
Chapter One: Moving to a new neighbourhood

Dragging her luggage down the stairs, Alice complained;

"Do we really have to move again?" Alice asked her mother while trying to pull her box own the stairs.

"Yes darling; you know it's because of the nature of your father's job. And I know how much you love your dad, so I suggested we tag along with him, if not he won't be able to be visiting us and we wouldn't get a chance to see him for a long time. Darling please understand." Her mother said.

"Okay mom, whatever." Alice said, because she knew her mom was only making them follow her da because she was jealous, she thought that her dad might start cheating on her if she lets him to travel alone, so she suggested we always follow him, and that was really stressful, because they never lived in the same neighbourhood for more than two months, they always switched but this neighbourhood they were about leaving, they had lived there for more than a year, and Alice thought that they wouldn't move again. But she was so wrong; Alice was so unhappy about moving again because she had made a lot of friends here, so she just couldn't let go. The box Alice was dragging was really heavy it held al her clothing's, and Alice was the type that had a pure love for fashion.

"Oh mom, this box is too heavy." Alice complained once more.

"Maybe if you didn't buy a whole supermarket on our last trip to Paris it wouldn't be hard for you." Her twin brother Jason teased.

"I wasn't talking to you." Alice shot back angrily, she didn't have time for her brother's nasty comments.

"Maybe your brother is right." Her mom said, taking sides with her twin, which made Alice ore furious.

"Seriously, why do you all have to be like this." Alice said frustrated, and slightly angry.

"I am only joking darling, let me come help you." Her mom said and chuckled.

"No thank you, I would get my luggage's down myself." Alice said frustrated.

"I was only joking dear." Her mom said again; but Alice didn't want to hear it, and kept on dragging her box down the stairs. Some minutes later when they were done packing their stuff they went into the car as their mom drove, while the truck drivers led the way. Her dad had been too busy to come and accompany them to their new house, so he sent the truck driver to lead us to our destination. All though the way I just kept on using my phone, I was so sad that we were leaving our cherished neighbourhood; Alice was so lost in thought that she didn't even know when she said out loud; 'Am really going to miss my friends' She said pathetically and her brother couldn't help but use that to tease her more.

"Aww, she's really going to miss her friends." Her twin Jason said in a funny like manner that made everyone burst out laughing. When they were done laughing, Alice asked;

"Why do you always like picking on me and making fun of me, am your twin for goodness sake you idiot?" Alice said.

"Because it gives me a joy." He said with a smirk. Alice just ignored his rude reply. Some minutes later they arrived at their new house. The house was really beautiful, it had wonderful interior, beautiful colour combinations, Alice really admired the house. It was really beautiful, unlike their former house. After they arrived, they got into the house and started unpacking their stuff; There were more than six rooms, and they looked like they designed them specially, when they arrived, they were greeted by two maids, when inquiries were made, it was said that our dad had employed them to help out and also for mom not to over stress herself; There was also a cook, but mom didn't like the idea of someone making breakfast for us, she wanted to handle the cooking herself; but the cook begged her mother not to fire him, that is she does, he won't be able to feed his children. Mo was touched and agreed. While all the other family where upstairs; Alice was downstairs arranging their mugs into the cupboard, when suddenly she heard a knock on the door, she went to check it out, because the maids were already busy so there was no one to check the door, when she opened the she saw a girl her age and a boy her age or older standing there; the boy didn't say anything, or even hi, it's just the girl that spoke, the girl said:

"Hi my name is Amanda; I and my brother came to welcome you to our neighbourhood, hope you enjoy your stay." She said

"Thank you. My name is Alice."

"Okay Alice, welcome to the neighbourhood. If you don't mind, maybe we could go hang around later." Amanda said.

"Okay, that would be nice." Alice said with a smile. Then the girl gave her some cookies.

"Oh, my mom baked those she said we should give it to the new neighbour." Amanda said.

"Aww, that's so sweet of your mom. Thank you." Alice said.

"You are welcome." Amanda said and her and her brother left. Alice went back to her work.

"Am going to tell this to mom, you didn't even say hi, at least be a little nice, you just went cold." Amanda said once they left the Alice's house.

"You will do no such thing." The boy threatened.

"Of course I will William." Amanda said with a furious look on her face.

"Okay whatever do as you please, anyways I told you I didn't want to come along but you didn't listen you just made mom force me to come with you. Am not bothered you could tell mom, at least it will benefit me because I love being grounded anyways." William said nonchalantly, and put his head phones on.

"Ugh." Amber said frustrated. Her brother was a real handsome weirdo that loves all the stupid things one hated doing, he was lazy, a bench watcher, and never does his laundry. Amber got so tired of him whenever he did something, and ended up not reporting to her parent.

Thank you all for joing me again on this beautiful journey, am sorry for the deleted chapters, just wanted to make amends. Hope you enjoy it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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