turned into a deep kiss . With him deepening the kiss, Angelina opened her eyes which met his. He was the most beautiful person that can ever exist. He deepened the kiss again and it caused Angelina to shut her eyes and drown herself into his embrace. She didn't think about anything else as if someone ended all her worries.

His hands covered her stomach which made her heartbeats race. His touch didn't make her uncomfortable rather his cold hands seemed to be more comforting than anything. They seperated from each other both panting , her eyes on his black suit as her fingers lightly held the edges of the fabric.

He slowly lifted the net fabric which covered her stomach , when his hands made contact with her skin her back arched up and the insides of her stomach felt ticklish. His eyes were on her while she felt a sharp pain in the place where he touched. She let go of the fabric and saw blood flowing out of her stomach. He stabbed her , the cold knife was still in his hands. Her vision blurred and the last thing she could remember was him.