
The Home

Before returning home Luck stops at a convince store and grabs some food. Then realizing how late it is he hurries home.

"I'm back"

Luck calls as he walks into his tiny apartment. A girl with red eyes to match and slightly less dark hair walks over to greet him.

"Where have you been it's really l-... what's with the dorky cape?"

This girl was Luck's sister Tyche she was only fourteen years old and going still in school.

Luck sighs,

"Don't worry about it, how was school?"

He proceeds to set the bag of food on the cabinet, hangs his cape up and attempts to hide his injured hand but does a rather poor job as she quickly sees the split.

"What happened to you hand?!"

She reached for it but Luck pulled away.

"It's fine I just had a little accident with a heavy box at work, it'll be ok you just need to worry about school ty."

Luck laid out on the couch as Tyche preceded to scavenge the bag for food. He closed his eyes and tried to forget about all that happened to him today. Sure enough before he knew it he was out ggcold the next thing he knew Tyche was waking him up.

"I don't have work today just let me sleep"

"I know but apparently one your friends is here to see you"

What friend Luck thought as he staggered to his feet and went to the door. Sure enough Chase was standing there but in normal clothes and pants.

"How do you know where I live?"

"No offense but tailing you isn't very hard".

Luck would have been angry if he wasn't so tired, he rubbed his eyes before realizing something was wrong.

"Where is your sword? Did you loss it?"

Chase scowled at him

"No but today is my day off so I don't really need it, I just came to get you for the training as a favor to Mudaris".

"What?! You get a day off while I have to work! That's bull dude!"

Luck grabs his cape tells his Sister that he's going out and fallows Chase back to the base.