
Becoming the Head

I got up out of my passed out state. I check my stomach, remembering that I was stabed by that guy.

Pulling up my shirt, I didn't see any stab wound. It was like it never happened.

Now that I remember, their was something about a system, maybe it was just a hallucination.

[Hello I'm grace the advisor for your delinquent system.]


[Just say status to see your stats]

What is this .is it a prank who are you trying to fool.

Will you shut up and say status Already

Fine! It's not like it going to hurt trying this thing out I thought. Status

Mike tiamat

Level 1


Delinquent points (Dp):0










What this I said as I look at the system in front of me. You said your name is grace right What are you supposed to do or better yet this system.

The system was made to make a delinquent the most dominant person in the world and to conquer all

You expect me to do that I barely know how to fight how am I supposed to conquer all

I am here to help you why don't you check your inventory their is a starter pack for your journey there.

I went into the system and open inventory I saw ten open slots and in one of the thier look like a gift box icon I press it then the system reacted

Starter pack opened

You received :

>dragon God physique

>dragon oblivion gloves

>lighting dragon (boxing techniques)

See the thing that I got I was surprised wondering what they are.Hey grace what are this prize that I received.

[Are you really that hopeless, do I have to do everything from you. Fine I'll explain them]

>Dragon God physique-a highly so after physique that will improve host body pushing it from an F grade to a D grade body and will help increase training, damage resistance and healing it was a body made for fighting.

>Dragon oblivion gloves-A pair of black gloves with an golden eastern dragon on it.The gloves will increase attack damage and defense and I you drop your blood on it it will evolve with body as well.

>lighting dragon (boxing techniques )-The techniques created by a master mimicking a lighting dragon. The techniques emphasize on speed and power.

Seeing the reward I got I was very excited by my fortune. Now let's my complete my dream.

Hood Hoo

Was that an owl? Wait what time is it. I quickly checked my phone seeing that it was almost 12 . I jump up to head home to Sophie. She must be worried sick I thought as I speed of home.

Reaching and unlocking the door I could see Sophie fall a sleep on the couch cover her up I made my way to my room. Hey grace how do I get the rewards.

[Just go to tap and press claim,I do warn you though it will be painful you will most likely pass out again.]

Readying my self on the bed I press claim. My body felt hot and my mind felt like someone was passing electricity through my brain and I did pass out.

[I hope you are ready for the challenge ahead]

When I woke up it was the next day. My body felt better than usually I went to the mirror to look at myself and I was more than shocked.

I have grown to 6ft and had well develop muscle I even had abs I could believe my eyes.

Remember my reward I decided to test something things out I did work out exercise and push myself pass my original limit

Think about how I was going to explain my changes I decided to stay home for a month.i quickly seek downstairs to put my sister lunch money and a note tell her that I sick and not to come check on me.

For the week to come I work on my body and explore the system

A month

Hey grace will you pull up my stats


Mike tiamat

Level 1












Looks like working out my body was not for nothing. What really troubles me is this mission

Mission(Main)-take possession of class head for class 3-1.


>5 exp

>titled [top dog]

>subordinate card

Seeing the mission would know how to start with the system.

Sigh , I got up and put on the school uniform which was a simple white shirt and a black pant with the school jacket which was black with the school name in white on it.

I decided to wear my gloves out this way I don't have to explain if the just pop up.

I made my downstairs, I saw Sophie having breakfast.

"Hey enjoy your meal"she look at me and I could see the shock in her eyes. She stood up and ran over to me.

"Brother you change so much, weren't you sick ,how did this happen".

I told that I been working out during my sick time before I gave her lunch money. I dash out the house to avoid answering any more questions. While shouting I love you.

I made a stop by miss Davis to pick up a muffin and she was surprised too,but she smiled and didn't question it as she gave me a muffin.

I made my way to school trying to from a plan of how I going to take over the class.

I reach school but luckily this time there were no active wolf members out.

I made my way to class ,when I reach I just stop infront of the door. I took a deep breath before sliding the doors open. I look around and see that everything is normal as usually. I walk to my seat and was get by Alex

"Dude where were you I was worried ",Alex voiced as soon as I seat down.

I was working out i said as I saw his eyes scanned over my body.

Those gloves look cool were did you get them said Alex

It was a gift I replied

As we sat and he caught me up with what been happening at school ,about how the ash crows gang were invaded wolf gang Territory and the fiction has affected the school with attacks on our schoolmates on their way home and to school.

The teacher came in form the morning attendance and tell us about opening clubs when he finish he left the room I knew it was now to make my move.

I stand up form my seat and gather my courage before say that

"I am Mike tiamat the new head of class 3-6"

There was a pause as everyone looked at me. Then I could see the one's closest to me back away as not to be associated with me leave only Alex.

"Hey you think just because you've grown a bit you can declare yourself above me"

I heard Samuel voice, I turn to look at him to see a classmate light a cigarette for him as he slowly makes his way over to me.

As he stood infront of me with his hand in his pocket and other on his cigarette .I remember what grace had said to me

[Act strong to be strong, brave and fierce, announce your self as the top]

I calm my breathing and relax my body, I put on a cocky face before asking

"Bow your head little assistant , I am the dragon"