
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: Back on the Road and surprises.


DAY 28.


GOLD: 326,104.

BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke to see he'd cradled Rias into his chest with arms around her head and her arms clutching at his back. Metalica was asleep in her tiny form on her hair and he found that oddly cute. And as mildly jealous for some strange reason. He let it go as he looked at the sleeping girl in his arms and smiled as he felt her warmth seep into him. I guess this isn's so bad. he looked at the sleeping redhead and hugged her.

"Morning Rias."

She smiled and opened her shining blue eyes.

"Morning Tyler. This is nice."

He smiled at this and she snuggled closer to him.

"And...I want this."

He held her tightly.

"I said I'll give it a chance. So long as it never leaves a tent or the doors."


They got out of bed and cleaned up in the pool with Metalica drifting by on her grey moth wings.

"Her hair's really comfy to sleep in. I think I';ll keep doing it."

Tyler shrugged.

"I'm wierdly jealous and am NOT entirely sure why."

The3y chuckled at that one before they had breakfast and headed to meet with the rest of the Bloodoath. Asuna was in her usual traveling attire of her armor and a cloak as she slid the map over.

"We're ready. Wagons are loaded, horses brushed and bored, all hands ready to ride out."

Tyler nodded.

"We left nothing behind or overlooked?"

"We've been doing go overs since yesterday. If we missed it, it can't be that useful."

"Storm weathering equipment?"

"Full set."

"Alright I got nothing. Knights. MOUNT UP."

The 127 man force went for their horses and Tyler smiled as Shadow nudged him.

"Hey big guy. enjoy your vacation?"

The morbol gave a loud whinny and Tyler patted him as he saddled the massive animal with his jet black tack.

"ME too. Let's get the fuck outta here."

He mounted the horse and the Berserker walked Shadow out of the stables where the stableboy for an extra 1,500 gold. A ploy that made him tip his hat as the Berserker took his position at the front of the Bloodoath knights. Tyler smiled as Strand brought her wolf, Fenrir, up beside him.

"All present and correct. Give the order."

Tyler smiled as he waved his greatsword.

"Knights of the Bloodoath...MOVE OUT!"

His words triggered a mass of rein snaps and nickers as people all gathered to watch the heroes depart. Olric appeared from the crowd on a Dunn with a smirk.

"Ole VAeric said you be welcome in his city any time. And next time he WILL redeem himself for allowing them rats to reach you."

"Thanks Olric. See ya next time."

The dwarf chuckled and was gone as the immense city gates were opened...and they were faced with a bright sunny day. Perfect for riding out on a new journey. Asuna came up beside him on her unicorn and smiled as they clipclopped across the two mile bridge.

"MUCH better."

"Yeah that city got small two days in."

"we ALL felt it. The dungeon helped, but when you see nothing but the same stone walls everyday it gets tiring."

Tyler chuckled as he looked out over the landscape from the bridge. he snagged a photo for the collection as he talked.

"I was starting a little claustrophopic too. Levels and gold are all well an good. But give the open road any day."

Strand smiled at that.

"NOW you're starting to talk like a Ranger."


The Knights rode along the bridge and into the tunnel that would take them up into the snowy area of the mountain. The slight incline making them move at a canter at best while behind them Dunkrick smeared itself up the side of the mountain. Asuna looked ahead as they climbed and Tyler chuckled.

"Least this time we got proper bedrolls."

A few chuckled at that mercy as they went.

A few hours later they arriaved at the same campsite they'd stayed at on the way to Dunkrick and Tyler smiled as he set his tent by the front of the slab of stone.

"MUCH better."

His tnet was now black like his coat and made from old man of the forest fur while the bedroll was high quality bear fur and tiger. The thing had room for ten and was like a small house as Tyler relaxed outside it. The Berserker smiled as he took a swig from his flask looking out at the rising peaks over head.

"I love this world."

"You partake of spirits?"

Belfast had been walking by when he pulled the flask out and he looked at her curiously.

"Um, sometimes."

She looked at the 10 ounce flask in his hand.

"Oh dear. IS this a byproduct?"

He blinked at that one before sighing. The kindly quartermaster sat beside him as he put the flask back in his coat.

"KInda. That last one I REEAALLLY needed a drink."

"Does the Lady Seria know?"

"I don't THINK so. I just got it yesterday so."

He shrugged and Belfast smiled.

"It is not easy dealing with the hearts of those you love. Were you clear when you made the choice?"

"As a bell. Takes more an a single swig to get ME tipsy."

"Do be very mindful with this. In case you go down a slope."

"I'll do that."

"As will I."

She left and he sighed once she was out of sight. Greeeeat. NOW they're gonna start bothering me on my relaxer. PERRFECT. Shiro appeared then and plopped herself on his lap like an affectionate cat. Her long silver hair her blanket and Tyler chuckled at this cute intruder.

"Well. Hello there."


She purred like an ACTUAL CAT and he petted her like one as she relaxed.

"Was bored. CAme to bother YOU."

He chuckled at that one as he petted the gamergirl.


She smiled and her red eyes glowed. Asia appeared then with a giggle.

"SHARE Shiro!"

"Oh fine."

TYler just sighed with a smile as Asia rested her head on his other leg.

"Great. NOW I'm a pillow."

The girls chuckled at that one as Asia smiled.

"You're relaxing to be around."

"Ha. Says the hot blonde."


She had a smugness to her at that praise and Shiro pouted.

"I'll find me a blonde spell."

"Ha. You got silver."

"Still not gold."

"I guess."

The three relaxed by the fire and Tyler roasted some leftover raptor meat for them and Shiro fell asleep on his lap while Asia looked at her Status plate. Tyler found himself enjoying the girls' company and smiled as he did so. When the fire burned down Shiro was carried off by her brother and Asia invaded his tent. Tyler just chuckled as he laid beside her.

"So what's up?"

She giggled as the sweethearted blonde rested her head on his chest.

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to bother you."


He held her close as they settled for the night.

"Good night Asia."

"Good night, Tyler."


DAY 29.


GOLD: 326,104.


Tyler woke to see he'd cradled Asia into the curve of his body like a body pillow and had his arm under her head and around her narrow waist. Her golden hair was incredibly soft and REALLY freakin warm too. He smiled at this this as he rubbed her belly.

"Heey! That tickles!"

She woke with a giggle and Tyler chuckled at the sound as he tickled her again.

