
Price Of Their Heads

Asher nodded, his chin grazing against the top of hers, "Our bodies... they're responding or calling out to each other. In the old days, it used to be called primal instincts. But these days…it's called sexual tension."

"S-Sexual??" Ceti took a moment to digest his words. Sexual tension and primal instincts? She had never heard of such things, at least not in this context, nor had she ever experienced it before.

"T-That can't be…You are just bluffing…" Ceti didn't want to believe her body was "calling" out to him. That was absurd!

Asher let out a chuckle, the vibrations of it thrumming through her chest, "Ever heard of pheromones?" he asked, his eyes gleaming mischievously in the dim light.

"Phe-what?" Ceti responded, her brows furrowing. She was well versed in the art of war, knew every weapon and combat strategy like the back of her hand, but this... this was foreign territory.