
Who Is The Real One

"Who are you really, Ceti…" Asher mumbled with a baffled look, unable to believe the Ceti he knew was actually going toe-to-toe against the Moon Guardian.

How could Ceti be that strong? He wouldn't have found it this shocking if Ceti was a peak Soul Devourer.

But she was only a peak Soul Purger, and he was sure Ceti would have revealed it if she was hiding her true power, especially the fact that she was actually a peak Soul Devourer.

However, thinking about his own situation, where he never willingly revealed his past to anyone, he felt that there was also a chance Ceti might have kept it hidden even though it may not have seemed like it.

If that was the case, he knew he had no right to call out Ceti on that. But this made him realize how his women would feel if they came to know about his past, with the difference being that they might not look at him in the same way.