


I was walking out of class with Marcus and Savannah by my side, glaring at every single person who looks at me

/"I'll be heading with Theo to a party tonight, you guys should come/" he said

/"I'm up to party only if you'll be coming/" she said looking at me

/"Nope I don't do the parties thingy/" I said

/"Come on! It's your first party here!/" Savannah pouted /"come with me!/"

/"Yeah come on lia/" Marcus said giving me some puppy eyes

/"Okay I'm coming/" I sighed as a smile appeared on their faces

/"You should come to my house to get ready/" Savannah said

/"I'll see if I can, but I can come before heading to the party/" I said

/"Well then I'll see you girls tonight/" Marcus said As he disappeared

/"Asshole/" Savannah said as I laughed /"anyways I'm really excited!!!/"