"You're fun."


She hugged hi warmly and they left the tent. Their campsite was enshrouded in thick fog again but nowhere near as bad at the last time. They'd be able to ride so long as they were careful. Tyler and Asia had breakfast of deer and some high impact coffee before the Berserker went to the Table. Asuna was there already with Strand and the redheaded second in command smiled as he walked over.

"Morning Tyler. Night's Watch was all quiet."

"We'll need to go sow cause a the fog."

Strand nodded.

"It will burn itself away by noon. But agreed."

Tyler nodded as he looked at the map.

"We'll be getting into the snow today."

They nodded and Asuna smiled.

"We got enchanted blankets this time around and hats too."

"Neat trick."

The friends chuckled at that one and Tyler looked at them.

"Alright. Let's get fed and break camp."

They nodded and the Bloodoath broke camp half and hour later. Tyler was in the lead as they walked up the inclined road through the fog. Strand smiled as they found they could see 50 yards ahead.

"We will be out of the fog in an hour."

"Alright. Once we're up in the snow we're up there for three days?"

"That is the usual length of time for such trips."

"I remember the creatures said to live up there."

"We'll do some grinding after we make camp."

"Like we;ve done this before."

She chuckled at that one as they moved. Tyler looked ahead at the road while the Bloodoath followed behind. Rias' bloodred hair was seen beside Akeno's dark purple tresses and the Berserker smiled iwardly at the new glow in Rias' eyes. Glad she's feeling better. The friends made good time as they climbed out of the fog and entered the snowier region of the mountain. Tyler clicked his jacket closed as the rest donned cloaks, coats, blankets and hats. TYler smiled as he pulled his hood up.

"I STILL didn't miss this."

They chuckled at that one as the snowy alpine area stretched around them. Tyler looked around as they came to the fork in the road and Strand pointed to the right.

"That one."

Tyler smiled as they moved with the crunch of froze dirt underneath the horses' hooves. Shadow's black hide stuck out like a sore thumb with the snowy landscape while Tyler's dark image was visible like a mast at sea. Tyler looked at the still towering peaks above them also covered in white along with the oddly narrow sky above. The trees around them were hardy conifers and the occasional balsam fir christmas tree. Tyler then looked ahead,

"Hey, there's tracks in the road Strand."

The ranger looked while bundled in her thick brown coat as they reached the impressions.

"White bear. And a BIG ONE. My guess is 1,900 pounds."

"These fresh?"

"Very. They fill in faster up here due to the snow. I'd say five minutes."

"So a polar bear went by 5 minutes ago. Alright. Asuna!"

"I heard! We're on alert!"

"Let's get to it."

The friends moved through the clear landsape with heads on a swivel in case the immense predator paid a visit. The tracks followed the road without diviation for half an hour before a low growl was heard ahead. Tyler pulled his greatsword and hopped off Shadow to confront the predator. A hulking shape lumbered towards him as he walked over and the near 10 foot tall white bear roared at him with a sound like an avalanche. It charged and Tyler sidestepped the thig before stabbing it in the shoulder with his starlite sword. The bear dropped to the ground with a thud and Tyler tugged his blade free.

"Now we got polar fur. Get to it everyone."

The Bloodoath got to work skinning the immense animal and Tyler smiled once the pelt was collected.

"THe fur is INCREDIBLY soft. We'll use it for something."

The carcass was pulled off the road and they got moving. Tyler looked at the clear sky as a light and frigid breeze kicked up.

"There's snow in the forecast."

Strand nodded as she puled her hood up.

"I felt it too. We'll need to hunker down as snowstorms up here are blinding."

"We'll make an extra large bonfire then."

She chuckled at that one as Metalica appeared on his shoulder in her little coat and he found it SUUUUPER adorable.

"Hey Metalica."

"Hi. I'm bored."

"Ha. We're not the most exciting crew in the world."

"Clearly. Kill something."

He patted her with a finger.

"We'll go on a rampage soon enough, Metalica."

"I will snap that finger."


She had a look of thunder now at this patronization. He chuckled.

"Are you not entertained?"

"I hate you."

She returned to his soul and Strand smiled.

"How does it feel, having another living being living inside you?"

"Eh. I'm just going with it."

"Her body DOES functions as ours do. So...where does she go when she has needs?"

"I'm already full a shit, Strand. A little more won't make a difference."

"Damn. I was CERTAIN that one would make you cringe."

"Hey Strand."


"Your skeleton is wet."

She looked at him quizzically.


"Hey Strand."


"How's it feel knowing you're a puppet controlled by your brain inside a bone house?"

"That is weird."

He chuckled at her mild shiver.

"There are insects LIVING on your skin...and you can't see them."

"err. Okay you win."

"My world loves disturbing people."

She chuckled at that....while rubbing her arm.

"Clearly. I feel unclean now."

"We can also splash you with something."


The day's ride passed uneventfully and they made camp beside the road in a bowl Tyler used firestorm to carve out from the snow. Then the rim was reinforced with some ice spells to create a rather cozy inverted igloo that had one entrance. The ground was hit with numerous firespells to dry it out and warm the dirt while trees were felled for the camp's HIGHLY depended on fires. Within a few hours the camp had a small cloud of steam rising from it due to the cozy heat it was giving off. Tyler was at the Table with the other leaders as a few flecks of snow started to fall from the grey overcast sky. The Berserker sighed as he saw them.

"Depending on how bad the snowfall is tomorrow morning dictates whether we go anywhere or not."

Mina nodded.

"I get the impression it'll be a minor blizzard. So I think we should wait until it passes."

Asuna nodded.

"It's not worth the risk of forcing it. We're not in any hurry so let's be careful."

TYler smiled.

"Alright. We'll send grinding crews though and have regular snow fighters. If we get overwhelmed, have the fire mages set off a volcano."

Rias smiled.

"I here an offended naturist yelling cheat."

"Those are nudists, Rias. The one you mean is Natrualists."


"Ha. Alright. I also want us overstocked on wood."

Strand nodded.

"I'll take a squad and do some foraging. There's a few fauna spiecies that can only be found up here."

"Take Yoshkia."

"Will do."

"Any questions?"

He got crickets.

"Good. Break."

The Knights got to work on their different tasks while Tyler used his powerful fire spell to warm the dirt around his tent before laying a thick bear pelt mat by the fire. Tyler smiled as he settled by his fire with a winter landscape around him.

