
The Daughter of Aphrodite

Drellisse Viaraie Nicodemus, a girl who has known that Poseidon is her Grand-father and Aphrodite as her Mother. But, she still doesn't know who her Grand-mother really is. Her father said she'll find the answer in Olympus Academy -- A school for them who are a descendants of greek God/goddesses. Along the way, she met a Man. She thought that she was just attracted to him. But as times went by, she realized, she fell. It wasn't on her list! It wasn't on her mission to fall in love. But she did. Destiny, huh? Will she be able to find out her grandmothers identity? And does the Man she loves lover her back?

audreyiel · Fantasie
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1 Chs

I: Olympus Academy

"VIAAA! Get up!" I woke up hearing my Auntie's voice calling me from downstairs.

"Coming, Auntie!" I shouted back at her and

immediately stood up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and comb my hair.

'Today is the Day' I thought to myself. Today is the day where I will be going to my new school -- It isn't any other normal school, though. It was where my father went to, said by my Aunt. The school isn't for any normal childs, it's for some 'special' childs who got lucky and got a greek god/goddess as their descendants.

You might be wondering, who is my God? Well, it's not just a 'God'. I have two, a Goddess and a God. It's none other than Poseidon and Aphrodite. Poseidon is my grand-father. His son is my father, Alon. My dad was an unplanned child, my grand-mother and Poseidon had a one night stand. I haven't really met Poseidon and my grandma, but my father said my grandma wasn't just any normal human. She is also somewhat a goddess, and my mission is to find out who my grandma really is. My father knows the real identity of my grandma, but sadly, my Father died when I was 6 years old. And for my Mother, Aphrodite. Father and her met in Olympus Academy. I don't know their whole story but, yeah.

Okay, back to my day.

"Goodmorning, Auntie!" I greeted my Auntie with a smile on my face.

"Goodmorning, too, Drellisse." She greeted back with also a smile.

I went to check what she was doing in the kitchen and find out she was making me a sandwich.

"Auntie, are you sure you're okay with me going to that school?" I asked my aunt with worries on my face.

"Drellisse, it's fine. I'm fine, I told you. I want you to know who your grandma really is. And this might be your chance to meet both your grandma and grandpa!" Auntie said while she was giving me an assuring smile.

"Plus, it might be your chance to have friends! Make some friends there!" My Auntie added and I groaned.

"Auntie, I'm not going there to make friends. I'm only going there to so I can answer my questions!" I said.

"Fine, fine." My Auntie laughed.

"I can't believe Father! Why didn't he just tell it to you Auntie who my grandma really is." I sulked after saying that.

"Maybe your father just wanted you to figure it out on your own. He knew you'd be friendless here in the mortal realms that's why sending you to that school is a great idea. Besides, your father and mother met there." My Auntie said, trying to convince me.

My Mother. I miss her. I only met my Mother 5 times. One, when she gave birth to me. Two, my first birthday. Three, my 3rd birthday. Fourth, when my Father's Funeral. And fifth, when I turned 14. I'm currently 18 now, and I haven't met my Mother since then. I don't hate her, though. I understand that she's busy in Olympus, being a Goddess.

"Drellisse, andito na ang sundo mo. Are your things ready?" I woke up from my thoughts when my Auntie talked to me.

"I sure have all my important things!" I said to my Auntie while wearing my backpack.

Auntie sighed, "I'll miss you, Drellisse." And she hugged me tight.

"I'll miss you more, Auntie" I hugged her back.

She escorted me to our front yard and to my surprise, a limousine is outside our house! I can't believe it, I didn't expect a limo to come and get me.

While pulling my luggage, I looked back to my Auntie who is now tearing up. I quickly ran back to her to give her a one last hug.

"Drellisse! Hurry up and get going!" She said acting like she's mad.

I laughed, "Okay, Auntie."

I went to the and the driver opened the door for me.

"Thank you, po." I said, he  just nodded.

I got in the limo and the driver closed the door. I took a quick look in our door and saw Auntie waving good bye.

The limo started moving and I cried because I miss my Auntie already!

"Uh, may I ask, what's your name?" I asked the driver.

"I'm Alejandro, Ma'am." He responded and I nodded.

"Alejandro, how many hours 'till we get to Olympus Academy?" I asked Alejandro

"Seven hours, Ma'am Drellisse." I just nodded again and took my airpods and listened to music.

Without knowing, I suddenly fell asleep and when I woke up, we were in front of a huge castle like building. It's huge gate was gold and the castle was gold and white.

I stared in awe at the castle.

"Ma'am, we're here. Welcome to Olmypus Academy" Alejandro announced and he went out to open the door for me.

I went out and Alejandro carried my things.

