
Within The Tower Of Torment

In the Tower of Torment, just as Asher and Naida entered, they were enveloped in an impenetrable darkness. 

Naida's voice carried a note of concern as she warned, "You have to be care-"

But suddenly, her voice faded away, leaving Asher alone in the dark void, "Lady Naida?" he called out, his voice tinged with worry. 

However, there was no response, as if Naida had vanished into thin air.

Asher attempted to use his flames to illuminate the surroundings, but before he could act, the darkness seeped into his mind, overwhelming his senses.

"Raziel, my child... It's time to wake up," a gentle voice called out, cutting through the darkness.

Raziel, groggily opened his eyes, the darkness receding as light filtered into his vision. He found himself in a modest stone house, lying on a quilt.