
The New Home

After Oliver and Owen had ran away from the orphanage they had lived on the streets for almost a month until Oliver saw that Owen had the beginning symptoms of the black plague. The boys were approached by a strange man with a Medico della Peste, also known as the black plague mask, a bird like mask that people used to prevent the black plague. The man that was no older than 40, he had asked the boys if they had liked to come to his place to eat and get some sleep in nice fluffy beds. Owen didn't care for the offer and tugged on his brother sleeve shaking his head. Oliver had told the man that they would go with him. The only reason he had agreed to go was because of his brother condition from the way they lived. They had went from living on the streets with rat feces, straw for beds, and ripped clothes all the way to living in a huge mansion with fancy foods, soft beds, and new warm clothes on their backs. They had grown up in this mansion after being adopted by this strange man named Theo. They had grown until they had reached an age of 18 years old then they had decided to head out and find their lost mother and father.