I looked back and saw that Alejandro was already gone! I looked around and saw people my age. 'I guess they're like me, too'

I followed them and they led me in the huge castle.

When I got in, I saw a Aurai in front and I decided to go to her.

"Good day, Ma'am! What can I do for you?" The Aurai asked.

"Uh, where can I find my dorm and schedule?" I asked the Aurai.

"Well, what's your name, Ma'am?" The Aurai asked me again

"Drellisse Viaraie Nicodemus" I said my name and the Aurai nodded and gave me a paper containing my schedule.

"For you dorm, Ma'am. Just follow the odigos, they'll lead the way." When she said that, a circle like glowing thingy appeared and started moving towards the hall.

I thanked the Aurai and followed my odigo.

After a few minutes of walking, the odigo stopped in front of a brown door.

The door suddenly opened and when I got inside, I got shocked.

The inside was huge, it's tiles were white and walls are gold. Like the School's color. It looked like a penthouse inside. It has a huge living room with a huge sofa and tv. It and at the left, it was a kitchen. At ge right side of the living room, it has a glass doors and it is a veranda. In the middle, I saw 8 doors.

I went to the sofa and laid down. Due to my exhausting trip, my eyes immediately shut and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up and looked around. Huh, my roommates are still not here.

I tried going out but before I could open the door, someone opened it.

"Woah, who the heck are you?" A girl with brown curly hair asked. I looked behind her and saw 4 more people behind her.

I stepped back and ran to the living room.

I heard a guy laughing and then, they were in front of me!

"Are you the new demigod?" One of the guys asked.

"U-uh. I am..?" Oh no. Why did I stutter?

"I guess you don't know us. We'll introduce our selves." said by the other guy.

"I'm Reese, son of Ares, god of war." The guy winked at me.

"I'm Minerva, daughter of Athena" The girl with the curly brown hair.

"Blaire, Daughter of Apollo, God of Light! Hihi" The girl with blonde hair.

"Zhanzer, son of Zeus"  The other guy coldly said.

"And that's Xaixus, he's the son of Hades. He's our leader, hes hot-headed and always grumpy." Blaire said while I was looking at the other guy.

"And you, who's your god?" Blaire excitedly asked.

"Well, I have two descendants, actually."

".. Aphrodite and Poseidon" I added.

They were so shocked by what I said.

"Oh my graciousness!" Blaire exclaimed.

"My Grandfather is Poseidon, while my Mother is Aphrodite." I said again.

"What's your name?" Zhanzer asked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Silly me" I said while chuckling a bit.

"I am Drellisse Viaraie, a Daughter of Aphrodite, grandchild of Poseidon. Pleased to meet you all." I looked at them one by one with my sweet smile. I stopped at Xaixus and gave him a seducing smile and winked. I heard Reese chukling.

"Finally! I have a girl friend who can come with me in my shopping sprees!" Blaire screamed while jumping.

"Minerva is a bit... you know. Serious and strict. She doesn't like shopping.." Blaire came to my ear and whispered that.

"Attention, all students must gather at our Auditorium by 3 PM. I repeat, students must gather at our Auditorium by 3 PM." The radio suddenly announced.

"Yes! It's the time where we'll receive our graces..!" Reese said, and looked at me while I was confused

"...or should I say, allowance or gifts from our gods." Ahh, okay.

"Well let's get ready, we don't want to be late. We still have an hour." Minerva said.

"Follow me, Drellisse. I'll show you your room." I nodded at Reese and followed him to the doors.

I looked at the heavy luggages I'm carrying and got a brilliant idea.

"Xaixus, carry my luggages to my room" I said while using my powers on him.

Oh, I forgot to mention! I know some of my powers now. My Auntie thought me how to use them. I inherited my beauty, powers that can command on people, and creat and manipulate trances. While for Poseidon, I can manipulate water, find the nearest body of water, breath in the water, and yeah. My Father said I'm powerful because of my deities and most especially, my Grandma. I can see people's soulmate, with the red string in their fingers. That's one thing I inherited from my Grandma, said by Father. I still have a lot of powers to discover and I think Olympus Academy is going to help me discover them all.

Back to story, again.

Zhanzer, Minerva, Blaire, and Reese were shocked. They're shocked by Xaixus, or me?

"Woah, what the fu-" Zhanzer covered Blaire's mouth with his hands so Blaire can not continue what she was saying.

Xaixus glared deadly at me while I continued giving him a smile. When my things were in my room, I thanked him.

"Thankyou, Xaixus!" I said and gave him a quick peck at his cheeks.

Xaixus was stunned by that move of mine. Whoops, Aphrodite's blood is running.

I'm attracted to Xaixus, he's my type. But my attraction for him will just be temporary. It's very like me.