"I'll call Seria later. She'd make a cute snowangel."

A woman's giggle was heard behind him and he looked curiously as his tent was situated by the rimwall of the camp...and a near perfect image of Seria was seen looking down at him from the top. The apparition even had her blues mirrored to perfection and Tyler chuckled as he rose.

"A Snow Spirit. Classic."

He blew the whistle and Asuna came running with a fe warriors.

"what happened?"

"A snow spirit wants a word with me. Be right back."


Tyler went up to where the spirit was smiling invitingly at him and the thing spoke in an also near perfect mirror on Seria's soft, breathy squeak.

"I've missed you my Hero."

"Ha. Divine Slicer."

The greatsword flashed and the creature screamed as he cut it at the chest. It exploded into snow flakes and left behind a solid blue flower made from crystal and a very soft gown not unlike a wedding dress. he smiled at these pieces as he returned to the group and Asuna had a look of wonder at the blue rose.

"That flower is BEAUTIFUL Tyler!"

"I'll use it for the pieces."


Metalica chuckled as she appeared on his shoulder.

"Wow. So THAT'S your soul when offended. Cute."

"Whatever. What is this?"

She looked at the rose and chuckled.

"A Blue Crystal Rose. EXTRADINARILY rare as they're dropped by Snow Spirits after a painless and merciful kill. It's a gift from the released spirit for not causing more pain then you absolutely had to, and that is rare due to their high levels. The weakest is usually a level 8."

"I'm a level 9. Makes sense."

"Plus the holy spell. That's for the wedding?"

"Yup. As her crown."

"That poor girl will be showered in the most rare and hard to find gifts this world has to offer."

"I love her. I have to make it epic don't I?"

"You do, indeed."

Tyler chuckled as he put the foot tall rose inside his pack he used for the pieces before he had a thought and produced the orb. Mylissia appeared and she smirked as she saw his thoughtful expression.

"Oh this oughta be good."

"Yeeeah. So I've found a few pieces, and traveling with them is a bad idea."

The queen smiled.

"Pass them through the orb and I will put them to work."

He passed the gowns through and she blinked at this.

"Oh my."

And then the rose came through and Mylissia smiled warmly at the blue sparkle.

"I am jealous of her wedding already. And we're not even setting a DATE yet!"

"I love her. I gotta make it epic somehow."

"You do, indeed. Not a word."

"Have her informed I'm kidnapping her tonight....and we're in the mountains.....with snow."

"You evil bastard. I will!"

The image faded out and Tyler laid on his mat with a smile looking at the sky. Metalica rested on his chet and he patted the incredibly war Iron Sprite, making her smile.

"THIS patting feels nice."

He smiled as he relaxed.

"Hunters are back, Tyler."

Asuna came over and he looked at her without rising.

"Anything interesting?"

"A few more white bears, some mule deer, a rather large moose, and a few satchels of mountain herbs. Strand's teaching Yoshkia how to work them."

"Alright. The foragers too?"

"Same. We got a few good cord of wood now. We should be able to hold out for a few days up here efore we need to get more."

"Good. We'll hunker down for the time being then."

She nodded ad headed off before Tyler settled. His coat keeping him nice and toasty while his fire just made it the better. Metalica appeared on his chest and laid on her back like he was, hands under her head looking at the sky.

"This is nice."


Tyler smiled.

"Give me the road anyday. City living's nice an all, but I'd rather be out here seeing what's over there."

"The life of a lowly adventurer."

He smiled at that as the sprite yawned and fell asleep on his chest. The Berserker enjoyed the feeling of the warm sprite on his chest as the day wound down. The snow picked up in volume and soon it was hard to see. Tyler pressed Metalica into his chst and the still slumbering sprite reentered his soul as he looked at the blanket.

"Night's Longing."

Seria rose from the ground bundled up in thick furs.


He chuckled at her cuteness as he kissed her.

"I love you too."

"Wow. Toasty in here."

"I reun a degree or two warmer then most."


He just kissed her again as they enjoyed a dinner of bear and some good warm cocoa. Tyler smiled and Seria rested her head on his chest....and felt something.

"Tyler. What is that?"

He pulled the flask out at her sweetly voiced question. She nodded as she saw the flask.

"I smell anything, or QUESTION if you're sober, I'm leaving. No drunken cuddles."

"Yes Seria."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

"GOOD. And you BETTER not have been drunk when you agreed to Rias joining."

He sighed at that as he settled down.

"I wasn't."


He sighed again as she rested her head on his chest. Not this shit again.


DAY 30.


GOLD: 326,104.

BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke to the feel of Seria asleep beside him. He smiled at her as she snuggled into his chest and the tent had slight steam coming off it from the warm bodies inside it. He kissed her awake and she squeaked at this attack.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning my wife. I love you."

She smiled at this wih a twinkle in her eyes.

"I love you too, my husband. Sorry for snapping at you about the drink thing."

He smiled.

"It's okay."

"Mother is VERY strict about that as father...well. There's a reason the queendom is a queendom."

"Makes sense. More got it for the novelty and look where I keep it."

He slid it into his coat and when he closed his coat, Seria laughed.

"Over your heart?"

"Seen it in enough movies to warrent having it. Some idiot gets lucky with an arrow or a spear or whatever and his beloved flask saves him."

"Okay NOW it's kinda cute. And nearly empty."

"Probably fill it with cocoa or something and fuck with people."

She smiled at that and hugged him.

"Don't develope a habit. Please."

"I won't. I promise."

"Phew. All better!"

"You are too damn cute. I love it."

She giggled and he kissed her.

"Come on Princess of cute."

"NOT the queen?"

"KINDA gave that to Asia already."

"Ah. Fine."

"It's ASIA for fucks sake."

"So true."

He hugged her and she smiled.

"I'll head back now. See ya later! I love you!"

"I love you too, Seria. Hey, take some snow, and drop it on Mylissa's rack by ACCIDENT. Say i said hi."

She looked at him like he was hurt.

"Who hurt you?"


She faded out....as he did the EXACT thing to her and she squealed at the freezing cold snow on her lovely nips.

"I will GET YOU!"

"Love you!"

She faded out laughing and Metalica appeared with a smirk.

"Okay that was kinda cute."

"Been planning THAT ONE since the LAST time we came through."

