
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · Ost
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31 Chs

Unspoken Bond

As Chester and Yue made their way back to the village, their voices merged with the whispers of the forest, their words shared in hushed tones, as if afraid to disturb the tranquil atmosphere surrounding them. Their individual burdens seemed to dissipate as they confided in one another, finding solace in the growing connection and understanding that bloomed between them.

Chester, skilled in concealing his true origins, chose to spin a tale of his prowess in battle. He wove a narrative of a lineage marked by countless generations of warfare against a rival family, where he stood as the sole survivor, forged in the fires of relentless conflict. His voice carried a solemnity that conveyed the gravity of his experiences, choosing to present his skills as a result of generations of struggle, rather than revealing the truth of his existence within a video game.

Yue, in contrast, shared a story that carried the weight of tradition and personal sacrifice. She shared the story of her sect master's depraved plans, who sought to arrange her marriage to his unworthy son. With determination and sorrow, she recounted her decision to flee, safeguarding her clan's safety before embarking on a journey of liberation.

As they reached a secluded spot near the village gate, their steps slowed, and they settled upon a sturdy rock. Side by side, they sat in silence, their gazes fixed upon the full moon above. Its radiant glow bathed their faces, casting a gentle luminescence upon their features. The moon, a symbol of change, mystery, and beauty, seemed to bear witness to their shared vulnerabilities and the strength that emerged from the depths of their souls.

In the encompassing silence, their unspoken bond deepened, finding solace in each other's presence. They understood that their paths had intertwined for a reason, that their shared struggles and hidden truths had led them to this significant moment of connection.

As they beheld the moon, an overwhelming sense of unity and understanding permeated the air. The celestial entity, illuminating even the darkest nights, mirrored their shared emotions and the flicker of hope that blazed within their hearts. In that moment, words became unnecessary, as the quiet strength of their companionship spoke volumes.

The encounter, marked by shared vulnerability and the unburdening of their pasts, forged a bond between Chester and Yue that transcended mere friendship. They became allies, confidants, and pillars of support for one another. In the embrace of the moonlight, they found solace and an unspoken promise to face the impending challenges together, drawing strength from their shared stories and unyielding determination.

With the moon as their witness, Chester and Yue rose from the rock, their hearts lightened and their spirits fortified. They knew their journey was far from over, and the battles they would encounter would be grueling. Nevertheless, they confronted the future with newfound courage and the understanding that they were not alone.

A gentle drizzle transformed into an ominous downpour, and Chester and Yue exchanged a knowing glance. The deceptively clear sky served as a haunting omen, signaling the arrival of something far more sinister than a mere rainstorm. A billowing surge of demonic Qi descended from the mountains, shrouding the surrounding landscape and heralding the nefarious cult's approach.

Snarls and chilling cries reverberated through the air, intertwining with the panicked shouts of the village patrol. Fear gripped the villagers as they sought shelter, their hurried footsteps echoing through the narrow streets. The impending invasion was no longer a distant threat but a horrifying reality looming just beyond the village's borders.

The allied forces, led by Yue's uncle, the city lord, swiftly mobilized, rallying the villagers and reinforcing the defensive lines. Anticipation, trepidation, and an unwavering determination to protect their loved ones pulsed through their hearts.

Chester and Yue stood at the forefront, their resolve unyielding as they confronted the overwhelming odds stacked against them. The once tranquil battlefield now trembled with electric energy, heavy with the imminent clash of forces.