
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · Ost
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31 Chs

A Struggle of Trust

The room was dimly lit by a wax candle, casting flickering shadows on Yue as she sat crossed-legged on a bed. Her face contorted with conflicting emotions as she grappled with her inner turmoil. Chester's relentless determination to train her clan using powerful techniques unnerved her.

She feared that his ambitions to strengthen the Yue clan would attract dangerous attention, jeopardizing their very existence. Yet, she couldn't ignore the undeniable sparks she felt for Chen, leaving her torn between her reservations and her burgeoning feelings.

In the solitude of her room, Yue reflected on the recent chain of events that had led her to this point. Escaping the Night Wind Cutting Sect and defying her arranged marriage had nearly spelled doom for her clan.

They had suffered loss and persecution during their harrowing escape, with some cities turning their backs on them. Ultimately, they had settled in East Lagoon Village, a desolate place reached by traversing the treacherous Devil's Scar—a massive river that divided the once-great continent. Realizing the need for supplies and allies, Yue had left the sect, but the fear of losing what little they had left still haunted her.

Upon her return to the village, she discovered news of an impending invasion by the Demonic Cult. It was then that she crossed paths with Chen, coinciding with the aftermath of a difficult battle that claimed the lives of many clan members.

With her world crumbling around her once again, Chen offered his clan's techniques as a glimmer of hope. Yue couldn't help but feel upset with herself for being afraid of losing everything and the internal conflict it stirred within her.

After a restless night, Yue made up her mind to confide in Chester. She sought him out near the deck of the boat, preparing to expose her vulnerability.

However, just as she was about to eavesdrop on their conversation, she overheard a discussion between Chester and the young Lan siblings, Meilin and Zhen.

Meilin, a determined nine-year-old girl with dark hair and a tanned complexion, expressed her admiration for the head elder's strength and her desire to protect her brother, mirroring Chester's actions. Her younger brother, Zheng, displayed both fear and excitement, showing his adventurous and friendly nature when alone with his sister.

Chester looked down at the determined gaze of young Meilin and the apprehensive expression of her brother, Zheng. He couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and admiration for their contrasting personalities.

Meilin spoke up first, her eyes brimming with determination as she addressed Chester. "Mr. Chester, we saw you fighting those cultists with Her Highness," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "I want to be strong like the head elder. He protected all of us, and I want to protect my brother just like he did." Her grip tightened on Zheng's hand, emphasizing her point.

Zheng, looking slightly afraid but encouraged by his sister's words, nodded in agreement. "I want to fight too," he said, his voice a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

Chester couldn't help but smile at their earnestness. "You two are putting me in a tough spot," he replied, his tone gentle but firm. "If you can convince Miss Yue, I can teach you the basics. However, it's important to understand that these techniques will focus on self-preservation and evasion. Strength is only useful if you can keep your life."

The siblings exchanged determined glances before running back inside the boat, leaving Chester to contemplate their request and its implications.

Caught in the moment, Yue realized the dilemma presented by the young siblings' determination.

She contemplated the consequences of teaching them techniques that focused solely on survival, emphasizing that strength was useless without the ability to protect one's own life. As the children ran back inside the boat, Yue gazed at the endless river, its gentle sway reflecting the ebb and flow of her thoughts.

Doubts plagued her mind as she questioned whether she could truly trust Chester with the future of their clan, aware that one misstep could bring dire consequences.

Returning to her dwelling, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, Yue called for a gathering of the clan members. It was time to discuss their uncertain future and determine their next steps.

The weariness etched on the faces of the elderly, the exhaustion visible in the women's expressions, and the hopeful yet uncertain glances of the children filled the circle.

Standing beside Yue, Chester emanated a commanding yet comforting presence. Yue's conflicted gaze swept across the faces of her people, sensing their longing for a brighter future, their need for protection and guidance.

However, the fear of losing everything still lingered within her. It was in this pivotal moment that she realized her decision would not only shape her own destiny but also determine the fate of the entire clan.

