
The Dilemma Of A Wife

Rowena broke the seal and unfolded the letter, her eyes scanning the content quickly.

But the words on the paper made her eyes quiver as she read,

[ Did you know that your husband loves to spend more time with the humans, your enemies, rather than you? You don't believe me? Check the Sighststone behind this letter. ]

Rowena's fingers tensed slightly as she held the parchment, her eyes tracing the insidious words that threatened to shatter the tranquility of her heart. 

With a hesitant twist, she turned the letter over. There, affixed to the back like a malignant growth, was a small, dark red sphere— a Sightstone. 

Its deep, blood-like hue seemed almost accusatory under her scrutinizing gaze. 

Removing it with a careful touch, Rowena felt the cool, smooth surface of the sphere against her palm, a stark contrast to the heat of the anger beginning to simmer within her.