
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: The First training day.


DAY 2.


GOLD: 2,000.

Tyler woke a few hours later feeling surprisingly well rested and fresh. He opened his eyes to see the slumbering face of a beautiful girl with silver hair beside him in a large and unfairly comfy bed. He blinked at this apparition and the realized his arms were firmly wrapped around her back and his face was pressed into her collar bone like a child seeking comfort in their mother. His grip on the lady had a near desperate feel to it and he smiled as the memory returned.

"Sorry about that, Belfast."

She smiled as her kindly shining blue eye opened.

"It is quite alright dear. I was wakened you see."

He blinked.


She looked him in the eye with a warm kindness as he sighed.

"I am here."

He smiled at the offer.

"Thanks Belfast. I mean it. YOU TOO Rias."

The redhead chuckled as she rolled over from where she'd been faking to be asleep to look over Belfast's shoulder.

"I'm here too."

He smiled at that before he sighed.

"Life's not been fun. And people are cruel in my hometown. With a SERIOUS crime rate i think I told you about Rias."

"You did."

"Well. Before I was the brickwall you see before you, I was the runt of the litter and was treated as such for years. Some involving alleys. and no pants. And various fleshy objects. YOU do the math."

Belfast had a look of horror at this and Rias had a grim one.

"Say it."

"I've been raped no fewer then thirty times, in thirty differen places, but 30 different people."

He was grabbed in an immense hug from the heartbroken ladies and he smiled as he held them.

"I'm okay. Really. All it is nightmares now. I got over it."

Belfast smiled at that as she looked at him.

"Are you haunted?"

"YES but not by that. I....made some mistakes and got some people killed I cared about. THOSE still hurt. So I try not to talk about it much."

Rias smiled at this.


"Kinda. More stupid ideas a mine that ended VERY badly."

"We'll help."

"Thanks Rias, Belfast. Sorry for waking you."

The silver haired lady smiled.

"LAdy Enterprise had nightmares too. I understand. How frequent are they?"

"Oddly enough that was the first one in what? 2 full years? Sounds about right."

He sat up with a stretch.

"My world's a mess and my hometown's a hellhole. I appreciate the help ladies."

Rias smiled at that and then smirked.


He got his own robe as the ladies went into the bath. Tyler amused himself by doing some minor morning exercises as the ladies came out. Belfast smiled as she saw him get off the floor.

"I see you do take care."

"I TRY to at least. Main problem is I like food."

He went into the bath for a deep cleaning of his own before he got dressed in his refreshed gear. He walked out and smiled at the waiting ladies.

"I'd like it if you FORGOT this morning happened OUTSIDE this room please."

They nodded vehmently.

"I will NEVER breathe a word."

"What Belfast said. Have it said."

Tyler smiled at that and they headed out of the room. The hallway brightly lit up by the early mornign sunlight and Tyler yawned hard as he walked. Rias smiled.

"Mornings suck."

"Koneko agrees."

He chuckled at that as he noted the floors here were white marble and the walls were lined by suits of armor holding swords. He saw them and looked away with a slight shiver. Belfast saw this.

"They unnerve you?"

"Does the term videogame mean anything to you, Belfast?"

"It does. Unicorn is quite fond of them."

"Okay. That girl is WAAAAY too damn cute. There. I said it. I played a horror game and I got killed by one a them things....as it raped my character to death. Yeeeah that was a fucked up week."

They shuddered and Rias looked at him.

"Hentai game?"

"No actually. Silent Hill."


"Yeah that guy is....ah...DIFFERENT."


The trio walked into the dining hall and Tyler smiled as he saw Asia and Akeno sitting by the same fireplace. The teenager walked over and Asia was all glow as he sat beside her.


"Morning Glowball."


"What? You're always glowing Asia."

She pouted at the pet name and Akeno chuckled.

"She is too cute sometimes."

"Morning Akeno."

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"TOO well."

"Need a jolt?"

"Oh I'd LOVE to feel YOUR electrifying touch Akeno!"

she smiled at that one.


He smiled at his friend as Rias smirked and dragged the chessboard over with a long finger.


Tyler smirked as his eyes lit up.

"Oh it is ON."

Akeno smirked and looked at Belfast as the pieces were set.

"Looks like it just got complicated!"

"Indeed it does."

Asia was humming a tune as she watched the two strategists go to war. Jerial came over with breakfast for the group and smiled at the tension as the war was waged.

"I will have a board brought up, My Lord."

"Thanks Jerial. GOTCHYA. Been after that rook for fifteen minutes now."

Rias smiled as the game AGAIN went to a king to king stalemate.

"I haven't been this outmatched on the board in some time. I like it."

"ME too."

The board was put up and the platters of food laid out again. Tyler grabbed a cup of high output coffee and drank deep.

"OOOH MUCH better. Ugh. I hate mornings."

The girls chuckled at that one as they had breakfast together.

"Mornin President!"

Issei came swaggering up and plopped in the seat beside the redhead. The green eyed guy was quick to snuggle the redhead's massive rack with his face as he hugged her before he got a plate of bacon and eggs for himself. Asia looked at Tyler curiously.

"Hey Tyler, you got bags under your eyes."

"Oh I'm fine, Asia. My dreams can be a LITTTTLE exhausting. I can lucid dream you see."

"OOOH cool."

"Yeah. Except for the ones where I go skydiving. Oh. Fair warning? THOSE ones? I LITERALLY jump out of the bed. Sooo yeah."

Akeno chuckled.

"Now that's something I'd pay to see."

He snorted.

"Yeah. Ya say that now. THEN I scare the crap outta you when it happens, and the damned bed JUMPED with it. I weigh 240 pounds Akeno. and it's all deadweight in those. freaks me the FUCK out."

She chuckled and Rias smirked.

"Watch where you land."

"NO promises."

The friends had a good breakfast as Issei again made a pig of himself and a mess of everything. Tyler and the ladies left the idiot to his mess and Asia stretched hard.

"Ahhh! I feel better!"

She got a fond pat from the taller teenager and she smiled.

"You're nice!"

"Thanks Asia."

She glowed again and Rias just smiled.

"That girl. I swear she could make friends with a ghost."

"Asia the friendly blonde."

"Yup! That's me!"

Belfast smiled.

"Now I wish to introduce her to Unicorn."

"You do we'd lose em both, Belfast."

"Most definitely."

The friends walked into the throneroom and Tyler smiled as he walked to Seria's throne.

"Morning MY Princess."

She sighed happily.

"Morning MY hero! You're getting to work today right?"

MYlissia smiled.

"They are starting their training today, Seria."

"YAy! I get to watch!"

Tyler chuckled then looked at the Queen.

"I forgot to ask yesterday."

The queen smiled.

"Go on."

"Will we be required to party up after our training?"

"Ah. I forgot as well. You may choose to travel alone or in groups. It is entirely up to you."

"Thanks Mylissia."

She smiled.

"Now I have a question."

"Whatever it was I had nothing to do with it I swear."

They laughed at that fervent plea. MYlissia chuckled.

"Amusing but not it. I understand you passed a warning along to Jerial about a Pleasurer Proficency."

"Ah. I did."

She looked him in the eye intensely now.

"What do you know about this boy, Tyler? And WHY did you feel the need to WARN my maids about him?"

Tyler looked at Rias and she nodded. Mylissia saw this and the teenager explained.

"He's Rias' boyfriend, Mylissia. And my GOD is that guy giving off red flags. Plus the fact he made a mess at the table."

"YOU are NOT telling me everything. Speak."

Rias sighed now.

"Issei is.....a bit of an addict. And has a problem listening when people tell him no."

Tyler looked at her.

"Want me to do it, Rias? I know m uch as you do."

She smiled gratefully.

"I'd appreciate it, Tyler. Thanks."

The teenager walked up to the queen and leaned in her ear.

"I don't knpw if he still has them. But he created two spells in his world. They'll give you an idea of he is all about."

The queen nodded.

"Do NOT omit a word."

"The first is called Dressbreak. He pokes a lady anywhere on her body and snaps his fingers. POOF. ALL your clothes explode off your body and you're left naked."

The queen had a look of outrage at this.

"And the SECOND?"