She chuckled at that and the Berserker poked his head outside....and ssaw the snow covered camp with the Knights fighting it with shovels. Tyler chuckled as he walked out.

"Great. Shoveling rhe sidewalk before breakfast. Ugh."

He grabbed a shovel from a smiling knowingly Belfast at a wagon.

"I see she made a rule."

"Some bad experiences."

"Good for her. The rule not the experience."

"Let's not lose Unicorn in the snow today."


Tyler went to his tent and got to work tossing the snow out of the camp with the rest of the heroes until the entire camp was bare dirt again. Then he had a hot meal of meat and cider to properly wake him up. Then he reported in at the table where Strand sighed.

"We're not going anywhere till the storm passes. To try is just inviting an accident."

Mina nodded.

"Absolutely. No sense in risking the horses when we're secure as we are."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll do some more hunting in the area then. see if anything is worth looking into. if not, we got a snowday."

They chuckled at that and Asuna smirked.



"There's Asuna for the buzzkill."

"I wanted to white wash somebody."

A series of disappointed boos were heard as Asuna's eddict spread and the redheaded wife slumped.

"Idiots. You're all a bunch of IDIOTS. Kirito. NO."

"Oh come on Asuna. I don't have a deathwish."

Tyler chuckled at that one as he returned to his tent and settled on the mat by his own fire. Metalica appeared wih a smirk.

"Wanna learn to smith?"

"Sure. I got the tin an copper here."

The Iron sprite produced a mass of tools from his soul and he didn't think too much on it as the ore was removed from his pack. Metalica smiled as she showed him how to properly heat the metals in the fire before melting them into bronze bars. Ther Berserker learned quickly and by the end of a few hours had forged a passeble bronze dagger. Metalica chuckled as he got to work on the next project.

"You find any other ore lemme know. Be more an happy to teach ya."

"Thanks Metalica."

She smiled warmly and relaxed on his shoulder as he worked more brone daggers with bone hilts. Once the ore was gone he set the daggers aside and Metalica took them.

"I'll add them to a pile for sale in my workshop."

"Still not gonna think about it."

She chuckled at that one as the iron sprite returned to his soul. The day passed for the Knights in comparative ease as the snowfall wasn't that heavy and the routine shovel brigades helped keep it under control. Tht night Tyler settled into his tent alone and found even his singular bodyheat was enough to warm the interior to comfortable levels. Metalica appeared in her huma form with a smile and snuggled under the blanket.

"Night Tyler."

"Night Metalica."


DAY 31.


GOLD: 326,104.


Tyler woke to see Metalica asleep beside him in his bedroll. The sprite was curled into a ball with her longer then she was tall slate grey hair covering them both like a grey blanket. He smiled at that feeling and hugged her awake.


"Morning Metalica."

She yawned before returning to his soul. Tyler chuckled as he had his breakfast before checking in at the Table. Asuna smiled as he walked over.

"Sky's clear and the road's clear. We're ready to ride out."

"Alright. Break camp."

The Knights were riding down the road on the softly snow coated road at a light trot. The sky was clear with not a cloud in sight while the ground itself had a sparkling effect from the fresh snow covering it. Tyler chuckled as they negotiated a steep turn and decline.

"Now the glittering is kinda cool."

BElfast chuckled from her spot in the leader's column.

"It is quite pretty. I rather like it."

They made good progress with no real issues as they dropped a few thousand feet in elevation from the steady decline. Tyler had the map open and Strand pointed the next run out.

"We'll reach it in another full day's ride. After that we'll be out of the snow and by the sand. Two full days by the edge of the great desert and canyon. Afterwards we'll be on the coast for the remainder of the journey."

Tyler nodded as the map was put up.

"We'll reach our first village on the coast. Be kinda cool hanging in a fishing village."

They chuckled at that as they went. The day had nothing of import and Tyler settled in his tent at the end of it.


DAY 32.


GOLD: 326,104.


Tyler woke the next morning alone in his tent and chuckled at the oddity. The rest of the camp was going abuot their tasks as he had his breakfast of some peanut butter on toasted bread and some coffee. The place they'd camped in being a slight dip in the snowy area beside the road that had clearly been blown into shape by some great blast. Asuna smiled as he approached her at the table.

"We'll be out of the cold today and into the sand tomorrow. Nothing of interest on the watch."

"Alright. Let's get moving."

Half an hour later they were on the road. Tyler smied as they saw less and less snow and more and more trees during their nonstop descent.

"I hate winter."

Mina chuckled as she came up beside him on her stallion.

"Sanya agrees with you."

He smiled at that one as they turned a corner and were faced with a village situated on the road and Strand blinked at this.

"This is new."

They stopped at the unexpected apparition and Tyler noted the make of the front gate and the skull over it.

"A hunter village? Up here? That don't make any sense."

Strand frowned hard as she looked at the map.

"That village is not marked on this map, Tyler. And it's an enchanted map too."


"Possibly. Caution."

They rode their horses towards the gate and Tyler noted the gate was locked from the inside, blocking off access to the Knights.

"I'll open the gate. Be ready for a mass spell barrage."

They nodded and Tyler dismounted Shadow to approach the ten foot wide and 15 foot tall door. He wound up and booted the wooden timbers with a feelable force. There was a metalic snapping sound as chains shattered before the doors swung open with a slam. As soon as they stopped moving and Strand got a look at the layout of the 20 buildings she frowned.

"This is a bandit village alright. They do this every now and then on lucrative roads. But this one is abandoned."

The Knights entered the village and Tyler looked at the dirt with the Ranger.

"Looks like they just packed up and left."

"That also happens when the road goes dry. Yet this is one of the more populated roads through the mountains Tyler. A dry spell here is a mere week. Unless these are idiots, they'd know that."

"Keep moving or check it out."

"Check it out. There might be a reason."

He nodded as an EARSPLITTING scream echoed from higher up the mountain. The cry setting the horses to whinnying nervously and Strand's wolf growled as well. Tyler shivered from the fear rising inside him at the sound of the shriek and he glared at the snowy forest it was coming from.


The scream came again with more intense fear reactions and Tyler sighed as he looked at Shadow, the big morbol pawwing at the dirt in CLEAR fear.

"Jesus. Grow some freakin balls ya fearful donkey. Are you a MORBOL or NOT?"