Yue stood before the gathered clan members, her voice carrying a mixture of strength and vulnerability. The weariness etched on her face was replaced by determination as she addressed her people.

"Today, I have brought you all here to discuss the future of our clan," Yue began, her voice projecting with authority. "As you know, we have faced many hardships and losses. But amidst the darkness, a new opportunity has emerged." She paused, allowing her words to sink in.

"Chen, who has proven his loyalty and prowess in battle, has decided to join us,"

Yue continued, her gaze shifting to Chen beside her. "Until we can reunite with my father, I have decided to grant him the position of temporary head elder."

The murmurs of the clan members filled the air as they exchanged glances and expressions of surprise. Yue waited for the whispers to subside before continuing.

"Some of you have witnessed his bravery on the battlefield, fighting alongside us," Yue said, her voice holding a note of pride. "I believe that with him, we can secure a bright future for our clan."

Yue turned to Chester and waved him forward, silently urging him to address the gathered clan members.

Chester was taken aback, unsure of the sudden responsibility thrust upon him. He glanced at Yue, wanting to ask her what was happening, but realizing that his first act as the temporary head elder would leave a lasting impression, he took a deep breath and stepped forward.

With the weary faces of the elderly, the uncertain expressions of the women, and the hopeful yet wary looks from the children, Yue's announcement hung in the air, laden with anticipation.

Yue waved a hand, signaling for Chen to step forward and address the clan. Chen felt a surge of nervousness, unprepared for the sudden spotlight. However, he understood the significance of this moment and the trust placed in him.

Taking a deep breath, Chen moved to the center of the gathering, his gaze sweeping over the assembled clan members. He straightened his posture, projecting confidence as he began to speak.

"Clan members, I stand before you not as an outsider, but as someone who has come to fight by your side," Chen started, his voice strong and resonant. "Together, we have faced hardships and losses, but I firmly believe that our shared strength can lead us to a better future."

He paused, allowing his words to settle among the listeners, before continuing with increasing passion. "I envision a mercenary guild that will rise above the challenges, renowned throughout the land for our skills and integrity. A guild that will offer protection, prosperity, and a sense of belonging to all its members."

Chen's words ignited a spark of hope in the eyes of the weary clan members. Their weariness began to fade as they listened intently, captivated by his vision.

"I am committed to leading us toward this future," Chen declared, his voice unwavering. "But I cannot do it alone. Each and every one of you plays a crucial role in our success. Together, we will rebuild, we will grow stronger, and we will carve our place in history."

As Chen finished speaking, the clan members erupted into a mixture of murmurs and whispered discussions. They exchanged glances, sensing the potential for a new beginning under Chen's leadership. Yue watched him with a mix of pride and uncertainty, realizing that her decision to entrust the clan to him might indeed lead them to a brighter future.

The weary faces began to light up, weariness momentarily forgotten as a flicker of optimism spread through the gathering.

Yue watched Chester as he spoke, grappling with her inner struggle. She saw the bond forming between him and the young siblings, sensing that he might be better suited to lead the next generation of their clan. She knew that her last decision had brought them ruin, and now, in this moment, she decided to leave the fate of their clan in his hands. It seemed crazy, but reason hadn't been her best ally lately. Despite her initial reservations, that tiny spark she felt when she was with Chen made her yearn for hope.

As Chester concluded his impromptu speech, the clan members erupted into whispers and discussions among themselves. Yue approached him, her voice a soft whisper amidst the commotion. "I'll leave the clan to you," she said, her tone filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Together, we can discover the truth about your family's arts." She paused, her voice barely above a whisper. "I might really be crazy."

Later, when the night fell and Yue had spent hours contemplating the clan's next steps, she realized that every string of thought led back to Chen. She came to the realization of the possibility that her feelings for him ran deeper than she had initially admitted. Using her uncle as an excuse, she made the decision to entrust everything to Chen, knowing that if they succeeded, their lives together would follow.