
Welcome to the Demon Realm

Aron prepared all his materials for the time he would spend in the Demon Realm so he took one last look at his room before grabbing his backpack and suitcase and walked out of the room. After all, Aron had no idea how long he was going to be gone for. He walked down the stairs and saw Sandra smiling at something, must be thinking about guys or something Aron thought to himself.

"What are you smiling about?" Aron saved this image in his mind, Sandra was a very gloomy person most of the time so seeing her smile was a good change of pace.

"You thinking about me or something?" Aron asked her sarcastically while chuckling.

"Shut up! Go tell mom I will be out in a second!" Sandra retorted with ferocity.

With that Aron shrugged his shoulders and took his leave through the door and out into the yard where Jira and Rodger were stationed. Rodger was still passed out, he didn't look like he was getting up anytime soon either. Jira was drawing on the driveway with chalk.

"Is your sister behind you?" Jira asked as she saw Aron walk out to the yard.

"Yeah, she said she will be out in a second. Knowing her that could take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes." Aron responded.

"What were you saying about me?" Sandra glared at Aron as she stepped out into the yard.

"Oh, we were just talking about how punctual you were!" Aron's forehead began to sweat

"Yeah... Sure, I believe you." Sandra said sarcastically.

Jira finished drawing a star shaped diagram with symbols and other such symbols lining the perimeter and rubbed her hands against her shorts to get rid of the final bit of chalk dust still on her hand.

"We are ready to go whenever you guys are" Jira pronounced.

"I am ready, I don't know about Sandra over here." Aron snuck a peek at Sandra's face to see that she was staring directly into his soul. Jeez, some people have no sense of humor Aron thought to himself while airing himself out with his shirt like the sun was staring directly at him.

"I.. am also ready, don't worry about me." Sandra told Jira but was looking directly at Aron.

Jira put her hand towards the middle of the diagram and chanted some words. Around a minute after the ground around the diagram began to get blurry and distorted like looking through a thick glass panel.

"Quick get on, if you want to come with that is." Jira hurriedly collected Aron and Sandra onto the diagram.

As soon as Aron and Sandra stepped on the diagram it began glowing with a dark red hue. When the glow was as bright as the sun the ground seemed to almost disappear beneath their feet and they began falling through the earth almost. They were in the air for two to three seconds before landing on a large mattress in the middle of a massive plaza, a sign was hovering a couple feet above the ground reading

"Welcome to Darandul the capital of the Demon Realm"

Aron stood up and looked around. As far as the eye could see was a huge civilization, if you looked up there was a dark sky similar to the dream he had not too long ago in the car. Although it wasn't dark it didn't feel very well lit either. There were all kinds of demons and such walking along the plaza, almost all of which had a faint light blue color to them. There were signs of advanced technology scattered throughout the plaza such as neon colored motorbikes similar to the bikes in 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘯, as well as teleport pads scattered throughout the large cityscape. They most peculiar thing that attracted Aron's attention was the creatures following the demons similar to pets but a lot more menacing. There were all kinds of different creatures that Aron saw such as a metallic lion that showed off his electric conductive coat and a bird with flames protruding from its wings similar to the one that he saw on the car ride home from the baby shower that accompanied the demon. He was in complete awe, he had never imagined in his wildest dreams that there would be a world as profound as this lurking so close under his nose.

"Aron, I will lead you to the Demon King's province, Sandra, I will have Daron over there take you to your designated area." Jira pointed towards a young gentle looking demon wearing a top hat and had a walking stick although it looked more decorational than anything. He talked in a sophisticated mature way even though he didn't look that old, Aron was not aware at the time that Daron was actually over three hundred years old. Aron was taking his time to soak in this new found environment.

Daron came over to where Aron and Sandra were standing and introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you Lady Sandra and Young Master Aron, I am Daron the head butler at Demon King's younger brother's province also known as Grandmaster Garvic." Daron politely informed with a practiced smile like he has done this a thousand times at least.

Jira lead the way while Aron, Sandra, and Daron followed. They had walked for at least an hour and Aron received a notification that his mediocre strength and speed increase had leveled up. He had to wait until he was level five in order to upgrade it from mediocre to decent strength and speed increase. The group had arrived in front of a massive manor with extravagant details worked in throughout the walls of the manor. The door opened up and a large figure popped his head out, when he saw the group waiting outside the manor he stuck his large figure out to welcome his wife and son.

"Welcome home" said the Demon King with his outstretched arms welcoming them in.