
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urban
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11 Chs


Everything that had once made her human, on the inside, and outside, had been ripped from away from her in seconds. Blair wasn't sure if she was seeing things right, for what they were, but right in front of her, standing with its back turned against her, was the leftover remaining pieces of her once best-est friend. Tori Gravestone, stood there, in the middle of the forest, her feet just about to crunch down on a random pile of leafs just under her heavy foot, as she stood, motionless, and shivering, as bits of riving orange ash, formed circles around her hand. Pouring in and out of her fingertips, as if inside her fingers, was some sort of pocket, that could hold things, as the flaming ash returned then vanished inside, over and over again. The bright light of the orange flames, lit up her face, with such a glow, Blair's first thought was to tell her the truth, the still burning truth she'd awaited years, thought over and over again, while she laid sleepless, and angry with herself, that she hadn't done it sooner. All those restless nights, all those smiling days when she and Tori got to speck, were the best moments she could've ever wished for. But those nights, the cold nights she spent along, fantasizing to herself what things could've been like, had she told her the truth straight that day. Those many days they'd spent together, and still, the years were only dragging on behind her, as the words she feared to let lose, stabbed at her, like some angry, annoying reminder.

But her feelings, her emotions. weren't annoying, nor were they treated as just some annoying reminder, at least not the way Tori took care of her. Blair knew she'd be protected, knew she'd always be safe as long as she had her shoulder to cry on when things got messy. Tori was her lifesaver, sometimes she wondered what it'd be like, to have the same relationship, but with a guy instead. Have a good relationship with a boy, that she could one day think to call husband, think to walk down the allie, in a white sparkly dress, combined with gemstones, and white glitter. But that wasn't the case, nor did she want it to be, the thought of such a thing, only mustered her to take a second to forward it, but it went away almost seconds later, when she'd find herself thinking about those emerald eyes, and the sweet orange curly hair, of Tori.

''Tori? You okay?'' She said weakly, her voice was strained and shot when she tired to speck a few full sentences, to sound confident, and brave, didn't seem to be one of her options, seeing as her voice cracked, which caused soreness to form around her throat, which only made her tears slid down her face faster, and in full effect, as she wished she could just reach out to grab onto the best friend, standing in front of her. Protect her from the cold, protect her from the blood, that stained the puncher holes just below her chest, and along the sides of her frozen, heartbroken, shattered heart. It was beating, but not like normal. No not like her normal. It was beating, and racing. Race so hard she felt lightheaded for a second, as her eyes wandered helplessly from Tori's backside, to the evil soul who'd attacked her in the first place. That boy, that boy had been responsible for everything. He'd stabbed that shard of glass into her, he'd made her change. And as Blair caught the glimpse of him, standing up rather tall, for all the blood that still stained his clothing, which surprised her, to see such a thing. The thought that the boy was just acting, pretending, in order to stab any innocent beings that just happened to come across him? Could it have been that was the truth? He'd been waiting there, seeking his prey out, in order to cast some sort of dark magical arts upon a innocent soul?

Perhaps condemning them to hell? Was that a long shot? Or could she just be being dramatic? Either way, she knew what was right in front of her, her eyes pinned to the vanished stab wound, on Tori's back. The wound was gone, healed in seconds, Blair's hands wouldn't stop shaking, nor could she make herself get warm, as the cold blowing wind around the three of them, grew stronger, as the dawn came, lowering above them, as the sun was at its brightest.