
The demon God's daughter

Abigail being born from the lineage of the witches and demons raised up by humans not knowing her real parents grows up to meet two people in her life one destined to be her soulmate and the other her husband and her past life is linked to theirs who do you think will win over the golden cup(Abigail) let's read on THE DEMON GOD'S DAUGHTER

Augusta_obi · Fantasie
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17 Chs

chapter 10

Abigail was a very emotional type , she always takes things to heart . tears already filled her eyes .

Ezekiel got up pretending to be annoyed

"this , this is what I hate"said Ezekiel

"what did I do wrong"Abigail was already crying

"you are not my type at all"said Ezekiel

"what do you mean Zeke?"asked Abigail

"do you want to know?"said Ezekiel moving close to Abigail, Abigail drifting back.

"what's wrong Zeke?"asked confused Abigail scared

"if you still want to be my girl then strip in front of me"said Ezekiel

"WHAT!, s_s_s_strip?"asked Abigail

"yes strip"replied Ezekiel

"HELL NO!, I can't"said Abigail

"you see this is what I'm saying you can't be my girl"said Ezekiel.

immediately they heard a knock on the door.

"come in"said Ezekiel,

it was Kaylene one of the students

"well I came to drop this file"said Kaylene

Ezekiel still looking at crying Abigail. Kaylene was just so lust over Zeke's beauty that she began to blush over seeing Abigail crying.

"drop the file and come over here"said Ezekiel

Kaylene was shocked and not sure of what she heard

"pardon"said Kaylene

"I said drop the file and come over"said Ezekiel

Abigail just stood mute , when Kaylene was done dropping the file she came over to Ezekiel

"you want to know my type right, then I'll show you"said Ezekiel

immediately Zeke drew Kaylene closer to him and kissed her deeply with no affection

Abigail clenched her fist and left crying