"Boobyingual. He leers at your boobs and can read your mind."

"OH by RICHTOR that is PUTRID! WHY is she WITH him?"

"It's NOT her fault. Does the term dragon emperor mean anything to you?"

"It does not. But it DOES sound fearsome."

"In his world. Issei was possessed by the Red Dragon Emperor Drake. BAsically he can double power infinitely. It's also known as the boosted gear. Are you with me so far?"

"I am."

"Now. When someone is possessed by Drake, their soul becomes like a lure. The wielders of the boosted gear is aways surrounded by lusty, beautiful woman due to this lure effect. And even if you HATE the guy, the geart works on the subconscious level. Oh, that kinda brave I guess. Eehh alright I'll give em that. Funny. Oh wow. Better lookin an I thought. Yeah. It manipulated you into falling in love."

Mylissia looked RIGHT at her daughter in concern now and Rias smiled.

"The gear got a MASSIVE reduction in it's effects when we entered the world, Mylissia. I am currently asking myself a few questions because of it too. The lure is no more."

Tyler stepped back.

"And the more important piece? Issei peeps on them all the freakin time and they tell him NOT even more. Well. My worry is how can we expect him tio listen when the time comes and it hurts?"

The queen nodded gravely as he stepped back to the ladies.

"I rule the warning needed indeed. I asked for I do not tolerate unfounded slander or debasement. THIS one IS founded and WARRENTED. A tracker will be placed. Tyler, I thank you for watching over my servants as I should."

"Sure. Jerial's a good friend a mine. I look after my own."

The queen and the princess smiled approvingly.

"I approve."

Tyler then smirked and looked at Akeno.

"Don't you dare."

Mylissia smirked dangerously.


"She's a Thunder Priestess. So, SPARKLES!"

Akeno slugged him again with a smile as Seria busted up laughing. Mylissia sighed with a smile as Tyler rubbed his jaw.

"It is so fun to fuck with you Akeno."

"OOOh you're an idiot. Funny though."

"Ya got one helluva right on ya."

"Thank you. I work at it."

"Yeah. Being Rias' right hand is VERY tiring isn't it?"

Akeno laughed at the mulitlayered nudge as Rias smirked.

"I know where you sleep you bastard."


Asia got a pat and smiled at the affection. Seria saw this and smiled.

"She's cute."

"She's Asia."

The praise from the princess made the happy blonde blush shyly and shuffle her feet. The rest of the heroes came up now with a few still yawning and Tyler smiled as he looked at the princess. Se smiled as well with a slight blush before the teenager smirked and she gulped.


"Oh just an idea."

"Heeey! Now I'm scared!"

"Need a hug?"


He walked up and hugged the glowing princess and she squeaked as he enveloped her slender frame.

"Oh my. You're warm!"

"You're sweet."

Mylissia smirked as he stroked her daughter back around the backless portion of her gown.


"Thanks for the permission!"


Seria smiled with a blush at the implications as he let her go.


"You're fine."


Tyler stood back by Rias and the redhead chuckled as he reached her.

"Well played."

"I got a few ways."

Belfast smiled knowingly as she noted the chuckles on the faces of the court ladies.

"You play their game very well, Tyler."

"Actually? I'm not. And they know it. They've been looking for falsity since I walked in the door. NONE to be found."

Rias nodded sagely.

"And since you're so geninue, it merely makes your suit for the princess seem that much more."

Once the heroes were situated in front of the throne Mylissia smiled.

"Today you will meet your trainer and begin said training. Her methods are her own. But know the fate of humanity itself rests on your shoulders."

A sound of clanking armor was heard and they looked to see a slender woman with vivid pink hair and blazing blue eyes striding towards them. She was a head shorter then Tyler with a very lithe figure and large bust on her narrow chest. She had several scars on her face and around her neck while her hair was tied in a neat ponytail. Her skin was tanned too. The lady's armor was brightly polished and silvery in color while on her breast was a golden emblem. On her back was an immense greatsword that Tyler smirked at as the intimidating woman took a stance before them. Her voice a firm bark.

"I am Victoria Dragonslayer. Captain of the royal knights and YOUR trainer now. Let's move people we gotta lotta work to do."

Tyler chuckled as he looked ar Rias while they followed the knight captain.

"THIS si gonna be interesting."

The redhead chuckled.


The taller teenager looked at the knight curiously now and Victoria smirked over her shoulder at him.

"Future prince or not, I WILL beat you into shape."

"HA. Oh this is gonna be fun. Slayer?"

"Slayer. Her too. There's a couple Slayers among the heroes. Be amusing to see who actually has skill."

Tyler smirked at that.

"A fair few might surprise you."

"I can see it in their eyes. We got rookies AND veterans of the battlefield here. A relief to be sure."

The group left the palace and Victoria nodded.

"Forward JOG! EVERYMORNING you WILL run the distance to the Coliseium! THERE yuo will be given a set of proper adventurer attire! Keep up or be on DOUBLE GUARD DUTY! MAGGOTS....MOVE OUT!"

Tyler just smiled as ne, Rias, Akeno, Belfast and Asia took off at a light trot.

"That is such a classic it's not even funny."

The redhead chuckled as they set the pace for the rest of the pack.

"NOW I knpw what boot camp feels like."

Victoria appeared beside them also trotting and she smirked as she saw them still breathing lightly.

"Is this too easy maggots?"

Tyler noted she was breathing lightly too.

"Not yet."


Belfast smiled but said nothing as they went through the city. Tyler noting people just getting out of their way on sight as the pack of Heroes jogged by and Victoria explained between breaths.

"Guards, soldiers, and knights in training get the right of way as a matter of honor and due respect."

Tyler smiled at that.

"Makes sense. So hwo bad is it at the front Victoria?"

"CAPTAIN Victoria to YOU maggot."

He looked at her.

"I call the QUEEN by first name. YOU will NOT get ANY special treatment from me, Victoria. ACCEPT THAT and GET over it."

The knight captain smirked at that coldness.

"You got ice in your soul recruit. Not bad. And I see respect for YOU is EARNED."

"I just met you."

"YOU remind me of a younger me. To answer your question? We just lost another battle last night."


He looked at Rias.

"DON'T expect us to get a lot a training in."

The redhead nodded as they crossed a bridge.

"I am not. Only a question of the catalyst."

"MY bet is the Draken made a summon of their own. The world doesn't do imbalance like that. One side getting overpowered heroes and the other not? Sorry that's just not it works."

Belfast frowned.

"What is our course then?"

"Caution. we need to figure out just WHAT the hell we're dealing with. Time being, we get good at this."

Victoria nodded approvingly at the discussion as the coliseium rose up before them.

"Good. You trust your comrades. That is PARAMOUNT for any fighting force. Now WHO is the LEADER here?"

Rias smirked at that one and Tyler looked at her.

"I'll be second?"

The redhead smiled warmly.

"Appreciated. But this is a world I do not know. We'll wait to pick a leader for the time being."

"OOOH smart. Asia stays in the center a the pocket period."


"Oh! Asia."

"What's up?"

"YOU stack defensive abilities. Make yourself a healer defense mage. EVERYONE prioitize DEFENSE over OFFENSE."

Akeno smiled widely.

"Oh Rias imagine how that raiding game would have gone with HIM on the board?"

"I can only imagine Akeno."

The front runners reached the sandy floor of the coliseum and Victoria led them to a line of racks as the friends regained breath. The knight commander nodded as the first group gathered.

"YOU are the vanguard of your party. So get first pick of your equipment. Clothes are there."

Belfast noted a lack of stalls and Victoria smirked.

"You're a SOLDIER. Get over yourself."

That made the lady sigh and Tyler smiled.

"Gotchya covered, Belfast."

The ladies looked at him curiously as he walked to the racks of weaponry and took a set of long pikes, a pile of wallshield, and walked to a spot by the clothing racks. He built a Teepee shape big enough for four inside and laid the shields atop it until it was completely covered. Victoria smirked and went know knock it over....only for a greatsword to slam into the sand at her foot.

"NOPE. Sorry. THEIR diginity is worth more to ME then YOUR life."

That made the captain nod approvingly as Tyler lifted the 6 foot weapon with one hand as Asia, Akeno, Rias, and Belfast went into the changing teepee first.

