
The Demon king's Queen

Suffering is better than happiness because it makes us stronger yet we worship happiness because it makes us ignored . Moments lost cannot be retrieved as time stands stronger . God himself is strange giving us something and taking it back. He wants us to be happy with it and even without it...

leftthisapp · Fantasie
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7 Chs

My love will never die..

Waking up in an unknown place was not as dangerous to her at that time, than waking up at a known place. Angelina opened her eyes in the city hospital. Everything seemed so white , it felt like she had a dream about that guy. She saw him pick her up and take her away. Her parents rushed in and seeing her in that condition her mother started crying. Angelina felt no pain to her it seemed as if she had reached that level of depression and hallucinations that she can no longer feel pain. Seeing her all well despite of the injuries the doctor allowed her discharge but suggested strict bed rest. At home Angelina felt like a different person , she wasn't sad anymore and moreover she wasn't thinking about any of her painful memories . "What a turnover?" she muttered to herself while lying on her bed . Her mom entered her room and Angelina just gazed at her . Her mother sat next to her " Why do you do this to me? Can't you see how much your parents are ashamed of you ? What do you want now? now I have to take care of you" . It was cruel , speaking so negative with a person who has just survived death and moreover not even thinking about the person's medical condition. Angelina felt like her being injured was her mistake even if it wasn't. After her mom left , Angelina with all her left energy woke up and locked the door. She had no energy left to go back to bed , even if it didn't pain but rest all was happening to her that happens during an injury . The weird sensations and no energy. She sat on the floor holding the doorknob. She started crying there until she heard a humming sound . It felt as if someone was there under her bed. "My love will never die....." it hummed. Angelina's voice seemed to be gone . She was in a state of shock . After reciting those lines the voice disappeared. Angelina fell on the floor with her eyes looking under the bed. She could only see darkness and soon her eyes closed .