
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Teenager
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78 Chs

I am going to die Part 1

Chapter 11

Ban couldn't believe what he heard from her. He asks her again to be sure like this :"What did you just said?"

Natsumi was still confused what she wants for her last wish. She was also nervous. All she replies to him was like this :''I just said that I don't want to die"

Ban thought that she must be so nervous that she forgot that he told her that he can't fulfill this wish. So he again told her like this :"I told you already that I can't make you a immortal or live longer."

Natsumi didn't forget about what he said. Yes, she is really confused and nervous now but she didn't forget about that. She was more confused because she was thinking what that old women's wish was. She was also thinking about the possibility of what her parents would feel, what her friends will think of feel after she died. She was also worried about herself of what she will feel in her death and how much suffering she would feel. She replies to him like this :"I know that you have already told me those. But when I think about my death what would my parents and my friends would feel. Or what I will feel in my death."

Ban understand what her worries and nervous is coming from. Though he fully didn't understand it. He replies to her like this to make her less worried and nervous :"So you want to die without giving them unnecessary pain of losing you to your parents and your friends. You also want to die without pain. I can do it by taking your feeling of pain. Wait a minute let me make your parents and friends feelings less connected to you."

Natsumi didn't want them to lose her bond with her friends and parents. Neither did she want to make there bond with each other less connected. She didn't want to control their feeling. She replies to him with confused voice like this :"No, no it's not like that. I don't want to you to control their feelings. Feelings are what makes us human's unique creature. It's what made bond with each other. It's the reason that we feel sympathy, sadness, happiness, excitement, anger, pain, joy, horror, nostalgia and many other feelings."

Ban gets confused of what she wants now. He also gets a bit angry for her not deciding what she wants to wish rather getting all confused and nervous. He asks what she wants like this :"Then what should I do?!!?"

Natsumi didn't know what to wish for. She was confused for what to wish for. So she replies to him like this :"I don't know."

Ban also feels disappointed now and he replies to her like this :"So you don't know what to do either."

Natsumi didn't know if he would believe in a dream she saw. She didn't know what he would think if she told her that the dream's old women wished for something that she didn't know what that old women wished for. He might think of it as just a normal dream and don't give it another thought. She was also feeling that she will regrets not wishing for her (Old woman) wish. She replies to him like this :"I don't know but I know that there is something that I didn't do. And I feel like if I don't do it I will have a regret afterwards."

Ban's anger towards her lessen a bit. He calms down asks her a question like this :"What do you want to do? I can do it you know.

Natsumi couldn't hear what he said cause all he could hear was the voice of that old women that she meets in her dream shouting at her saying this to her :"Fulfill my wish! Fulfill my wish! Fulfill my wish! Fulfill my wish! If you can't do it then just die!! If you can't do it then just die!! If you can't do it then just die!! Like those guys. Because of you! Because of you! Because of you!!!!"

She closes her eyes. It was so loud that she was holding both of her ears and saying this to that women like this :"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

But in reality no one other than Ban was in front of her. Only Ban was hearing that. Though she was really hearing that women's voice. Ban gets worried after hearing that has she is telling to shut up. He didn't if she is saying this to him or other people. He looked around but saw nobody around. He thought that she have some kind of illness or she is just angry at him for saying something that hurt her feeling. Though she didn't have this kind of illness before. It wasn't illness either. He grabbed her and tries to calm her down by saying this :"Furakawa-San! It's ok. You have some time to think it over. It doesn't mean that you are going to die right away. You can wish for anything. I will try my best for you."

She hears that old women's voice shouting at her by saying this :"If you don't fulfill it for me. I am going to hunt you even after your death!!"

Natsumi yells at that old women like this :"Shut up!!!!."

Ban was surprised by her yelling. Because no old women was in front of him and her though only she could hears her voice. That old women stop shouting at her. She opens her eyes and looks at him and realizes that only she was hearing that old women's voice.

Natsumi realizes how abnormal she acted. She apologizes to him for this dude behavior like this :"I'm sorry"

Ban replies to her like this :"No it's okay."

Natsumi apologizes to him since she was still feeling bad for doing that like this :"I am really sorry."

Ban didn't get angry at her because of that. He thought that [It must be my fault I should have known better and let her do whatever she wants until she died] He replies to her like this :''Okay then. You don't know what to do. You don't know want to die either."

Natsumi replies to him affirmatively like this :"Yep. That's right."

Ban continues his reply to her like this :"You don't have enough time to talk either."

Natsumi again replies to him affirmatively like this :"You are right"

Ban continues his reply to her like this :"And you have made me do all of your wishes and you still want to do something else but you don't know."

Natsumi feels sad and she also feels ashamed for what she did. She makes a sad face. Looking at that face Ban felt bad for saying all this to her.

So Ban replies to her like this :"Stop making that sad face it feels like I did something wrong."

Natsumi apologizes to him again like this :"I am sorry" Though it still didn't make her feeling get any better.

Ban replies to her like this :"Okay then. Let me think for a bit." He puts two of his right hand's fingers at his chin and starts to think.

While he was thinking what he should do Natsumi thought to herself [Should I told him about that dream? And about that old women? And about what she said to me? Will he even take those seriously?]

Midst her thoughts he gets a idea. He looks at her and replies to her like this :"I know what to do."

Natsumi asks him about that like this :"What is it?"