"Ice and fire. Good. And you know how to improvise. Good."

Belfast came out first wither maid outfit neatly folded in her arms. she having opted for tight fitting leather pants and a light tunic top while she wore boots on her feet. She took a backpack to store her maid outfit as Asia came out. She having picked a white priestess' habit with blue trim and sandles. Tyler smiled as he patted her.

"Asia the cute nun."


Rias came out in a tight pair of pants with a white buttoned up shirt without sleeves while on her hands were a pair of fingerless gloves. Akeno came out in a red and white priestess robe with a blood red skirt and white top. Tyler smiled as the next set of girls went into the teepee.

"Wow. alright. MY turn."

He went to the racks and picked out a few things before he went to a spot in the sand and tossed his clothes into a waiting backpack. Asia gasped as she saw his back.

"what happened Tyler?"

He smiled as a set of long scars were seen on his back.

"My hometown's a northern forest town, Asia. i got attacked by a cougar no one knew was loose in town."



He pulled a tight fitting tanktop on over his belly before an open front vest was added. He then pulled the better quality denim jeans on with a wolf head belt buckle. On his feet were a pair of black boots and Victoria smirked as she saw his attire.

"Ya got a FAT belly there, recruit."

"Yeah that'll vanish soon enough."

"Ha. Now pick your weapons."

Tyler took the greatsword he'd stuck in the dirt and held it out with one hand to feel the weight and the balance. He then hung it on his back and smiled as it stayed there. Then he went to the rack for armour and took a vest of chainmail he then placed under his shirt and when he pulled the thing down he didn't look like he was armoured at all. Which made Victoria smirk.


Next he took a shirt of scalemail and placed it over his shirt and hung the vest over the thing. He did a few movements before he nodded.

"Alright then."

Victoria frowned at this setup.

"That's clever. TWO shirts of mail to get through. Huh."

Tyler took a pair of spiked and armoured gloves without fingers and pulled them on along with knee guards, shoulder guards, shin guards, and some elbow guards as well. the result making him seem like he was some idiot then an adventurer. Which made the knight captain smirked approvingly.

"ALL your vital points are heavily protected right from the start. and yet? It's a DARE. I like it."

Tyler chuckled as he strapped a set of daggers across his chest to add further defenses.

"I do defense well"

The girls also found vests to fit them AND their impressive busts. Tyler smiled as he hefted the greatsword now. It was 6 feet long with a 12 inch wide blade that shimmered along it's length and a needle-like tip. The weapon had two edges and twin hilts. Tyler did a swing with the hulkign weapon and nodded approvingly at the heavy wooshing sound and the weight.


Rias whistled as she saw him hefting the immense sword.


"Happy to impress you."

She smiled at that as the next batch of runners came in and they got glared at by Victoria.

"YOU are MIDDLE RANK. GET changed."

Tyler looked at the offerings for weapons with a tilted head when he spotted a 5 foot lance with a two foot head. The teenager walked over to the weapon and took it down with a thoughtful expression as he struck a stance with the long weapon. Then he spotted a round shield on a peg and took it down too. He hefted the shield with the lance at the ready and Akeno blinked.


"I know how to fight like them."


Victoria smirked as he took the next set.

"You're gonna weigh yourself down kid."

"Alls I need now is a bow and quiver."

"A tool for every scenario. Good."

Tyler took one of the yew bows and quivers of arrows as the shield collasped magically to the size of a coin he pressed into the top of his hand. The spear folded up into a mere one foot rod he slotted on his hip while the bow was in easy reach on his back. Happy with his loadout he went to where rias and the girls were standing. The redhead having selected a staff tipped by a ruby to buff her powerful fire spell while Asia had a diamond tipped one for her healing. Belfast had a trident with a sapphire in the head and Akeno a topaz tipped staff. Rias threw another wolf whistle as the heavily armed teenager approached.

"DAMN DUDE. Make is WORK."

"Ha. You make it work too."

Rias smiled at that as the first and second group of heroes settled to wait for the stragglers. Who arrived two hours later. Tyler looked at the group of ten with a lifted eyebrow as most staggered into the coliseum and noted Issei was among them. Victoria glared at the layabouts balefully.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? A wee jog is enough to LAY you idiots out on the DIRT and YOU'RE supposed to be HEROES? ON YOUR FEET maggots! NOW!"

The panting idiots were dragged to their feet as the knight captain went off on them like an angry banshee. Tyler looked at Rias and she smiled.

"I'm okay. The curse was broken when we got here. One of the reasons he irritates me now."

"NO residue?"



Belfast smiled as she too understood.

"We're here for you Dear."

Tyler patted her on the back. Rias smiled at the reassurance as Victoria finished her tirade. The knight captain took a spot in front of them now.

"Alright MAGGOTS. You will be given your first test RIGHT NOW."

A line of armoured knights walked into the arena and the formerly empty stands started filling with civilians come to watch the heroes' training. Tyler smiled as he spotted Seria's blue tresses in the royal box near them and he waved his greatsword at her in greeting. She smiled prettily and waved daintily back. Belfast smiled as the public started chattering at the romance of the beloved princess.

"Very well played."

A mountain of a man approached the teenager with a similar length greatsword and Tyler whistled as he had to tip his head back to look him in the eye.

"Wow. Been a long time since I felt short."

The man sneered nastily.

"Och laddee, ya got a fair bit a braw beauties there now don'tchya? I'll be SURE to enjoy their bodies-ARRRRGH!"

Tyler tore the greatsword from the now dead man's shoulder with a vicious downward swing that SPLIT the man clean in half. The warrior stood tall as the arena went dead silent at the sudden murder and his eyes were ice cold as he swung the blood off the weapon.

"NEVER dare threaten my friends to my FACE. Or you will be DEAD before you hit the ground. DO I make myself clear?"

Victoria smirked at the kill.



Only for the warrior to round on HER in a FURY. The knight captain was taken aback by the now roiling rage inside the warrior's eyes waiting for the slightest poke to be unleashed. She nodded without taking her eyes off the berserker.

"We're clear."

"GOOD. ONLY warning."

He swung his sword onto his back and Rias smirked.

"Nicely done."

"Yeah I don't fuck around with stuff like that, Rias. it's not worth the risk of WHAT IF so I'll just kill you if you start talkin like that an call it good."

Belfast smiled.

"I appreciate the defense."

"I gotchyer backs."

The warrior then looked at Victoria as she approached him with a longsword and shield.

"Let's see how you do against ME, Blooded."

Tyler hefted his greatsword in both hands as the purple haired knight commander took a stance with the shield covering her feet and the tip of her sword. Tyler smirked as around them other such proovings were underway. Tyler took a step at the captain and she backed up a step. He backed up a step and she took a step...only for the warrior to lunge and full speed from his balanced posture and her to leap back just the same.

"Wow. YOU'RE on edge. You okay?"

Victoria gritted her teeth as Tyler still stood in the place he had been when he lunged.

"Okay that was clever."

"Seem jumpy today, Vicky, you ood?"

A vein bulged on ehr forehead at the pet name.

"Icky VICKY!"

OOOH she LOST IT! The smiling teenager got under her skin and she rushed him with the shield up and the sword ready for the stab. Tyler smirked as he waited till the last second, sidestepped with a pivot, and slammed the flat of the greatsword into the plate on Victoria's back. The shock of the hit making her jump and also returned her to her senses. She smiled widely at the successful defeat as around them victories and defeats were being metted out and won.

"You WILY bastard. And here I thought i was immune to taunts. Most impressive."

"I get inside your head you already lost, Victoria. I ger under your SKIN you're a deadlady."

She nodded approvingly.

"Wily and with strength under that blubber. Good. Rest."

Tyler leaned on a wall as Rias and the girls returned. The redhead smiled.

"I won my match. Not used to being hobbled like this yet but I'll get there."

Asia pouted.

"I LOST. Idiot used a hammer."

Tyler patted her.

"We all start somewhere Asia."

"ALLL better!"


Belfast was rubbing her wrist.

"I too suffered defeat. I am used to far different battles indeed. But I will learn."

Akeno smiled.

"I won. They paired me with a water mage. She regrets it now."

