


I walk out of the bathroom wearing a white sweater dress with gray leggings and flats. My hair is done up in a waterfall braid with lavender chalk highlights. The body Jace had chosen from a magazine works well with the look he was looking for.

/"Now you look like a badass,/" Jace says snapping his finger. /"The natural makeup look is really working for you./"

Jace gives me a hug and then turns to the other gay reapers in the room. /"Boys, I thank you for the emergency,/" he says with a bow for the last word only. /"You all were a lot of help./" For some reason right now, he reminds me of Jack from Will and Grace right now.

All the reapers leave my room, leaving me alone with Jace.

/"So, I tailed this Galvin for a bit and have some news./"

/"Ok, what did you find out?/"

/"Tiffany isn’t the only split tail he is chasing./"

/"What, how many girls is he with?/"