

Long long ago there was a Dark Kingdom , no one knows where it was located

The Dark kingdom was ruled by the Mighty Empress Lennon she was extremely powerful no one dared to stand against her never there was no such soul more powerful than her she was the mightiest of them all ,

But there was one evil wicked soul who dares yes, to stand up against her it was him who was burning with anger and hatred towards the Mighty Empress it was he who's father had been executed in front of his own eyes,

The Mighty Empress was very well aware of the Evil one's plans but she did not know he was going to much more powerful then she thought,

"It the perfect night for revenge" said the evil one smirking and it sure was it was a full moon night and the evil one's powers were stronger than ever it...

It was exactly Midnight the Evil one was standing in front of The Mighty Empresses castle , The Empress stood in front of him but the Evil one did not move as if... he was waiting for something?

Then he smiled , The Empress thought it was a threat so she attacked him with her most powerful powers but the Evil one was sure ready for this he absorbed the Empresses power and attacked her with her own powers just 10 times more powerful ,

It was quiet for a while , there was dust everywhere when everything cleared up the Dark Empress could not be found anywhere nor could be the evil one people tried to find them but they could not and so,

She the mightiest was forgotten and people started to call her story A fairy tale and so it was forgotten , forgotten in the books of history...