
22:00. (5)

"The only possible answer I can think of is that he is one of the Contracted…"

"But if he was linked to a fucking Spirit or Demon or SOMETHING, he would have tried to save his family, wouldn't he? Like, the fuss he was kicking up, that was legit!"

"How can you be so sure?! What if he was faking it?"

"Is that blood from his fucked up throat fake? Either way, if he is linked with a Spirit, we gotta get this place in flames before he wakes up!"

Despite having come to this conclusion, the guys seemed to have taken too much time as immediately agreeing on hurrying up, Theo's eyes opened. They were completely white, and glowed with a bright, pulsing light that wafted ever so gently out from both eyes. The guys all took a few steps back, as they looked at each other with slightly panic stricken faces.

"You there… you all shall serve as the sustenance I need!"

The guys suddenly staggered somewhat as they went from panicking, to shitting their pants. Immediately after the voice spoke, Theo's body started shaking and glowing, and moments later, Theo started screaming. His throat had been healed, so it wasn't a painful sounding scream, but rather, he was screaming in pain. After a few moments of screaming, three… things burst out from Theo's upper back; two above each shoulder, and the third from just below his neck. The two above the shoulders were serpent like in shape, and were white in colour. They snaked their way into the air, forming their faces as they did and then let out an ear piercing screech. They were rather grotesque, featuring a mouth full of more sharp, jagged teeth than any mouth had any right to have, two small holes for nostrils, and round, beady eyes that were black and glowed. The growth below Theo's neck was quite a bit thicker than the two on his shoulders, and while it had a similar face, it had jagged tusk like growths on the side of what could only be described as cheeks, as well as a large, curved horns on its forehead and chin. The major discerning feature however, was the pair of white wings further down its body. They unfurled and stretched themselves before the creature let out a booming roar of its own. Theo had also changed a bit, as his afro was now loose and curly, as well as bright luminescent white, glowing along with his eyes. His forehead, both sides of his head and area around his eyes were all subject to vasodilation, and his canines had extended and become longer. The goons had completely lost it as some had literally pissed themselves.

"What the hell is that?!" One screamed.

"OHHHH FUUUUUUCK!!" Another boomed.

"DIE!!!" The Fallen screamed in its terrifying voice.

The other two serpent creatures, as if following orders, suddenly shot towards one of the men. One wrapped itself around one of his ankles and hoisted him high into the air. He screamed as he hung upside down, and before he could do much else, the other creature slashed horizontally across his stomach. A red line trailed across the length of his stomach, before opening up and depositing his entrails all over his chest, face and then the floor. His blood gurgled screams were quickly brought to an end as he was then smashed against the floor, the crunching of his bones against the hard tiles made the others freeze in terror.


The goon who shouted this was quickly taken out, as one of the creatures pierced his stomach and went straight through, before turning around and repeating the act, twisting around and piercing the torso as if it was a needle and thread until eventually slithering and bursting out from the mouth of the now dead goon. The other creature was making light work of a few other goons, whipping its head at them and cleaving them in two. The Fallen watched on, as Theo sat in absolute silence. He was in shock was as he witnessed these appendages rip through those who were complicit in what he and his deceased family just went through.


The Fallen's blood chilling laugh was gentle like a whisper, yet still clear and audible, despite the pained death screams of Phantom's goons. The massacre didn't last all that long, but it was brutal. There were body parts and organs all over the walls of the room, heads, limbs, scattered all over the place if a decorator had decided that the theme of the house was death. Once done with the killing, the creatures went back to their normal length, hovering slightly ahead of Theo's face, slithering slowly as their blood covered mouths and faces were almost too close for his liking. Theo looked up at the slithering, horned and tusked winged thing that was the Fallen in slight disbelief.

"…what the fuck just happened here?"