Tyler chuckled as he saw Kirito defeat his opponent with a few well placed slashes and Asuna literally DANCE around hers.

"We got a good crew here. Asuna, us, and Kirito with me as the tip of the spear make a great frontline. We'll work out the rest later."

They nodded as Issei was seen getting knocked unconscious by a lighthearted shot from a fighter. Rias smiled as she looked around.

"Koneko just dropped her opponent with a shot to the balls, Gaspy's struggling."

"He'll be fine, Rias. Guy just needs some practice letting loose."

"Kyba won."

"HE'LL have a FANDOM by the end a the day."

"Ha. RAsweisa won."

"MAkes sense. Xenovia?"

"Hmmm won. Oh. Gaspy lost. Poor guy."

Tyler smiled as Belfast looked around.

"Unicorn? I did not know she was here."

The warrior looked over to where a purple haired girl half a head shorter then Asia was getting tossed to the ground by a tall, kindly smiling lady with a white staff.

"She lost to a light mage. She'll be fine."

"I do hope so. I will see to her later."

"So long as you introduce her to Asia."

"Oh absolutely."

Tyler watched as the rest of the duels ended and Victoria nodded.

"Winners step forward."

Tyler and the rest stepped into view and the knight captain smirked.

"Rookie's Proving. Now then. We need to know how among you is best. You will duel. Do not fear, your weapons are not lethal. They'll still hurt like hell though."

Tyler smirked at this and Rias had a fire in her eyes as she looked at him.

"IT is ON."

The warrior cracked his neck as he pulled his greatsword.

"THIS is gonna be good."


Tyler rushed ASIA first and she squeaked in shock as he poked her in the belly, spun around the trembling blonde, and slashed Akeno across the chest. Then he threw the scrambling girl into Belfast as she tried to bring her long trident to bear but the body of her friend got in the way. Rias had her spell charged but Tyler tossed Asia into her aim and she had no choice but to aim away. He slashed her across the chest and smiled as they all glowed black for losers.

"Sorry. Kinda used to being outnumbered."

They smirked and Asia pouted


He chuckled as he ran to the next batch of fighting heroes. Namely a tall girl with redhair in plate armor dueling with a shorter girl wielding a battleaxe. Tyler slashed through a guy with a longsword, a girl with a katana and an eyepatch, a burly black man wielding a battleaxe and leapt high into the air as the redheaded lady was able to escape the axe of the girl. Tyler smirked as she blocked his sword with her own and a shockwave exploded from the impact.

"ERza scarlett. FOUND YOU."

The redhead smirked and her voice was a firm bell tone.

"Let's dance."

"I'll lead."

Tyler leap back, grabbed the shorter girl by the collar of her shirt as she tried to hit him with her axe and THREW HER at Erza. the redhead blinked at this unorthodox attack and caught her...only for the sword to slash them BOTH.

"I win."

And he was off as the two grumbled at the out witting. Tyler smirked as he spotted his TRUE prey. Kirito who was dancing with his girlfriend Asuna trying to get the upper hand. They were the last three still unbeaten and when the hulking warrior stepped forward Kirito and Asuna smirked.

"Oh this is gonne be good."

"I like this."

Tyler cracked his neck again.

"Let's see what you two got."

Kirito rushed the warrior and Tyler met the twin longswords head ont and locked them against his sword.



Asuna came flying over Kirito's head to stab at the warrior with her rapier. Only for the wily warrior to drop into a deep crouch. She flew over his head to land in a clean stance and try to attack his back. Tyler let his sword go as he leapt aside and Asuna nearly stabbed her boyfriend. They danced awkwardly around each other as Kirito had to disengage his swords from the dropped greatsword only for Tyler's lance to poke them once each. They glowed black and Victoria nodded approvingly as Tyler stood tall.

"Unorthodox attacks, VERY agile movements despite low numbers, understanding EXACTLY how to pick apart your opponent with the LEAST amount of effort in the shortest amount of time, and has a backup plan for when the intial fails. We have your leader. Tyler, I name YOU the leader of the Heroes' Brigade. Choose your second in command and third in command."

The warrior nodded.

"Rias' second and Asuna third. Mina Lindebran over there is forth, and Sakamoto fifth. Asia is leader of the rearguard healers, and Yoshkia is her second. we'll argue out other roles later. Oh. I'll explain how I know your names there too."

Kirito chuckled as the boy in black fistbumped the taller fighter.

"Nice counter."

"You two are kinda easy to read, Kirito. YOU get in their face, and she comes in for the rapid attack. If she MISSES, she tries to pin the opponent between you. Sorry there's a HUGE counter gap there."

Asuna smiled sheepishly.

"when it's pointed out it is. we'll work on it."

"Yeah the better attack? Go for the legs. ALWAYS go for the legs. It'll make the opponent need to MOVE entirely nine times out of ten."


Rias walked over with a smirk.

"YOU fight DIRTY. I like it."

"Ha. No hard feelings Asia?"

The blonde smiled.

"Nope! was kinda cool seeing you kick everybody's ass."

Tyler patted her with a smile as a slender lady with orange eyes and copper colored hair came over in a tight fitting tunic and pants. Her weapon was a longsword while her skin was fair and her bust large in her tunic. Her voice was warn yet hard.

"I am Mina Lindebran. Now how do you know my name?"

Tyler smiled.

"Your story's famous in my world, Mina. And is one of my favorites. The STRIKE WITCHES."

Mina smiled with a minor relief.

"I was worried it was something else. And you played that fight incredibly well. I am fourth in command?"

"Yup. We'll get the chain better situated later as we got more commanders here I want on the same page. Plus we got more roles to divvy as well."

Asuna nodded as she looked at him.

"I'm third in command?"

"Yup. Rias has more experience with magical war, you have more melee experience."

"OOOH. A leader's COUNCIL with YOU holding final say."

"Exactly. I'll be in the vanguard with Kirito, Erza, Koneko, Xenovia, Barkhorn, Kyba and Rasweisa. I'll be in command of the frontline vanguard. Second rank is Belfast, Rias, Akeno, Gasper, YOU Asuna, Mina, and Sakamoto. Asuna is in charge of second rank dancers and spellswords. Third rank is rearguard and is comprised of the healers and more powerful spell casters. Leader is Asia."

He looked at Victoria.

"This is the WINNER'S party. Or the ones that need the LEAST training."

The captain nodded approvingly.

"A VERY well formed party already. Impressive. And we will work on the dynamic. AND your leadership. I will ask this right now. What is more important? The mission...or the team?"

"The team."

everyone blinked at the instant reaction and Victoria frowned.

"Your reason?"

He smiled.

"If we forget the reasons we went to war in the first place, WHY did we BOTHER lifting our swords AT ALL?"

The queen and the captain smiled approvingly at that mindset and the crowds watching nodded as well. Victoria smiled.

"Well said, recruit. Well said. And I completely agree. Now. You rest. Losers....wait."

She frowned.

"YOU named Losers to your winners party, did you not?"

"I did."


"Asia is a pure healer. NO offensive whatsoever. Gasper just needs some practice."

"I see. IS there a seperation between the factions?"

"Nah. Just laying the ground work."

"Ah. I see. Very well."

The second set of duels were set as as the rest all sat on the sand a little further off. Tyler had his leader's circle with him and he crossed his arms.

"We'll get some practice under our belts with the new skillsets and the like before we really get into thngs like roles and shit."

Victoria smirked at that idea.

"My thoughts exactly. Now. The Losers faction will duel while the Winners rest. BEGIN."

Tyler watched as the group of 30 or so Losers went at each other and Rias came over.

"You okay?"

She smiled at that.

"I'm tougher then i look. ASIA is PISSED you used her as a meatshield though."

He chuckled at that dark warning.

"I'll be sure to hug her."

"NOW dammit!"

Rias and her devils laughed at the blonde's angry squeak and Tyler hugged her warmly.


"Hmmm one more."

"Greedy golden haired glowball."

She smiled sweetly.


Akeno siddled up behind the smugly smiling blonde an d pounced on her for a hug of her own.

"Oh my Asia! You have QUITE the ego on you now!"

"Eep! Help!"

