
The Scary Demoness

Cultholds or a Culthold was the term humans used to call the base or the main building where a cult gathered or carried out their sinistrous operations.

No ordinary cult would dare to establish a Culthold in a boisterous city or a place brimming with lots of ordinary people or one protected by Hunter guilds.

They would always pick a place that was far from the general population's eyes and ears to avoid detection or exposure.

After all, Hunters or the guilds they belonged to were constantly on their tails and on the lookout to destroy any Cultholds along with the cult if possible. 

However, on the outskirts of Switzerland, in a moody town, there existed the Culthold of the Coven of the Damned.

In the underground hall of this culthold, bathed in the stark white light of LED panels, was a stark contrast to the secrecy and shadow that typically enveloped demon affairs in any other cultholds.