The horse reared with a scream of rage and the rest of the Knights' mounts calmed RIGHT DOWN att THAT show of domiance. The scream came again and Tyler looked at Strand.


"Indeed. A mountain banshee. I hate these things. We will need ear protection to kill it."

"Yup. What are they like here?"

The scream came again as the heroes moved into the former longhut of the bandit camp for their hunt planning. Mina had a slight paleness to her as Strand explained while the banshee kept screaming every five minutes on the dot.

"The banshees up here are undead like the rest of their ilk. But the MOUNTAIN BANSHEE is male. A rarity in the species as most are female. This breed likes to drive their prey insane with their shrieks and are surprisingly strong in a fight. Their levels range from 10 to 15. A level 15 mountain banshee can split stone with it's scream. I would put this one at level 11."

Tyler nodded.


"Holy magics and heart pierce. They're just a more annoyig undead. And they are NOT cowards. If you go to challenge it, it WILL take a piece a you."

"Good. It's den?"

"An old cave and they like shiny things too. The closer you get to their den, the louder it screams. So it'll guide us right to it."

"Alright then. I'll take you, Asia, Xenovia, Kirito, annnnnd,"

He reviewed the force before he looked at Akeno.


She smiled.

"My thunder is HALF holy magic."

"Exactly. We'll use custom made earmuffs for this."

They nodded and the hunter party geared up. Metalica appeared with the custom made fur earmuffs that would cancel out the banshee's shriek and Asuna smiled as they stacked up by the forest.

"I got them."

"Alright Asuna. we'll be back."

The forest ran upm a steep incline around the village as the hunters headed out. Strand in the led with Tyler as the shrieking continued. Asia had a smile on her face as she bopped beside Xenovia.

"This is fun!"

The friends chuckled at her never ceasing sweetness as the shrieks turned angrier and more intense. The berserker looked at the forest floor as they climbed and noted something.

"The bandits tried to kill it themselves."

THere was a large number of horrifically mutilated bodies laying around and Strand nodded as she looked at the wounds.

"Missing members, heads, and right arms. A banshee's preferred diet. Why those specific body parts no one knows. And they prey exclusively on human men too for just that reason. If we had been a women only party, we would never had known it was there."


"Female banshees to the same with women. And they feed on the vagina, breasts, hair and the left arm. We have no idea why."

"Huh. Put a male and female banshee in the same area?"

"They engage in FEROCIOUS sexual acts with utterly DEPRAVED acts. No young are produced and they litterally fuck themselves to death. All the while their screams deafen anything that hear them. Legend goes a Banshee Wedding deafened a high dragon passing by."


Kirito shuddered at the imagery.

"I don't want to think about this."

They chuckled at that one as a particularly POTENT shriek came from directly ahead. Tyler had his greatsword up as they came out of the forest and into a small clearing littered with dozens upon dozens of mutilated bodies of men while standing in front of a alrge cave was the creature i question. It being the same height as Kirito with a pale complexion and elongated jaw as it screamed at them. It's frame was rotted while it's eyes were pale green. The thing screamed at them again and a set of bone claws grew from it's ruined hands and a set of fangs grew from it's mouth before it leapt at Tyler. The Berserker smirked.

"Divine Slicer."

He slashed the creature and Akeno had her lance up sparking from her own potent magic.

"Unhoyl THUNDER!"

She stabbed it in the heart and the thing shrieked in pain before exploding into dust leaving nothing behind. Strand chuckled as they relaxed.

"Banshees are more kill practice then loot monster. Lets loot the cave though."

Asia giggled as she hefted her staff.

"Purify! There! ALL clean!"

They chuckled as Tyler lit a torch and in they went. The cave was smeared in dried blood and just inside was a pile of severed members that would have served as snacks for the dead banshee. The warriors moved deeper into the cave where they found the end and a 4 foot pile of gold coins, a few weapons, some armor, and a few other things. Tyler chuckled.

"We got another trove here. Let's load up."

The raiders got to work collecting the valuables in a sack as Tyler used prospect on the wall. He got no hits and the chamber was stripped bare. Tyler carried the sack back to the village where Asuna and the rest had looks of relief at the blessed ceasure of the earsplitting screams. The sack was emptied on the floor in the longhut of the village and Tyler smiled.

"My count is there's 157,453 gold in there."

Asuna nodded.

"It's not really a trove. OR worth splitting. I say we add it entirely to the Bloodoath. Since we'd only get like 2 coins anyway."


The gold was added to the Bloodoath coffer and the rest was laid out. Tyler spotted a gleaming ring in the pile and took the ruby accessory and Strand smiled.

"THAT is enchanted with Force. Adds extra force to a swing. either fists or weapon."

"I'll take it then. We need more enchanted gear."

He donned the ring and Rias smirked.

"Seria'll be fun to watch when she sees THAT."


He shivered at the future interrogation and the group chuckled. The loot was gone over until it was gone. Tyler smiled once it was.

"The village cough up anything interesting Asuna?"

She shook her head.

"Nope. The bandits numbered about 300, but that's the most we were able to get."

"Makes sense. Alright. Destroy the gates and we'll head out."


The front and rear gates of the village were taken off their hinges t prevent an accidental roadblock and the Knights mounted up riding out. Tyler smiled as he was in the lead o their decent again.

"Well that was new."

Akeno smiled from her spot.

"I got the kill. Nearly level 6."

"Alright. You'll get there."

She smiled at that encouragement as Tyler looked ahead.

"Those bandits, Strand."

"They'll have left the mountain."

"Think we can track them?"

"Most likely. A company of that size will leave sign. You want to destroy them."

"I do. 300 bandits isn't a company. It's a small army. And a force like that can cause a bloodbath nearly anywhere."

"True. I'll keep an eye out."

Tyler odded as he looked out over the road as they left the snow behind. The area they were in now resembling a cliffside road with a sheer drop on their right and a veritcal wall of moss on their left. The road itself was maybe three wagons end to end wide and was beaten smooth with soft dirt underhoof. Tyler noting this as the sun started going down.

"We'll need to find a large enough area for a campsite. Moving through this type of area at night is just not an option."

Strand nodded.

"Absolutely. There is a gap in the wall a little ways up the trail we could use."

"If the bandits have claimed it, we'll need to clear em out."