The friends smiled at the scene as Tyler looked to the fight where Issei was dropped to the dirt from a solid shot to the chops. His opponent was a slender yet busty girl that had purple hair. Belfast noted this.

"That is lady Javelin, Tyler."

"She's a cutie too, Belfast."

"She is a very sweethearted girl as well. And a Royal Navy gem."

Tyler smiled at that one as the trident wielding girl walked away from the beaten Issei with a shiver. That made the warrior frown.


"I shall inquire."

"Yeah. That might be a good idea."

Rias sighed as Issei glowed black.

"Dammit Issei."

Tyler patted her reasurringly and she smiled at this as a shorter boy with blonde hair won his fight against a taller boy with brown hair. The redheaded Rias smiled as she saw this.

"OOh good win Gaspy!"

The duels ended and Victoria nodded as she saw the second set of Losers getting off the sand.

"You maggots will duel like this everyday on top of your other duties. Your Losers duel twice. Your IDIOTS duel THREE times. Are we CLEAR?"

Tyler was looking his greatsword over and the captain saw this.


He looked at her with sheer amusement in his eyes.

"I'm too cheap."

Seria was heard giggling at the bad joke as Victoria smirked.


There was a mass groan and Tyler smirked thinly as Rias glared at him.

"Oooh you're THAT kind of piece, aren't you? PERFECT."

The now irritated heroes got running again and Tyler chuckled as he fell in beside Rias.

"Only way some a them'll get strong enough to MATTER, is FORCE it down their throats. Sorry Rias."

The redhead chuckled as she trotted beside him.

"I still hate you for this."

"Be thankful ya got a hookup then."

"Oh I SO am."

"Good. I'll be sure to get Akeno in on this."

Her blue eyes were full of outrage at THAT turnaround!

"I am NOT getting into a competition over spoil with you damn it."

Tyler chuckled at her icy tone as they crossed cobblestone streets.

"I'll take that under advisement."

"you SMUG bastard."


Belfast smiled coyly as she caught up now.

"Now, now, dear. We may yet exact our OWN form of revenge. Let us be sure to not allow such trivial ploys to undo us."

Rias nodded with a smirk now.

"You are absolutely right, Belfast. We will get that smug prick."

Tyler merely chuckled a knowing chuckle.

"well, Rias, let the game begin! Oh. You're already two in the hole."

"Shut up."

"Yes President."

She GLARED at him now and he lauhed at her instant fury.

"I always wanted to do that to you."


"Yes Rias."


"Yes Mistress?"

She smiled now and said nothing else as Belfast had her own fond smile at the banter. Three circuts from the palace to the coliseum later, EVERYONE was on the sand panting. Tyler as well. The encumbered warrior was panting like an overheated dog with sweat dripping off him like bullets while he still had a smile on his face as he forced himself to his feet. Most of the other heroes were also on their feet from will alone and Victoria smirked as she looked at them still breathing lightly.

"we got a long to go Maggots. I HOPE you're prepared to work."

Tyler took in a massive b reath, let it out, and smirked as his breathing returned to normal.

"Alright now what?"

The purple haired knight captain smirked.

"Draw steel and line up for the next bout."

Tyler looked at his weaponry seeking which to use before he shrugged and took his shield and lance. Another line of knights took positions across from the exhausted heroes. Tyler's opponent this time was armed with a longsword and 2 foot round shield. This setup made him tilt his head curiously before he shrugged. The dulling spell was cast and Tyler hefted his shield with the lance to the side as the knight advanced cautiously towards the warrior. Around them bouts were being decided in mere seconds due to the exhaustion of the heroes compared to their fresh trainers. Tyler smirked and the knight mirrored his action. The lancer stopped moving and the knight stopped. He took a step forward, and the knigyt stepped forward as well. That made Tyler chuckle.

"Classic mirror. Alright then."

He lunged then and the knight met him with buckler on lance....only for the wily warrior to DROP the lance on impact and bounce off the force. The knight blinked at this surprise just before the greatsword slammed into his back from a pivoting attack. He dropped and Tyler found he was among a mere handful of victors now. Seria smiled happily as he won again while Victoria chuckled.

"Alright heroes. Next up is using your various skills in combat. On your feet."

Tyler retrieved his lance as a panting Rias came up beside him with determination on her face.

"Do NOT say a WORD."

He looked at her curiously at this dark threat before noting the sand on her ass. She'd lost her second fight. So he patted her,

"Git em next time."

She smiled at this reassurance.

"I will. And we will take a VERY deep cleaning bath later."

"Sure thing Rias."

A set of wooden manniquins were erected as the captain paced along the line.

"These are your targets. I understand some of you do not have combat abilities. In that light, you are to practice your skill on the appropreiate targets they effect."

Tyler blinked at this and looked RIGHT at Issei. The guy in question had a flushed smirk of anticipation on his face at this and Rias sighed inspite of her fading panting.


"eh forget em, Rias. He's not our problem."

"I guess. The girls got their warnings so. Okay?"

Tyler smiled at her before he faced his own target as the knight captain stepped in front of him.

"Of note. You Slayer Proficencies. Your abilities can be channeled into either traditional ranged spells or weapon spells. This exercise you are to use the weapon spell varient."

They nodded and Rias pulled her bow since she'd chosen a staff. Tyler hefted his greatsword as the other heroes took positions from their targets. Victoria nodded and the line channeled their skills. Tyler smiled as he felt a chant to trigger his ability appear in his mind.

"behold the azur wrath and perish! DARK SACRALANT!"

His 6 foot blade roared to life with brillant blue flames that matched Seria's hair to perfection, a fact not lost on those in attendance, and the warrior slashed the manniquin from shoulder to hip in a downward cut. The manniquin had no visible results of the vicious attack however. The flames on Tyler's sword went out and as he rose from his resulting stance the wooden manniquin was still uneffected by the powerful swing. All along the line manniquins were either destroyed, burning or some other effect. Yet Tyler's had no visible damage. This made everyone tilt their heads curiously and Tyler walked over very confused.

"I don't THINK I missed...right?"

Victoria was also VERY confused as she came over.

"No you hit that thing cleanly. I saw the target highlight in my vision by way of a spell to make sure you DID hit the thing...and you did."

The pair reached the manniquin and sure enough, there was not a SCRATCH on the oaken wood. Tyler tapped a knuckle on the thing and got a solid clunk for his effort as Victoria held a glowing hand up.

"Okay this isn't making any sense. Like that sword should have at LEAST split the thing in half. Specially with the FORCE I packed into it. Yet I'm not seeing any signs of damage. NOT even a sign the thing had reattached itself from a VERY precise cut."

Victoria frowned suddenly.

"I wonder."

Her purple glowing hand turned golden now as she cast a different detection spell....and whistled.

"Okay that is a little scary. Tyler, the spell worked. You cut that thing clean in half."

He blinked.

"So what the hell did I hit?"

"It's SOUL."


The knight captain looked him in the eye.

"You hit the SOUL of the manniquin DIRECTLY. Some spells and skills affect the soul directly and so these manniquins have psuedosouls inside for such practice. Your skill CUT the soul clean in half. So, in other words, armour means nothing to you, skills, tactics, even STONE WALLS mean absolutely NOTHING. That skill ignores EVERYTHING of the physical plane to strike directly into the Astral. These skills are RARE in the EXTREME and are exclusive to the Slayer proficency. I myself do not have such an ability and I have killed dragons. In all of our history, this skill has only manifested TWICE. YOU are the SECOND. The FIRST is renowned as the Demon Bane. The legendary warrior responsible for the defeat of the Archdemon of Wrath millienia ago. Not even a GOD is safe from that style of attack, Tyler."

Tyler pulled his Status Plate and noted the cooldown of the skill.

"I can only use it once a day according to this."

She nodded.

"That is the standard for the Proficency abilities. Train that one well, Tyler, for that ability can kill ANY living creature in a single hit. Provided it is up to the task."

Tyler nodded as he hung his sword on his back.

"I'll be sure to. Now what?"

The captain smirked as she noted the state of the rest of the heroes.

"We're done for the day. You may keep practicing if you wish. Be in the dining hall at dawn for tomorrow's training. MAGGOTS....DISSSSSMISS!"

