

A boy so desperate to avenge his parents death unlocks a great darkness upon himself, but slowly learns the true nature of the creature

kene_mbonu · Fantasie
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5 Chs


The next day After I had accepted the offer of becoming a PHANTOM agent,I was informed that I was required for a mandatory orientation course, that was scheduled to start by ten o'clock in the morning, the attire for the orientation were special super suits which all looked the same at first but when they come in contact with an agent absorb and modifies the agent's abilities but for some reason my suit still remained as plain as it was when I tried it on,I had time to think about the reasons why it didn't work because I was running late, I grabbed my gear and left.

When I had arrived they were all ready introducing the new cadets so I followed the back entrance to the stage,Ashley asked me why I was late but I had no time to explain,when I looked down the hall there were like a hundred plus cadets with different abilities,I could tell there was a cryomancer in the room and various other elementals and also people with different other abilities such as telekinesis,shape shifting and teleportation and many other abilities,it was time for the PHANTOM personnel to tell us why we were called out for,he said his name was mister Andrew brown and he would be the judge for our performance in the trials that awaited us,he said the main objective of the trials were to test how far we had gone with our abilities, there were five groups to grade us into according to abilities they were team novice ,team beta,team delta,team alpha and team omega, further more each member in a group would have there own power level to ascertain would be the squad leader, then he went on to tell us the trials were divided into three main categories,they were the test of agility, the test of senses and test of strength,when he was done educating us about the trials,he Yelled at the top of his voice let the trials begin.

The first cadet was called up she was cryomancer I could tell from her suit,with the why she was shivering it was either cryomancer where super cold or she was super nervous,she was taken down to an arena,there was a screen so the judge could grade her performance,the first trial was the test of agility, the objective of the trial was for the cadets to avoid as many lasers and take out as many security cameras as they can, the timer began and the cadet began as well,there was no doubt see had a lot of stealth and agility see got through the lasers as if she were cold breeze,she used her cryomancer abilities to create ice objects which she hurled towards the cameras, taking them out one by one ,she had finished the first task in record timing, her second trial began immediately but this trial wasn't as easy as the first for her the task required her to be blind folded and to avoid as many drones as she can and lets just say I stopped counting how many drones hit her at forty but there was no time to be sorry for her self them third trial had begun,the objective was to pull down a lever on one side and catapult the Wight on the other but looking at her body structure she wouldn't be able to do it but what she lacked in strength she made it up in brains she used her ice abilities to cover herself in tons of ice transforming her into a snow giant which did heavy lifting her trial was done and the next cadet was about to begin but to everyone surprise the next cadet started to beg the judge saying he had no idea what his ability was or how to use it, in that minute he was instantly graded as a novice and was taken out of the hall, the next cadet was immediately brought unto the stage and by the way his suit was it looked like his abilities had to do with tech, he was taken down to the arena and once again the screen appeared and I was right his abilities had to do with tech,he could bend any technical equipment to his will as he demonstrated by making the lasers switch off,the security cameras stop recording as he reached the end of the first trial, he further more made the drones go into sleep mode when they got within five meters close to him and as he waltz his way through the second trail,well the third trial was a walk in the park for mister famous there was no tech for him bend to his will so he lost the third trial in style,the next cadet was ready to go or at least I think,she showed no facial expressions what so ever,her first trial had begun and she looked like team omega martial she teleported though the lasers she used her telekinesis to disrupt the cameras and that was the end of trial one,her second trial began see had dogged the drones like she had perfect sight her sense of hearing was amazing she her second trial with ease, the third trial was under way and she already knew her next move she use her telekinesis to pull down on the lever sending the load far away and with that her trials were complete.

Cadets after cadets,the trials were coming to an end, it had come to my turn,I had no idea what to do because I had no idea what my ability was and how to use it,just like that cadet, I was called on stage and was brought down to the arena and the screen appeared the timer began but I didn't I froze up and tuned out of reality it was that voice again,the demon king he said be free at that moment I felt so much power coursing through my veins I began instantly was amazing I dogged all the lasers like it was nothing then something amazing happened I created shock wave which took out every last camera in the arena my second challenge began when I was blind folded it was like I could see better I had a clear of that arena I dogged the drones quickly, my third trial began it was hell trying to pull down the lever that was when I sat down under a shaded area in the arena i felt like the dark spot gave me strength that is when I understood my true power the dark I radiated with a purple aura, I then pulled down the lever like it was nothing everyone was marvel and with they had come to the end of the trials.

The judge said that the result will be out tomorrow and we would find out which team we belonged to and our team mentors,everyone returned to there domes to start the day tomorrow.