Ban said this to her :"Look below you"

Natsumi looked below her and saw a portal beneath her. She falls into the portal as if it is a giant hole. She starts to yell as she fall deep into that portal. In the portal Natsumi was sitting. She wasn't hurt that badly.

Natsumi said this :"Ouch. What is this place?"

She looked around the place she fall into. She saw that the inside of this portal was empty and it was very dark in there. It was so dark that she couldn't she clearly.

Natsumi thought to herself [It's not as deep as I thought it will be. Is this a cave inside that portal? Why is this place so dark? There must be someone out here. Ban should be out here.]

Natsumi yelling Ban's name like this :"Ban! Ban! Where are you?" Though she didn't hear any reply from him or any kind of sound. It was totally silent. She thought that Ban really did leave her cause she yelled at him and made him do all the work. But suddenly she hears a voice saying this :"Furakawa-san. I am here"

Natsumi couldn't recognize the voice. So she asks like this "Who are you and where are you?"

The voice holder replies to her like this :"I am behind you"

She looked behind her. She couldn't believe what she saw. But she saw a giant glowing head with a no face sitting on a chair. It didn't have any eyes, nose, lips, mouth or anything on it's face. Though it had ears. That being's face was full of many of various kind of galaxy and super cluster. It was as of the entire universe was in that being's face. As any normal person she got surprised. She also gets scared. She already saw a god's messenger. She thought what she just saw now was a demon.

As she start running in the opposite direction she yelled saying this :"HELP!! PLEASE ANYBODY HELP ME!!"

That being said this to her :"It ok. It's me Ban."

Natsumi stopped running. She looked at that being and asked him like this :"Are you really Ban?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Yes. It's me"

Natsumi got more surprised than seeing him like this. She asks him like this :"But what happened to you? What happened to your nose and eye? Also why light is coming out from you? When did you became so giant? How did you change your voice too? Can you even see me?"

Ban asks her like this :" I can see you though even I don't know how it is possible. But isn't that too much questions at once?"

Natsumi apologizes to him like this :"Sorry. But it's was too sudden."

Ban replies to her like this :"It's ok. I understand"

Natsumi asks him like this :"Then first answer me where are we now? Are we even in earth? Even though it doesn't seems like it"

Ban replies to her question like this :"As you thought this isn't anywhere on earth. This place is called Void Zero."

Natsumi confused after hearing that from him. She asks him like this :"What is Void Zero?"

Ban replies to her questions like this :"It's a place only a few selected people can go. Only five of people can come here. It's like a private place"

Natsumi fully understand what he just said to her. She said this to him :"I see."

Ban continues his reply to her like this :"And this is my true form. Because of my true form my voice and sizes changed"

Natsumi gets confused again and gets more curious. She asks him like this :"True form? Then what about I saw in earth?"

Ban replies to her question like this :"I just changed my shape into like that to talk with you naturally. Or it will be very weird and it might lead to something really big that I don't want to fix."

Natsumi realizes what the really big thing he was talking about. If he come to earth looking like that some people would consider him as a demon, as a god, as a weapon, as an alien. He would turn into the biggest news in the workd. She asks him like this :"I understand all of it. But then why are we here?"

Ban answers her question like this :"It's about your problem. We came here to get a solution for it"

Natsumi asks him again but with different question like this :"How will you get a solution for it?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Wait and you will see the person who will give a solution for this."

Natsumi asks him like this :"Wait for whom?"

Ban replies to her like this :"Just wait"

Natsumi couldn't understand if he is angry or sad or joking around because of him turning into this. Though she agrees with him like this :"Okay. I will wait"

Ban and Natsumi waits for five minutes though that person who will give her a solution isn't coming. Five minutes later

Natsumi said this to him :"I think he is not coming."

Ban replies to her while sitting on that giant chair like this :"He is coming. Just wait"

Ban and Natsumi waits for another thirty minutes silently though that guy still didn't come. Thirty minutes later

Natsumi destroy the silence by asking him like this :"Aren't I supposed to be death by now?"

Ban answers her questions like this :"Don't worry time does not flow in here."

Again both Ban and Natsumi waits for another two whole hours though he still didn't arrive. Though the whole time she was standing waiting for that guy. She didn't get tired of standing for all that time. Two hours later

Natsumi gets too much bored and gave up all hope of that guy arriving on here. She said this to him :"He won't come. I have done enough waiting for him. Let me die peacefully after you change the past and give every exam I have taken hundred of hundred. Make my family a bit richer than it's now too."

Ban replies to her like this :"He has come here"

Natsumi looked around but saw nobody around. All she could see was darkness. She asks him about that guy like this :"Where is that guy?"

Suddenly she heard a voice out of nowhere. A voice of a very old person but the voice was also creepy. The voice holder asks this with angry voice :"Who has summoned me?

Natsumi replies to that guy like this :"You must be that guy who will give me a solution. You were summoned because of me." She continues her reply to him like this :"Where is your face?" She continues her reply to him like this :"Show me your face. You say something too Ban."

The holder of that voice was surprised. H thought that she will be scared by her voice. He asks her after lowering his voice and with a normal adult man's voice this time like this :"Aren't you scared of me you little girl?"

Natsumi was so irritated at him for making her wait so much time that she stops caring about tall that. She replies to him like this :"Who would be scared of you. Show me your face."

Ban claps his hands. Natsumi looks at him. He points his hand's index finger upwards from his sit. Natsumi looks upwards. She saw a giant red devilish eye. It was so long and big that she couldn't see the end of the length of that eye.

Five minutes left before she will die