
The Father's Death

The Twin boys, before they had ran away from the orphanage had always been dependent on each other. Once the people at the orphanage had tried to separate the twins to that they wouldn't be so dependent on each other. Oliver had attacked whoever had touched his younger brother Owen, being the overprotective brother he is. Owen had bit the person holding him away from his brother running into his brothers arms. Oliver threatened anyone that wanted to separate him and his brother. Once While they were back with each other they had been fine as if nothing had ever happened. Not too long after they had almost gotten split up they had met their mother not knowing it was her. Bother her and the boys dad was there, the mother gave then hamburgers and french fries then they watched them eat it like wild animals as for they had never had such good food. This is when the father had been a tad too drunk, someone had attacked the family. Vincent had managed to stab him in the chest right before getting his head cut clean off his shoulders. The Boys heard a scream then silence as blood covers the ground. Owen was hiding in Olivers arms as they hid. Oliver saw the blood and had thought "I sure do hope that nice lady that gave us this yummy food isn't dead.