Tyler waved his greatsword at the princess in her box and she waved as he walked out of the arena with Rias and Belfast. The silver haired Belfast rubbing her sore hands with a grimace.

"I will need readjust. I have gone soft it appears."

Rias nodded as she massaged her own sore hands.

"We're going to be VERY achy in the morning Belfast. But comes with the territory. Speaking of which? Tyler? That ability."

He looked at her curiously as they walked through the city.

"What about it?"

The redhead had a serious expression on her face.

"I need....a favor."

He frowned at her expression....when something clicked.

"Wait. You don't mean what I think you do, right?"

"We'll go back to the room."

Tyler now had a VERY intense light in his eyes as he nodded.


Belfast had her own intense expression as they walked.

"I shall be present. And never reveal a word."

The friends returned to the palace and their room. Rias locked the door before she sat with the duo on the couch. Then she looked Tyler in the eye.

"When that ability recharges, i want you to kill Drake. The dragon possessing Issei."

Belfast blinked at this request.

"This Drake, Tyler?"

"It is the source of Issei's power. And the ENTIRE reason he met Rias in the first place. She's asking me to cripple him."

Rias nodded.

"I am."

Belfast had a frown on her face now.

"I agree the boy has his problems, dear. yet this seems extreme."

"It's outright evil is what it is, Belfast. Hate that guy as I do, he STILL has nearly DIED like folur times to protect her. His flaws aside, he trusts her with his life. And here she is trying to stab him in the back."

Tyler looked Rias dead in the eye now with a VERY intense glare.

"YOU are going to tell me WHY."

Rias met his metallic gaze unflinchingly.

"To FREE ourselves from his HORRID presence. That guy is DISGUSTING! But so long as he has the red dragon emperor inside him? We're stuck with him. I can't kick him off my board because some other devil will scoop him up and the house of Gremory will be in ruins."

Tyler nodded at this and sat back.

"I will NOT assist in YOUR betrayal."

Belfast nodded slowly at this decision.

"NOR will I. Betraying the one who looks to you for a leader and a dear friend just for insurance's sake is evil itself."

Tyler nodded as well with a light of condemnation in his eyes.

"I always thought you were BETTER then that, Rias. I guess reality IS disappointing. And NOW I understand why they say never meet your heroes."

Rias winced at that one before she let out a MASSIVE breath of relief. Which completely mystified the two condemners.

"Oh thank hell."

Tyler frowned.

"What the hell?"

The redhead smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, but I kinda needed to hear you refuse to use it like that."


His and Belfast eye's flashed as they understood and Tyler smiled.

"Since I don't like that guy and we're good friends, you wanted to see if I'd use the power without really considering it. Alright. Fair enough."

Belfast nodded with her own smile and Rias chuckled.

"That disappointment thing kinda hit me in the heart for some odd reason."

She shrugged and Tyler smiled as he relaxed on the couch.

"We're good friends. Anyway. I'll probably get lost in town or something. What're you two gonna do?"

Belfast smiled.

"I will see to Unicorn. She lost all her matches today."

Rias shrugged.

"I'll probably do some tanning on the balcony. Not sure yet."

Tyler took first bath before he got dressed and headed out of the room. Jerial was there with a smile and a silver whistle.

"This will aid you in navigating the city, Tyler."

"Thanks Jerial. Rias loves her hair, think you can help her out?"

The wraith smiled warmly.

"I'll be sure to, My Lord."

He patted her fondly and walked along the sandstone hallway whistling a cheery tune. The warrior walked into the throne room where Mylissia was on her throne with Seria beside her on hers. both royal ladies were tending to the dealings of the city and Tyler smiled as he walked over. Seria smiled happily as he approached.

"Hello, My Hero."

He smiled and walked right up to hug her.

"Hey there, MY Seria."

She sighed with a smile while her mother chuckled at the powermove. The princess smiled as he stepped back.

"I saw your training, Tyler. You are quite skilled."

He chuckled at that one.

"Not really. I'm just good at getting inside your head. I do that you lose. Every time."

Seria smiled sweetly at this.

"A skill none the less. And your own Ability is quite formidiable. Even if I do not fully understand how it works exactly."

He thought for a moment.

"Best I can explain it is it cuts your spirit directly. NOT your body. Say you were a ghost? The ability would hurt the ghost MORE then it would YOU."

"Ooooh. Very impressive."

"Ha. It's the type of ace in the hole I LOVE having in reserve. Half the time even I forget I have it. Then BAM."

Mylissia chuckled at that.

"Like I said. We will watch YOUR progress MOST carefully. Now, aside from visiting Seria, do you have anything for the court?"

"Nah. Just wanted to bother Seria."

Seria smiled.

"Visit again soon!"

"Yes my Princess."

She blushed slightly at that one with a happy smile as he turned. Mylissia smiled approvingly at the reminder as Tyler walked out the door. Beran was laid out in a wagon wheel pattern with the palace in the direct center and the coliseum a major intersection in the city. All the buildings were built from red sandstone in varying styles and manners that added a rather haphazard yet homey feeling to the city. Tyler walked down the steps of the palace to the street before turning down a southern facing street. The exploring hero noting the masses of people around him were made of many races. Elves, dwarves, humans of every build and color, animalpeople, and many more besides. Armed and armoured guards walked along the streets in formations of 5 to 8. Their gleaming mail marking them even from a distance as they walked and Tyler also noted not a soul paid him any mind. I guess people got more important things to worry about then a wandering hero. He looked at a rooftop now and smirked as he spotted one of the Queen's Wraiths leaping from roof to roof keeping pace with him. THAT'S why. The area of the city he was walking through was mainly made of shops and businesses of many different kinds. One shop in particular got his eye and he chuckled at the numerous women lounging around outside the wide doors half naked offerings sex to all an sundry. A brothel you see.

"I can just HEAR Rias and Belfast glaring at me right now."

The warrior smiled fondly at the thought of his friends as he passed the redlight district of the city and a larger shop with a billowing plume of smoke in a chimmeny got his eye. He walked over to the window curiously only to be faced with rows of weaponry. A bladesmith's shop you see. Tyler walked in and the bell tinkled warmly as he did so. The shop was laid out like your average gunshop with longer weaponry leaning on racks, daggers and the like in glass cases, hulking greatswords and axes on racks while armor sat on manniquins. Tyler kept an eye on his own long kit while looking at various prices on different pieces. There was a sound of a door opening and a woman's warm voice was heard.

"Welcome to Helia's Arms and Armor! How can i help? oh."

Tyler looked to the breathy voice to be faced by a slender framed lady with golden blonde hair lit up witj blood red highlights. Her skin was pale while her eyes were a piercing shade of blue set in a teardrop shaped face. She was a head shorter then he was while a large bust on her chest and her attire was a thick smith's apron. Her most interesting feature was the long, tipped ears on her head. The appendages marked her for a member of the elven race. The elf blinked as she recognized Tyler as a hero and she instantly became VERY nervous and excited in equal measures.

"Oh my ears. A HERO in MY shop! Oh I am so sorry, My Lord. How may I assist?"

Tyler smiled disarmingly at the flustered lady.

"Nice to meet you miss. I'm Tyler. Was getting a feel for prices and the city."

The elf smiled in relief at the friendly and genuine words.

"I am Helia, Lord Tyler. Are you seeking custom work?"

"Not yet. More learning my new world. Plus my old world didn't have bladesmiths or shops like this so there's that."

The elf smiled at that as the warrior looked at the various offerings on hand when a pair of gauntlets caught his eye on a shelf. Heila saw them and smiled as he walked over curiously.

"Oh. Those ae grapple gauntlets Lord Tyler. They fire grappling hooks from the wrists that can pierce stone cleanly."

Ty;er smirked as he looked at the things.

"I can do so much with that it's a little frightening."

He checked the price,


Heila nodded with a sigh.

"They have been here a while."

"Makes sense."

He took them and the elf smiled proudly as he slid the coins over.

"I'll have them resized for a perfect fit in five minutes."

"THanks Heila."

She went into her forge as Tyler leaned against her counter to patiently wait. The warrior smiled as he took his greatsword out now with a cloth to clean the immense warsword. Heila returned te minutes later all smiles and Tyler smiled warmly as he took the reworked gauntlets.

