
The talk

"Nice cape"

Mudaris says

"You like it? I thought it was pretty cool"

Luck goes about admiring his cape until he remembers why he came again.

"Give it to me straight man how much can I make at this job?"

Mudaris shrugged

"That really depends on many things how bad of a guy your target is, what people are willing to pay to see him gone and of course your rank all play a role."

Luck blinked


"Haha oh right you're that new. Well ever assassin is given a rank from 1 to 10, the rank signifies there power and experience and allows them to pursue harder targets as they rank up. Which intern make more money."

"So the higher my rank the more money I make?"

"Effectively yeah"

"Nice! So what rank am I now?"


Mudaris takes a deep breath and explains that Luck has to pass a test in order to be counted legally as a assassin.

"Well I guess that makes sense, when is this test anyway?"

"In about 6 months, but I doubt you will be ready by then I mean most of the combatants train for years and even still fail the test."

Luck's eyes widen the reality of the situation seemed to once again slam him in the face, how much weaker he was then all the people he had come across so far. Suddenly another thought crossed Luck's mind.

"Hey Mudaris do you know of any guy's around here that wear a fox mask?"

Mudaris seems rather caught off guard by this question.

"No the only guy's that wear animal masks that I know of are known as the stars of war. They are another group of assassins similar to ours that operate with the city as well."

Why would a assassin be after me? Luck thought I'm just a kid. With that Luck thanked Mudaris for his time as excused himself to head home.