She nodded as they moved around a bend in the road. A glow of firelight was seen in the distance were the remains of an old waterfall was seen. A sound of laughter, screams, and clashing steel was heard and Strand nodded as she pulled her shortsword.

"The bandits."

Tyler smirked as he dismounted Shadow.

"I'll go say hi. when the firestorm appears, roll in."

Asuna chuckled.


Tyler walked along the road whistling a merry tune with his greatsword in hands reach towards the indent in the wall. he turned into the light and was faced with a 400 man bandit camp celebrating the silencing of the banshee screams. Tyler looked around at the mess when he spotted several women tied to posts with the camp playing with them and his eyes turned red.


The bandits were caught COMPLETELY with their pants down as a roiling tornado of flame appeared over a dense section of them before a Berserker slammed into them wielding a bright blue greatsword.


Asuna came charging in with the rest of the heroes in set squads following their leaders. Rias and Akeno broke off as soon as the captives were spotted for their rescue and defense while Mina, Asuna, and Strand lead their squads into the rout of the bandit company. Tyler was carving through men with single slashes as he sought the champions and the leader. A 7 foot tall man with a greatsword of his own reared up before him and the bandits cheered.

"Mansplitter! Mansplitter! mansplitter!"

"Mighty Blow, Double Cut, Ghost cut. Force."

Tyler leapt into the air with the greatsword glowing from his stacked abilities and the smirking man no less then twice his size held his steel greatsword crosswise over his head...and Tyler's starlite greatsword SPLIT the man like a knife through butter. The Berserker stepped over the pieces of the man as the bandits lost heart. They tried to flee but ran straight into the ice walls of the mages with thunder overhead. Tyler walked towards a lanky man with a longsword in hand that was chuckling at the carnage behind the berserker.

"So the legendary Lord Berserker has come to pay a visit. How cute-"

"Magical Rebuff."

The antimagic field took effect and the mass of sneaking assassins' stealth spells were negated. Ten men appeared like shadows and the man with the longsword smirked.

"So yuo TRULY wish to fight-"

"Hallowed Ground."

This spell kept track of the movements of hostiles around them and burned them with holy magic. Tyler was still approaching the lanky man with a slow, methodical pace. Like a tiger stalking a wounded rival it KNEW it would take down. The bandit leader sighed with a condescending feel.

"Lads. Take him."

The ten wraiths lunged en mass.


Only for Kirito and Bell to appear from Tyler's shadow to attack the caught by surprise dagger wielders and in seconds were cut to pieces. The Berserker smirked as he approached the now backing away a step bandit leader.

"There is no escape. Die like a man. Or die in pieces. I don't care. Just GET OVER HERE!"

The grapple gauntlet was fired and the bandit leader screamed as he tried to dodge...only for the hook to take him in the thigh and DRAG him like a landed fish to Tyler's sword. The warrior flicked his blade and the head of the bandit leader was taken clean off as the last bandit was put down. Tyler swung the blood off his sword and hung it in the same movement while turning to face hia Knights.

"Don't fuck with the Bloodoath. Or it'll be YOUR blood that is SPILT."

Kirito chuckled as he swung the blood off his blades with a twirling flourish and sheathed them in the same movement.

"Nice one."

Bell had his own smile as he spun his knives and sheathed them too.

"That wasn't so bad."

Tyler chuckled.

"We caught them with their pants down. Come on. Let's check on the captives."

The trio went to where Asuna was handing out potions to the 40 or so rescued women while Asia, Wendy, and Yoshkia heaped healing spells on their battered bodies. Belfast and a few of the ladies were passing out cloaks and blankets to them as well. Asuna smiled as the trio returned.

"A few minor wounds and a broken bone here an there. No dead. We rescued close to 40 as well."

Tyler nodded as he looked at the group of sobbing in relief women.

"Someone find the one that's been with these bastards the longest. See if they can point out more camps on a map."

Belfast nodded.

"I can do that. their fate?"

"We'll take them with us to the nearest village and go from there."

Strand came over with the map. She pointed to another village at the base of the mountain.

"Troakin village. Its a hunter village with 1,000 residents. We'd need to leave our current path to reach it and it'd tack on an extra 5 days to our trip, but that is the closest."

"When can we reach it?"

"It's a 5 day trip from here."

He looked at the road and noted how it cut through the forests at the base of the mountains.

"We'll follow that road to the coast then."

"Agreed. An extra five days and we'll be inside dedicous flatland forest for most of it."

"We'll get these poor souls to the village. and hunf bandits on the way."

She nodded and Tyler looked at Asuna.

"Change of direction."

"I heard. We'll keep them safe."

"We have the space in the tents?"

"Absolutely. ALL of our tents are made for ten. we put ONE person to EACH TENT."


Belfast smiled.

"There is an extra pair of wagon teams in the remains. We shall take them."

"So we have five wagons in the pocket. Alright. Heads on a swivel as we;re also hunting bandits now. I got a hunch on this."

The leaders nodded and they reconvened by Shadow with his map. Tyler tapped the abandoned bandit village.

"A bandit crew does NOT just decide to construct a village o the side of a cliff like that. NOT without some EXTREME promise of easy pickings, payment, or something else. There's more to this one then we think."

The leaders frowned at this and Strand sighed.

"When said I see it too. Bandits RARELY stay in one place for so long that they require permenant lodging. when thry make enough of a nusience, the nearest garrison uses them for....target practice."

Her eyes flashed with somethign clicking and Tyler looked at her curiously.

"What clicked?"

"The nearest garrison is Morag. That village by Drikin."

He blinked.

"The one that got wiped out by the forest giant?"

"Teh same."

He placed the orb on the table and the queen appeared. Mylissia had a smirk on her face as she looked at Tyler.

"So. YOU finally made a move on my DAUGHTER-"

"we'll talk that one later. What was the result of the investigation into Morag, Mylissia?"

She switched from mother of his fiance to Queen like flipping a coin.

"It was dead to the last man and signs a Forest giant had attacked with forest wolves. The same giant you brought down. What have you found?"

He placed the map in view.

"A bandit village. A LEGIT VILLAGE, on this road here."

She frowned.

"Where did they get THOSE kinda balls? Dunkrick is a STONE'S THROW THAT WAY."

Tyler smirked now.

"They had a MAN ON THE INSIDE, remember?"

The group gasped and Mina looked at the region in shock.