"Thanks Heila."

"Of course, Lord Tyler. Do remember my shop the next you need gear, please."

"And the pretty elf?"

She smiled shyly now and the tips of her ears turned bright red.

"ME too."

"Absolutely then. See ya next time Heila."

He pulled the blued steel gloves on as he walked out. When his shadow was gone Heila let out a longing sigh with a dreamy expression on her delicate face.

"So THAT'S the Slayer? Ooooh he's so CUTE!"

Tyler flexed his hands in his new armor curiously. The things were a deep blue while fingerless to allow free movement. They extended to his elbow while not being hindering while over the wrists were a pair of small holes for the grapples to be fired. The triggers were inside his mind like buttons on his consciousness and he smirked wickedly at the ways he could make them work. I got 1,500 gold left now. He passed an alley now and looked down it curiously....and smirked as he felt oddly curious. He walked into it without fear and an old beggar chuckled as he passed.

"The mighty Slayer pays a visit. The dark places are NO PLACE for a hero kid."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the disguised hawker.

"I've been to many places my friend. Not all warm and fuzzy."

"HA. A WORDLY hero. Amusing."

Tyler then noted a pure white disk on the dirt by his boot and he took the faceless thing. The hawker smirked under his battered hood.

"There be a few angels around town missing some white."

"I'll be sure to raise hell downtown. And say hi to a few amusing characters."

That got a chuckle from the hawker as Tyler slotted the coin in his sword.

"There be many interesting things in unseen places. And characters always looking to amuse. Be warned some are not as obliging as a royal trainer."

"True. They're more fun."


A group of ten men in cloaks appeared from shadows to surround the lone warrior. The hawker smirked as he melted into the dingy alley.

"Do visit us again, Slayer, if ya yet live that long."

TYler chuckled as he hefted his greatsword.

"I'll be sure to."

The ten rushed him en mass and Tyler lunged at the first man in front of him. He jumped to the side but the wily warrior leapt up onto a crate, and threw himself into a spinning slash that took two in the face. Their heads were cleanly cut and they dropped to the dirt as Tyler now had his back to the wall and the alley thugs all smirked as they hefted daggers and shortswords. Tyler smirked as he took his sword in a two handed stance.

"MUCH better. I MISSED this feeling."

He dropped int a lower crouch and lunged at another target and he charged as well with the rest. Tyler packed a ferocious force into the next swing as a well of red appeared in his brown eyes and his berserker rage started to boil. His vision turned a red tinged color while becoming hazier and hazier until all he saw was seas of red mist and the images of those he wanted to see die. The greatsword howled like a banshee in winter with every swing while he scythed down men with long strokes and powerful slams. The last man weas ran through the middle and lifted high into the air as the red mists fell from the victorious warrior's eyes.

"Thanks for the amusement gentlemen."

The man was thrown off the sword and the blood spattered teenager swayed a little as he came down from his rage.

"Ooookay. Yup. I'm done for the day for fighting."

He swung the blood off his sword and hung it on his back before he got to work looting the pile of viscera and mush that had once been living people. The results of the effort being an extra 750 gold, their weapons, a sapphire necklace he'd need to have appraised, and that was about it. He walked out of the alley and returned to Heila's shop. The elf blinked as he walked in.

"IS something amiss so soon?"

"NAh. I had some fun."

He aid the weapons out and the pretty elf chuckled at the implications.

"A hero picking fights with streetgangs. Makes sense. I'll take them for 300."

"Thanks Heila. This worth anything?"

He slid the necklace over and the smith smiled.

"It's just a sapphire necklace in some good gold. Not enchanted. It's worth maybe 25,000 gold?"


"It's a good quality necklace and the gem is beautiful."

He smiled fondly now.

"I know EXACTLY what to do with it. Thanks Heila. I'll be sure to bother you a lot now."

"Do so. I make money when you do!"


She blushed to her ears again as he walked out.

"Oooh there goes my heart."

Tyler smiled as he did a funds check. Alright. I had 2 grand. i blew 500 and made 750. Then an extra 300. I got 2,550. He returned to the palace where Seria and Mylissia were still on their throne. However this time there was a prisoner in chains on a post in a trial. Tyler walked over curiously and Seria's blue eyes went wide at the blood spattered warrior and her mother's eyes narrowed at this. But they did not break from the current affair as the queen looked down on the accused.

"MArkin Warkinton. You stand accused of murdering your brother in a fit of greed. The evidence is condemning and your honor in extreme doubt. HOW do you defend yourself?"

The man in the chains just glared at her.

"That bastid had it comin. Actin like I don't exist when I PUT that ingrate in that fancy chair he loved so much. He owed me money too."

Mylissia nodded at this nonrebuttal.

"Guilt is indisputable. The punishment is the gallows. Make peace with your god."

The man was dragged screaming away and the queen turned to the blood smeared warrior.

"TYler the Slayer. Where is that blood from?"

He shrugged.

"I got bored. So I went to find some friends."

Mylissia smirked at that one.

"I see. Yet we have a coliseum."

"That'll be a tomorrow gimmick. Backalley brawls are a special kinda entertaining for me. Was a thriving means of amusement back when."

Seria gulped.

"Are you hurt?"

"Nope. Well I don't THINK I am. I kinda have an insane pain tolerance to the point I don't notice it unless it's nearly crippling."

He shrugged and Mylissia chuckled.

"With defense and vitality numbers like your own that is not surprising. Now. Is there anything I should know?"

"YOU? Nope."

He walked up to Seria and smiled.

"I found this and thought a you."

She squeaked at this and he passed her the sapphire necklace. Instantly she was wrapped in smiles and glow at the unexpected gift that sparkled like her eyes were.

"It's beautiful!"

"Like you. I saw the sapphire and was reminded of your eyes. Between you an me? THEY'RE the better gems ANY DAY."

She smiled happily at this praise with a slight blush as her mother chuckled.

"A man that gives gifts with his suit. Good."

Seria smiled as she donned the thing. The gold accenting her azur hair perfectly while the sapphire merely added to her blue. Tyler smiled.

"Perfect. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for more."

Seria smiled happily.

"Sapphires are my favorite gems."

"Yet you are the only TRUELY precious gem in this town."

That made a fair few ladies in attendance sigh longungly for such eloquence and romance while poor Seria was now blushing hard. Tyler smiled as stepped back.

"I'll see ya soon, MY princess."

She clasped the sapphire to her chest.

"I'll be waiting, MY Hero."

He walked out of the throne room, leaving the princess with a hammering heart and her mother with a warm smile. Tyler chuckled as his own heart beat harder then usual. I guess she's got ME by the heart too. It kinda feels nice. The warrior smiled as he returned to the room and tapped a knuckle on the door. Rias' relaxed voice was heard from inside.


He walked in to find the redhead on a long chair on the balcony enjoying some sunlight. Her long blood redhair was strewn around her and she was clearly naked on the soft fuzzy chair that was more lounge recliner then anything. She didn't look over as she lazily waved a hand over her head.

"Belfast's in the bath so don't do anything I wouldn't do."

He chuckled.

"Rias. YOU'D barge in there and call it a joining."

"HA. Fair enough."

The door opened and a refreshed Belfast walked out in a robe with her silver hair gleaming in the late day sunlight. Tyler chuckled at her own beautiful image.

"You look great Belfast."

Her blue eyes shone as she replied.

"Thank you, Tyler-my word are you okay?"

He blinked at her sudden shock....then remembered why he needed a bath as well.

"I got bored. So I visited a certain place."

That one made the two ladies blink and Rias was heard.

"Clean up before ya make a mess. And we'll chat."

He went into the bath as the redhead threw on a robe before joining her friend on the couch. Belfast looked at her.

"He is SPATTERED from head to foot in blood, dear."

Rias nodded.

"I was worried about that actually."

"Fighting is entertainment for him?"

"It happened to Koneko for a while when she was abandoned the first time. She was alone for many years and her form of fun was beating people to a pulp with her bare hands. It gave her a place to put her hurt and pain. I was worried he was like that too. When he killed that creep, didn't you notice the red in his eyes?"

Belfast nodded gravely.

