
Chapter 1 : Its vacation time !

Yes! It was finally the time of the year when my college year ended and it was vacation time, we all were done with our exams and finally wanted to go for an adventurous visit to Bermuda. So we hoped onto the plane and reached Bermuda. On the way, my friend Amy was looking forward to a lot, especially about our resort. It was one of the best ones in Bermuda, a beachside resort. And also she was thinking about a lot when a boy walked past us and sat next to her on the other side of the plane. She was staring at him a lot. Actually, he kinda looked cute but I was not interested in boys. But the air hostess came in between and ruined her mood. The boy started flirting with the hostess, and she was angry with her. She did not care a lot and let it free, thinking about random stuff. i told her to take a quick nap but she was just too excited to do so, and yes 1 as always she did not listen to me. We finally arrived and she stamped the air hostess feet on purpose and laughed while she was screaming " Ouch! " Ugh. And we reached Bermuda...