"Use a small yet powerful unit to take out the outlaying garrison, plant a high ranking mole on the inside, ready a misdirection strategy on the KNOWN SUPPLYLINE, jesus. they have the pieces for a full scale campaign up here."

Tyler nodded.

"There's annother army out here. One that was to march on Dunkrick. And have the DOOR be left open. Mylissia, we need scouts in that sky."

The Queen nodded with a fire in her eyes.

"Absolutely. I have Sky Rangers outbound. They use airships to scout new terrain before Ground Rangers move in. we will an answer by tomorrow morning."

Tyler nodded as he looked at the map of the region.

"I'll try to figure it out on this end. An army on the march ALWAYS leaves sign that can be seen at a distance."

Strand nodded.

"Plus the force needed to secure Dunkrick, even WITH an open door, would need to number in the thousands. Get Vaeric ready for an immediate assault."

Tyler sighed now and looked at a frowning Sora.

"This doesn't make any sense."

The NEET former king of Imanty nodded with a very confused expression.

"It makes absolutely no sense. The pieces don't add up. All it means is some idiot has no idea what they're doing. Taking out a military garrison, drawing IMMENSE attention with the forest giant and it's army, that one jackass with the goblins, and the village? it's a shotgun blast od plans around around a set area. With not ONE complmenting the other."

Tyler looked at rhe image he took of Dunkrick on the way in.

"And with the way the city is BUILT, a direct assault is suicide. That bridge gets taken out, they'll NEVER take that city. Unless the use dropships. But in a mountain pass like that a simple light breeze is next to a hurricane and they're utterly unpredicatable."

Sora nodded.

"PLus the SHEER numbers involved in the slaughter? NO COUNTRY on an active war can just THROW that many lives so EASILY.....wait."

Sora's eyes flashed as he remembered a detail.

"Tyler? WHY did they summon us again?"

The Berserker frowned.

"we were summoned because humanity was backed into a corner."

"HOW did they get backed into a corner?"

"The Drakens learned how...to...control....monsters. Oh my fucking god."

The queen had a new look of horror as she too realized.

"A monster invasion of Dunkirck. They didn't NEED an army."

Tyler nodded.

"The worms could do the damage for them. explains why they were BORROWING every freakin where. it was a TEST to see if they COULD. Metalica."

The sprite sighed.

"I can't teleport that kinda distance. Sorry."

"That'd be too easy. Get in touch with Vaeric. Let's at least TRY to do something."

The queen nodded and was gone. Tyler rubbed his eyes as Sora nodded.

"Yeah. I feel it too."

"An assault by monster worms. Strand, how big can them things get?"

The ranger sighed.

"The largest can be the size of Dunkirck's surface area on teh mountain. They're called Canyon Diggers. And they're next to impossible to kill due to their extreme size. The ONLY WAY on record currently, to kill one is to pay a HIGH DRAGON and PRAY it can find it."

"How common are they? Tghe worms?"

"About as rare as finding a diamond in a random hole in the ground from an airship at the top of that peak. They're out there. But they are rare in the EXTREME."

"Hmm. A high dragon?"

"They're kinda common actually. If near godlike with their power. Teh WEAKEST is level 150."


"Yeah. They are the GODS of that sky."

Sora looked at the ranger.

"What about a mass of goblins and the like?"

"They'd need literal MILLIONS to take the city. And such a force would have the ENTIRE MOUNTAIN eaten barren."

Sora let out a deep sigh now as he reached for his Proficency's ability, Future Sight. The ability granted it's user a keyhole glimpse at the future they seek. But at a cost. Once used, the ability locks them in place until the vision passes and it drains them of their mana for three full days. and the vision could last for anywhere from 5 seconds, to a year. Tyler smirked.

"That ability in his hands is nothing short of overpowered. And he's level 5 too."

Asuna chuckled as she looked at the meditating Strategist.

"And here I thought he was a loser."

"Ha. More his abilities are narrow and irreplaceable."

Shiro appeared then to sit on Tyler's lap and he patted the silver haired cutie. she smiled smugly, before hopping down and sitting in Sora's lap like a cat and him the evil genius. The Berserker shrugged at this weirdness.

"It's Shiro. GO with it."

Sora opened his eyes after about thirty minutes and sighed.

"Dunkirck is lost."

The Queen returned to the orb now with a tired expression.

"The city is under attack. Vaeric was assassinated by Olric. Seems he was a deep plant by the Black Guard of Fangorn. The city is lost."

Tyler sighed as he heard this.

"What do we do?"

"ride for the capital. You are NOT READY to face an army of Orcs like that."

Metalica appeared and Tyler looked at her.

"You okay?"

She sighed.

"Not the first time my anvil has been destroyed. I'm more or less bound to you now until it's reforged."

"We'll figure something out."

The queen nodded.

"Dunkrick was supposed to be UNTAKEABLE. And they took it an afternoon."

"Is the bridge intact?"

"It is. They need for their supplies.....DON'T."

Tyler smirked now as he looked at the map.

"We can't retake the city. But we can at LEAST seal it off."

The Leaders had shock on their faces at this suggestion before Sora smirked.

"Be amazed how ban an avalanche can be."

Metalica nodded with her own smirk.

"And since I AM an iron Sprite, I ca set that mountain off with ease. I mean, it was MY MAGIC keeping it semisecure."

Mylissia looked at the Berserker.

"What is your plan?"

Tyler used the image of Dunkrick as his template.

"The civilians are all dead right?"

"They were able to evacuate successfully. The attack came from above and went from the Tip downwards. Orcs are mountain monkeys and so can make such climbs with ease."


"They eat their captives and each other. Any that were taken are dead already."

"So Dunkrick is entirely EMPTY of ANY friendly life?"

"On my crown it is. WHY am I so scared?"

Tyler tapped a spot above the city.

"We'll use the natural erosion of the mountain to BURY IT."

Asuna blinked.

"BURY the CITY?"

"It's the city's achilles heel. Think about it. They BURROWED into the side of that mountain Asuna. It happens to miners ALL the time."

Mina shuddered.

"We're going to BURY those creatures."

"And their leaders too. This will a STEALTH op in it's entirety. Metalica can set the mountain off so long as we get her into the right position."

Mylissia sighed.

"We'd lose the entire city for generations, Tyler."

"No not really. We get a good crew of dwarven diggers in there they'd be able to dig it out. I mean, they GOUGED that city into being in the first place."