"I did. Knight Captain Victoria was especially on edge then."

"The term is berserker. Tyler might be a berserker. Or one that fights with rage and pent up pain then skill or even brains. All these fighters see is red and the thing they want to kill. That's it."

Belfast looked to the door now as they waited for their friend.

"Now I have a new worry myself."

The door opened and Tyler walked out in a black robe and a refreshed smile.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this."

He joined the ladies on the couch and Rias looked at him.

"So you picked a fight in an alley."

"And got an in for the markets too."


He flipped the white choin and the redhead chuckled.

"There's the other reason. Black market?"

"And maybe the underground fightclub. Haven't gotten that far yet."

Belfast frowned.

"Is the black market not an illegal enterprise, Tyler?"

"I see what you did there."

She blinked at his odd humor and reviewed her words before smiling wryly.

"Oh dear. I did not notice that myself."

"I REALLY wanna meet her."

"She is here as well.....and was the lady you threw at that younger lady with the giant scythe."

He laughed at that.

"So I threw a fully loaded aircraft carrier at somebody? HA!"

Rias smiled at that one as well before Belfast recovered her train of thought.

"My question on the legality of the market?"

Tyler shrugged.

"It's what is known as a nessecary crime, Belfast."

"I do not follow."

"Some places are in open revolt and are supplied by such markets and channels. Ask Mylissia. if pressed she could point out every den, line, and front in her country as it's kinda an open secret they're there. Plus the bribes, tithes, and goods that flew through the markets? The country makes quite the profit as well."

The silver haired beauty smiled as she saw his point.

"I suppose the world is just that much bigger then I realize. Very well. Now. Your choice in entertainment."

Rias looked him in the eye.

"You kill for fun?"

"Well, er, kinda. This world is kinda like a living videogame so...."

He shrugged and Belfast frowned now with a NEW worry.

"Life is NOT a mere videogame, Tyler."

Rias nodded gravely.

"There are no respawns Tyler. NOW I am VERY concerned. Were you hit?"

"Oddly enough I was. I took a hit from from a stab and it got through my armor."

He pointed out a small cut on his ribs.

"I felt nothing and didn't notice till I stripped. It was bleeding too."

Belfast sighed.

"You did not notice you were HIT?"

He smiled sheepishly.

"Nope. I have an extreme pain tolerence Belfast. I won't notice unless it's next to crippling and even then I wouldn't place mush stock in it."

Rias sighed with a smile.

"You remind me so much of Koneko it's a little scary. One of the reasons I gave her a rook was because of her insane physical defenses and strengths."

"The queen said much the same since my defense and vitality is so high."

He pulled his Status Plate and looked at the experience bar.

"Hm. I only filled a quarter of it today. I'll get back to grinding later. OH."

He looked at Rias.

"Fair warning. I found the red light district."

That one made the two ladies smile dangerously and Belfast spoke.

"WHY are you TELLING us this, Tyler?"

"Three reasons. 1. Fair warning so you don't find out by accident. 2. I passed four such streets. 3. Issei."

Rias sighed now as her smile died.

"I can see the cheating now. Thanks."

He smiled.

"I gotchyer back."

Then she smirked.

"Appreciated. But that won't save you. Did you use it?"

"This run? Nope."

Belfast had a light in her eye now.

"THIS run?"

"Well. Until Seria gives me a straight answer of yes or no, I'll have some fun too ya know."

Rias smirked.

"Have you had that chat with Seria yet?"

"Not yet. Like I said, I haven't gotten that far yet. When i do I'll have a word."

Belfast pursed her lips.

"Do you really think such a profession is proper for a young man to frequent? Especially one that has to set example?"

"Sure I do. Who are WE to judge THEM on their profession? You're a maid, right?"

She frowned.

"I am?"

He smiled.

"Some people consider waiting on people hand and foot like a maid to be improper. Who are we to say what is proper and what isn't?"

Belfast sighed at this.

"A valid point. Yet I still see the other side."

"So long as she is willing and happy, who cares?"

Rias chuckled.

"He's got a good one there!"

Belfast sighed at that.

"Indeed. And one I cannot truly argue. Very well. Do NOT be crass with this. AND speak to the LAdy Seria before indulging."

"Will do Belfast."

Tyler yawned then from the exertions of the day and Rias looked at him.

"Rage mode take it out of you?"

"Always does. I'll be fine though."

The ladies nodded and Tyler rested his head on the back of the couch as he relaxed from a strenous day of fighting and practicing for fighting. Belfast left to go do something and Rias returned to her tanning. With a smirk.

"Do NOT look."


He laid flat on the couch now with his Status Plate open looking at different options and informtation while his redheaded friend tanned naked on the balcony.

"Oh. Thanks for that."

"Sure thing Rias."

He smiled at her relaxed tone as he found a bestariy feature in the Plate that kept track of feats, deeds, kills, and accomplishments in world. Tyler yawned after a while and put the plate up to doze. Rias walked into the bath a little later and he watched through a slitted eyelid as she did so topless and in a towel. The beautiful redhead smirked knowingly at him as she went in and he smiled also knowingly. Belfast returned an hour later and smiled as she saw the half asleep warrior on the couch with his black robe half open on the chest and for some reason it brought color to her cheeks. Tyler saw this through a slitted eyelid as well and was mildly curious as to WHY the prim and elegant Belfast was blushing like a schoolgirl with her first crush looking at the near barechested warrior on the couch. Tyler opened his eyes with a yawn and sat up with a groan. Rias appeared from beside the bed with a knowing smirk as she set their chessboard before them.


He was wide awake now!

"Oh it is ON."

Rias smiled as the pieces were set up while Belfast went onto the balcony. The duel was on and the pieces fell in numbers until Tyler picked the victory up at the last second and Rias grumbled.

"Round two."

"You're getting better."


They warred over the board until Jerial walked in with their dinner. TYler smiled as rias won the current round and the Sea Wraith maid smiled warmly as they set their table.

"I will be here if you have need."

Tyler smiled as he patted her.

"Thanks Jerial."

She blushed with a smile at the headpat and the friends enjoyed a quiet meal together. Rias smirked.

"Look away."

He chuckled at that as they got ready for bed and the warrior smiled.

"Want your massages ladies?"

They smiled at the offer and did indeed get their rubdowns from the warrior before they laid in bed. Tyler groaned as his back ached from the comfy bed while Belfast settled between him and Rias.

"Night ladies."

"Good night, Tyler."

"Night Tyler."

Tyler was running along another alley with a group of people all clamouring for his ass. Tyler's lean arms and legs burned from the exileration of running for his life and the ulterior motive. This time he had a plan for this encounter and to make sure his attackers screamed. The agile boy ran through alleys and vaulted cars with the pack hot on his heels until he reached the alley in question. There he slid to a stop at the back wall and Brad led the smirking wickedly group of ten towards the seemingly cornered rat. Tyler smirked.

"Not this time bitch."

He lifted a a rope from the ground and pulled on it. The other end was attached to a rusting metal fire escape that hadn't seen any care since it was installed back in the 60s. The rope went taut and there was a metallic snapping sound. The entire multion escape clattered to the ground ontop of the attackers and Tyler smiled evily as the dust cleared and he saw Brad was still alive but pinned by an arm to the ground.

"Oh how I've longed for this day."

The now hunting kid moved to the screaming in agony brad and got behind him with a sharp pipe.

"I'll be sure to visit your mom and sisters too. wouldn't be right for them to be left out of this good time!"

Brad howled in pain as the sharp spike was rammed into his wounded rectum.

Tyler woke with a jerk and sat up shaking in the royal chambers' bed. He rubbed his eyes as ice cold sweat dripped off his frame and he had a case of the shakes from the intensity of the dream.

"Ugh. FUCK those things with a passion. I THOUGHT I was passed this."

He looked beside him to where Belfast and Rias were faking to be asleep and he smiled.

"Appreciate the concern ladies. This one was just memories."

Belfast smiled without opening her eyes.

"GOOD memories?"

"I don't really HAVE good memories Belfast. It wasn't a nightmare so that's a step in the right direction."

Rias smiled without also opening her blue eyes.

"In the morning."

"It's a-"

"Don't say it."

"Yes Rias."