
The Boy She Always Will Love

Years later the young girl October had grown into an elegant young lady with her best friend Alfred. Alfred was a young slave boy only 3 years older than October. Yuri had once had the plague when he was very, very young and had got treated almost right away so he doesn't remember how they had treated him. October has the black plague that she had gotten from her father's genetics. Both her and Alfred had loved each other with their whole hearts. Alfred had always protected October from even his own friends, the two of them were always going to be meant for one another. No matter if October had ever fallen in love with another man, he will always be waiting for her till the end of their lives. Alfred had always wanted to kiss her and show how much he loves her, even though he is only a 13 year old. He wanted to know if she had felt the same about her, what he did not know is that she had felt the same. She knew that she was unable to kiss him because she had not known if he was immune to the black plague. Alfred believes in God because he is Jewish, both him and October pray to the same God together. Once October had fallen sick with a terrible fever and Alfred had prayed for her and got caught by Yuri. Not too long after he was found and beat, both he and October had been more careful about when and where they prayed.