"The faith in their race you have with fuel their pride like nothing else. And their arms."

"Ha. This will be a job for the higher levels in the party. The rest?"

He tapped the bridge.

"Mount a false assault on the bridge. Make it seem like you're trying to retake the city. All the while we'll be GLIDING from peak to peak. Metalica, I'll give you some designs. Think you can handle it?"

The sprite smirked.

"fuck yeah."

"Atta Sprite."

He drew up a set of designs for grapple launched hang gliders and Asuna laughed as he showed them to the group.

"You're insane! They'll NEVER see it coming!"

"Which is why it will work. They think they know unorthodx and BATSHIT ideas? HA!"

Mylissia chuckled as she saw the EXTREMELY dangerous plan in it's entirety now.

"You're out of your mind Tyler the Berserker. And we LOVE you for it. Make those monster pay."

"we need pick up for 40 captives rescued from the bandits."

"My Sky Rangers can do THAT MUCH. Tehy'll be landing shortly."

"Alright. We launch this suicide attack in the morning. They'll expect a night time assault, and we'll go in broad daylight. Olric is to die by Metalica's hands."

The iron sprite smiled.

"I'll miss that forge. I get close enough, I CAN detonate it."

"Ha. That'll be your other task."

"Yay. I like things that go BOOM."

Tyler fistbumped her for that one and Asuna smirked.

"So how many?"

"five. Me, Kirito, Bell, Strand...and Asia."

They blinked at that ad Rias looked at him.


"Highest level healer in the party."

Mina nodded.

"She is. But take Yoshkia. She has experience in such high tier ops. AND has actually done something similar to this before."

"Good call. Plus she'll love being able to fly again."

They chuckled and Rias seemed a little crushed she hadn't been chosen. Tyler then slid a photo of the front gate over.

"Now there is a SECONDARY objective to the bridge assault. Rias, pick a crew and decend to this pylon here. I'm sure Metalica has some explosive material in her fuel for her forge you can use to rig it. Get clear, and blow the bridge. The ENTIRE goal of this raid is to ISOLATE that city and CUT OFF it's monsters from resupply."

She smiled at this.

"I'll get it done."

"Asuna, Mina, and Victoria. You take the rest on the assault. make as much noise and booms as you can. MY Rally is the trigger. If we do this right, it'll be over in half an hour."

The knight captain smiled.

"And the backup plan?"

"The army retreats to the snow area where we'll hide our horses. Once in the snow, use fire and lightning to turn the very air you breathe into a DEATH SENTENCE. Rias and her sappers will do the same. If we get backed into a corner, my crew will set off the forge in the city. from the look of it, it's a freakin tac nuke and will deal EXTREME damage to the point I THINK half the mountain will go. When it does, then you bail. we'll link up with you down the trail. THAT part I'm not sure yet, but we'll figure it out."

They nodded and Sora smirked.

"In my vision? I saw Dunkrick SLIDE off that mountain whiel pushed by a grey flood. NOW I know why."

"We'll get this done. Any questions?"

They shook their heads and Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Metalica."

"Set. The glider things are ready and I already know their measurements. And yes I have lots of explosive powder in my fuel storage. I need a SET DESIGN."

Tyler spent the next few minutes drawing up demo charges powered by explosive powder that would be set off by a hit from a fireball. The iron sprite smiled wickedly as she got to work.

"I like those."

Tyler smiled and Rias perked up.

"This pylon here. Near the center. With one of those gliders, I can reach it and rig some charges for a backup plan."


"I will not."

He nodded and a sound of humming was heard overhead. They looked to see a floating craft made from blued steel and taut tarp landing on the road with an open drophatch. Strand smiled.

"The Falcon. The Sky Ranger captain's personal ship. She's here for the captives."

"You heard the elf. Knights, LOAD EM UP."

The weeping in relief captives were loaded onto the Osprey dropship style craft and once the ramp was retracted it flew off without a sound. Tyler returned to the table.

"Give the orders. Tonight is full battle prep and tomorrow we show these what happens when they piss us off."

They nodded.


The camp went to work with a will to prepare for their mission in the morning. Tyler gathered his squad and showed them the hang gliders. Kirito smirked as he saw them.

"I love the way you think."

"You say that now. Yoshkia."

The witch looked over from her glider.


"I'll be honest with you. I pegged Asia for this op. She's higher level, does not go off on her own, and KNOWS when to keep her head down. Mina suggested you for this. I am trusting her judgement on you. DO NOT LET HER DOWN."

Yoshkia had a FIRE light in her eyes now.

"I will NOT SIR!"

"Good. You're on heals. I'm counting on you."

She nodded wirh blazing eyes and Tyler looked to Bell. The white haired warrior was looking his glider over with shaking hands.



The guy gulped at the intense look in the Berserker's eyes.

"Tomorrow is the day you prove your goddess was right for taking you in. fail, and she WASTED her time on you. How far are you willing to go to prove her faith in you was NOT for nothing?"

Bell stopped shaking as his own fiery will reared.

"I'll do whatever I have to."

"And remember. Ais might be coming. Will you be able to look her in the eye if you FAIL tomorrow?"

THAT one put a fire in his heart.

"I will NOT FAIL."


Strand smirked.

"I LIVE for these."

"GOOD. Kirito."

The black swordsman smirked as Tylr looked at him.

"My WIFE is GOING TO BE DOWN ON THAT BRIDGE. if I fail, she gets hurt. NOT AN OPTION."

The Berserker nodded at that and he smiled.

"They won't know what hit em."

The Knights worked hard that night prepping weapons and spells for the coming assault while Tyler drilled his sappers on the use of the gliders and the grapple gauntlets that would launch them into the air and KEEP them n the air. They had a hearty meal of fried tyrant steak and some vanilla sweet to wash it down. Tyler went to his tent.

"Night's Longing."

Seria rose from the ground with a smile and he hugged her.

"I'm not worried. I have faith in you."

"I love you too. You have a spell?"

"Yup! Put on a show for me!"

"Hey outta curiosity."

"It works with your eyes."

"Cool. I'll be sure to use that somehow."

"NO weirdness."

"Yes Seria."

She beamed smugly at that and he kissed her lovingly before they settled down for the night. Tyler held her tightly as she smiled at him in the dark.

"You'll be fine. I believe in you."

"I love you, Seria."

"I love you too, Tyler."