
-My Beloved-

Me and my beloved were walking briskly will call him kneel for the sake of the story cuz he does not want to be named I legally changed my name to Zia and my twin legally changed her name to Ali and I actually like that even though we look identical we want different names not once that rhyme like a Lillian Willis I honestly like it and also BTS just came out with something new They call it Dynamite me and my sister all we are obsessed with the song we keep humming it in our heads while we're working I'm a bartender she's a waitress but She always gets catcalled on and she wants to be called a guy not a girl but guys keep trying to pick her up still one day she was working in a guy said hey sweetie where's your chest and winked at her she pulled her she pulled her uniform over to show a binder the guy went from flirty to mad and said you're going to be my wife and I don't care what you say she tried to grab her but she used her powers which are almost the same as mine and Zapped him into the deeper depths of hell we heard him scream on the way down and all he said to the guys to anyone if you want to join him and she smiled sweetly they all of a sudden shook their heads no and then I said from behind the bar why not it's really fun you'll be able to be tortured together just like with your ex-wife's they all looked at me their jaw to the floor and then I stepped back started smiling as I poured a drink for the devil.he wes sus of me and asked why i was so happy.and i told him everything he was about to burst out laughing and i started giggling as a customer walked up to the bar. How may I help you with your sin filing drinking today.he smiled and i blushed at how cute he was as he looked at me in the eyes.he said hewated tequila and i gave him only a shot but he was extreamly drunk so i took him to my room and had him lay down on my bed and i sat next to him and he got up and kissed me i was shocked and i kissed back but he was drunk so i knew that it ment nothing tell him so I just sat next to him then he got up and sat next to me and said I'm not really drunk I just wanted to talk to you I've been a regular shirt for so long and I've seen your sister but I don't like your sister I was confused cuz he mentioned my sister all of a sudden he said I know your name to I got scared and said get out he then I love you too much I stepped back I got off the bed and stuffed back and said get out why are you even here he said I love you too much I can't stop thinking about you every night I close my eyes and wish you were next to me and all of a sudden I realized who it was I said Willis come in here now through tell telepathically she ran into the room and noticed show us and then screamed baby then jumped into his arms Community push draw him I don't know why she did that she didn't even know this guy elephants are making out and he called her baby back that's when I realized what was going on I knew it was no mistake he could tell us apart very easily I have green eyes she had blue eyes that's the only way you could tell us apart I've scared so I just stepped out of the room all of a sudden he said baby I'm going to need to step out of the room she said okay ninja close the door behind her at that moment he pulls me in the corner of the room and I start blushing as hard as I could but because I had a good Poker Face I could hide it send all the sudden I started audio recording in my pocket he couldn't tell and he was not careful what he said it all he said stuff so explicit I can't even write it down so I decided Well no better chance tell my sister than now so I called her in and I pulled out my phone and realized what this was so he said baby don't believe your sister believe me believe me but it was too late I had already press record and all the explicit stuff he said his life and all this and he said she made me say that even though me and my sister knew each other like the back of our hands my sister knew what guys have done to you guys have done to her in the past I always see the bad in people she sees she tries to see the better in people the next day he came to the bar I was being a bartender and all this and I rolled my eyes and discussed the devil knew something was off because literally yesterday I was just blushing looking at him know I've discussed SS what was wrong and I told him telepathically good thing he didn't know about help at telepathy so as we were talking to remind hey can I have can I have a seal on a rock Roblox all the sudden girl stuff out reminder I knew that she was going to be girls that kiss the devil all the sudden you hurt and he said oh I have a special room for you follow me she was basically dressed so inappropriately he took her deepest depths and started open SUNY marks around her body and I got to help she was very bloody at the end all the sudden I came back up to make his Tequila Sunrise next time I knew he was right by the bar right behind me I was scared I didn't know what to do so I just walked off ignore him she said where are you going don't ignore me screamed at the top of his lungs I should lock my door I was so sad He didn't realize that he was caught on that he was caught on camera she was sexually harassing me and I was really really sad it felt like torture it felt so sad I feel like I didn't deserve anything Thunderstruck to cry my eyes out he then said Don't Cry or else I will do it again and then he smiled and walked away I was crying and crying my sister and finding me what's wrong I said your boyfriend and I wasn't a pop at the security tapes on my computer she said you're lying she didn't do that but then she thought I've had him act even though she saw the pain in my eyes she didn't want to believe it she thought hers high school she thought the most perfect person in the world to her I would never do anything like that to her sister of all people all of a sudden I noticed that I was crying blood and not regular tears I don't smile because I realized something I saw that my sister and said thank you dropped to the floor I had was all covered in blood I remember only seeing a bright light and not being able to speak I was Reborn Lilly hofferson.