
The Dawn Of A Life

→ In which a girl wakes up in the world of her favorite novel. She wants to spend her time admiring the characters from the sidelines but little does she know, the female lead isn't the one the characters have eyes for.

Fatima_Niang · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

to show his emotions. If he was even

capable of having emotions in the first place, that is.

That's why when the castle servants saw the prince striding down the grand hallway with a slight twitch in his eyebrow, they knew he was angry.

Elias approached a huge oak wood door and knocked as calmly as he could, not wanting to seem overbearing to his father who was the

king of Laidora.

"Come in." A gruff voice was heard from inside the room. Elias took a deep breath in and entered the door.

It was a humongous room, considering it was King Florian's very own study. Shelves filled with books aligned the walls on either side. A golden chandelier hung right above the big desk which King Floran was sitting at.

Elias waited for his father's approval to speak. It was a rule between them that King Florian must always have the first and last word.

"What is it?" King Florian finally spoke, looking up from his paperwork which he had previously been working on.

"Father, why did you not tell me that King Vildar Irvine and his son are visiting today? You know how I feel about the Irvine family." Elias cautiously asked, feeling as if he was

walking on eggshells.

King Florian glared at his son with a dangerous glint reflecting off of his light blue eyes. "King Vildar and I are acquaintances. If we stopped meeting with their family then the peace between our kingdom's would surely

falter; I am simply doing what's best for our kingdom and you know this.

Keep personal feelings out of business. The Irvine family will be staying here for a week and that's final."

Elias had the urge to speak out against his father but he knew better. The last time he did that, the consequences were gruesome. It was something that he did not want to relive ever again.

"If that is all, you are excused." The king said, returning to his paperwork.

Elias clenched his fists and spun around, striding out the door. It would be one hell of a long week.


You had ventured into town in hopes of finding Killian at the same spot as last time but of course, you had no such luck.

You knew that he must be busy all the time working but you still held onto the hope of him being in town.

Your hope slowly simmered down as you finally accepted the fact that you wouldn't be able to find him anytime soon.

You were almost out of the food that the mystery person left at the cottage. You would have to start making money if you wanted to survive but you had to figure out a way into the palace.

As you wandered around the town, you noticed that beautiful and colorful lights were hanging everywhere and the delightful smell of food was in the air.

"The townspeople must be preparing

for a festival tonight.."

You definitely would be attending since you didn't want to miss out on any once in a lifetime experiences but sadly since you had no money, you would be stuck to just admiring everything instead of buying the things for sale.

The sun slowly went down as the moon came up to light up the sky. You had never been in the town when it was this late and you realized what you had been missing out on.

It was beautiful; everywhere you looked was decorated nicely and there were even some sort of stalls which were selling things.

It was nice to just walk around and look at the booths but you couldn't help but feel a little left out as you watched the people buy delicious food and objects to their hearts content.

Deciding that you shouldn't just stay by the booths and marvel at what you couldn't even afford, you walked to another area where a large crowd of people surrounded three individuals dancing with traditional music playing loudly.

You found yourself clapping along to the rhythm with everyone else as a large smile formed on your face.

The music was so catchy that it made you think the music from your world couldn't even compare.

Soon enough, it wasn't just the three people dancing but everyone began linking arms with each other and skipping around in circles with joy.

You linked arms with a random woman and you both skipped around in a circle, then you unlinked your arms and spun to the next person who was a middle aged man.

You were so caught up with the dancing and the music that you didn't even pay attention to who you were linking arms with.

You linked your arm with the next person and you heard her let out a breathy laugh. You grinned widely and glanced at her.

"This is so fun!" The girl exclaimed merrily as a smile adorned her pale face.

You took in her features and you blushed in awe. She had long blonde hair that looked so silky, so silky that you could run your hands through it without finding any knots. Her verdant eyes shone happily under the glow of the town lights. She was also fairly short, around 5'3. She reminded you of a cute little forest fairy.

She noticed you staring at her as you both skipped in circles and she used her free hand to frantically pat at her face. "Oh gosh, I don't have something on my face do I?"

You laughed loudly and shook your head. "No! I was just thinking about how pretty you are!" You had to yell to be heard over the music.

She seemed to be really flustered after

hearing your words and she looked in the opposite direction with wide eyes and rosy cheeks. "A-Ah. Thank you..! I've never been told that before.."

You couldn't believe her words. She was definitely the most beautiful girl you had seen ever since coming to this new world.

She also had a kind aura that just added to her charm. You felt your heartbeat start to quicken inside your chest. This girl who looked like she fell straight out of the heavens wanted to hang out with you? How could you ever decline?

It was tỉme to move onto the next partner but before you could unlink your arms, she grabbed on a little tighter. "A-After this, do you want to meet up over there?" She pointed to a

nearby cafe with her dainty, pale hand.

"Of course! I'm getting a little tired from all this dancing so we can just go now if you want." You said enthusiastically. In truth, you weren't tired in the slightest but you were

ecstatic to spend time with this person.

The twi of you exited the area where people were dancing and you sat at an outdoor table. The tables around you seemed to be full to the brim of people just enjoying their time at the festival and spending it with their friends and family.

The blonde girl leaned against the table and covered the side of her face so only you could hear what she was about to tell you. "If I'm being honest, you were the best dancer I was paired with!"

She let out a short giggle and covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers.

You laughed and leaned on your elbows which were against the tabletop. "You weren't so bad yourself."

She blushed, which she seemed to do a lot, and leaned back into her chair.

"S-So, what is your name?" "I'm Eliana Xanders. You can call me whatever you want though!" You replied to the girl who seemed to be listening intently.

"That name... It's so pretty. I wish i had an original name like that!" You laughed at her words. Surely she couldn't have thought your name was that amazing, right?

"No need to flatter me! What's your name?"

"Ahh.. it's nothing special like yours. You can call me Camilla! Camilla Shampell"