


Savannah groaned as she threw herself on the bed /"I don't wanna wake up! I'm tired/"

Sav ended up sleeping over yesterday, she was too tired to go with Theo or to be at her house

/"It's your fault! You blasted one direction for the whole night!/" I said as I put on a hoodie on top of my tank top

/"I didn't ask you to blast it with me!/" She said

/"But how I'm supposed to sleep?/"

/"oh shut we both know you enjoyed it!/"savannah nudged me as i laughed

we heard a few knocks on the door

/"Mel you up?/" I heard Axel's voice and I immediately smiled

/"Yes your GIRLFRIEND is up!/" Savannah yelled as she opened the door and he appeared there with a small smile on his face

Savannah freaked out, literally freaked out, when she heard that axel asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't even know how to shut her up but eventually she did

/"Hey pretty/"

/"hi/" I blushed