
Demon King

The Demon King was glowing with a very dark shade of grey almost black and he gave off an extremely eerie vibe. Aron felt his hair stand up on end at the presence of the monstrous Demon standing in front of him.

"Oops, sorry about that. You guys are probably scared of me right? Hold on." The Demon King motioned someone inside of the manor over carrying a half mask covering the right side of his face. On the mask was runic designs spanning from top to bottom giving it a mysterious feeling. When his face was covered by the mask his presence disappeared and the intimidating aura fled.

"Come on in, I will have my butler pour us some tea." The demon motioned us in and we followed.

On a closer look the demon king had large muscles from head to toe. It was very obvious that he cared for physique. We walked through the door to the sight of at least 100 butlers/maids waiting on standby. They all bowed as we walked past them, this is awesome Aron said as he smiled and waved shyly to the butlers and maids. Around the corner loud footsteps could be heard bounding down the hallway.

"Hover" the demon king chanted as the creature flew around the corner at a high speed. As the creature rounded the corner his feet gradually came off the ground and it started to levitate. The creature came to a halt in front of us and he licked the demon king right across the face.

"Ike that's nasty! How many times do I have to tell you not to lick my face!" The Demon King was hugging the creature all over and scratching his ears. "This is my thunder panther, I have had him since I was 15 years old. He had followed me through thick and thin." The Demon King said with a smile on his face. "He had a brother but unfortunately he passed away last year." as he said this his smile dropped into a sad expression. "Anyways, we have dinner prepared so lets eat and we can figure out your training schedule."

"Hey Demon King, will we be able to return to earth after this?" Sandra asked with sincerity.

"Just call me Driphus. The answer to your question will depend on whether or not we live through the war. If we do, than you can do whatever you want and we will reward you appropriately. If we lose then... It's probably better to not think about it." Driphus said with a cold tone of voice. The room got extremely silent and you could hear a pindrop. Ike's stomach growled and brought sound back to the eerily quiet room. "Let's get some dinner shall we?" Driphus asked the group.

"Let's" everyone said in unison.


Everyone sat at their seats around the dining table and awaiting the meal, Driphus initiated some idle chat around the table while they waited. After a couple of minutes a butler and a few maids made their way to the table and set down a large buffet of food in front of the dinner guests.

"Aron, I believe you have manifested some kind of power at this point, correct?" Driphus asked Aron

"That is correct, I am able to see auras around people and creatures as well as having a couple of abilities to pair with it. Although I am not sure how strong they are." Aron replied earnestly.

"That's good, we can help you to get better with them so you will be a reliable asset on the battlefield." Driphus exclaimed. "I believe Jira should have mentioned that Draek the world ending dragon to you guys. We will have him tutor you guys until he believes you are proficient in your ability to hold yourselves in combat."

"Yeah, she also mentioned that me and Aron would be splitting up. Is this true?" Sandra asked

"Yes, Sandra you will be going with my younger brother Garvic and Aron will be staying here with me during this time. It will be easier to help you one on one rather than both of you staying here." Driphus explained

"Okay." Sandra said with a tinge of pain in her voice.

"Aron, once you finish dinner you will head to bed. It will be an early start for you guys starting tomorrow." Driphus instructed.

Aron took his dishes and headed to the kitchen to clean and put them away but was stopped by a butler "I can take those for you sir." the butler said with a pleasant smile.

"I can do it, it's no problem." Aron replied

"It's my job to do this for you so you don't have to burden yourself sir."

"If you insist" Aron relented and handed the dishes over to the butler and headed upstairs.

Aron asked Driphus where his room was and was directed up the stairs and down the left hallway last door on the right. Aron passed at least 15 rooms, this place is way too massive why does he even need this many rooms for? he thought to himself. He entered the room to a lavish room fully decorated with recently painted walls. Aron jumped on his bed and fell asleep instantly, it has been a long day.

Sandra on the other hand had the opposite experience. After dinner ended Daron led her outside and towards Grandmaster Garvic's province. She was worried for Aron, she didn't want to leave his side and a part of her was sad to be separated. As they arrived at Grandmaster Garvic's province there wasn't any lights on or welcoming party rather it was the complete opposite. It looks like everyone had gone to sleep and forgot about her arrival. Daron led her inside the manor to a dark cold mansion, Daron pointed towards a door on the left side of the manor and told her to get some rest. Sandra nodded and opened the door, it was dusty and looks like it hadn't been used in years. Sandra sighed, she lifted her bed sheets and covered herself. Sandra couldn't fall asleep that night.